
Itachi Uchiha in ATG

Itachi slowly lifted his face as his blood red Sharingan induced eyes stared directly at his little brother’s eyes: “No matter what you do from here on, know this: I will love you always…” Itachi already had a very strange few days but it became even more strange when his soul form suddenly felt a pulling towards something and just like that he started accelerating towards the source of his problem. Yun Che and Itachi collided within this tunnel of reincarnation as both of their soul forms disappeared inside the Mirror of Samsara. Nothing in this fanfiction belongs to me.

Itachi90aizen · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

The Ultimate Genjutsu

Itachi woke up early in the morning since he had already decide to search for the Purple Veined Divine Crystal. He quietly left his room and out of the courtyard.

Itachi created a shadow clone to be left at the courtyard while he used the body flicker technique to leave the Xiao clan compound through the back entrance.

As soon as he got out of the range of the Xiao clan compound, he transformed his appearance into that of an ordinary young man using the transformation technique. He had also realized that these low level jutsus that did not require the use of too much chakra would really be useful in this world.

It was still dark outside while the sun hadn't risen yet.

An ordinary looking youth could be seen walking through the gate of the floating cloud city. Occasionally a few shady figures and old men could be seen walking along the side of the gate but mostly everyone kept to themselves.

Itachi slowly crossed through the gate, after walking a considerable distance from it, he increased his pace using chakra enhanced feet.

Although, he had a bit of an idea about the location of that Purple Veined Divine Crystal vein, it would still take a bit of searching to find its exact position.

But, he possessed the heavenly profound treasure that could find other treasures so as long as he could get in the general range of that vein. He could easily find that vein with the sky poison pearl.

Itachi activated the sensing ability of the Sky Poison Pearl while speeding towards the general direction of the Purple Veined Divine Crystal vein from Yun Che's memories.

After about half an hour of following the path from memories, Itachi came across a clearing where he changed direction to head along a stream. As soon as a cave came in sight, he slowed his pace while he vigilantly kept attention on the Sky Poison Pearl' s flashing.

Itachi continued to wander around the wall of the cave for an hour just when he thought he wouldn't find it the Sky Poison Pearl gave a flashing light towards one of the entrances of the cave.

He followed the sensation while keeping an eye out for any abnormalities in the surroundings. The inside of the cave was small with a pitch black lustre on the ground.

The flashing of the Sky Poison Pearl increased when he stepped on the lustrous ground.

Itachi crouched on the ground while staring at the lustrous rocks, he muttered in a low voice, "This is it! With this I can ensure her safety as well as build a cooperative relationship with the Frozen Cloud Asgard early. Not only that, these Purple Veined Divine Crystals would prove invaluable for my cultivation as well while one of the conditions for fulfilling jasmine's body is already fulfilled. Although, it isn't possible to mine these fifty kilogram of Purple Veined Heaven Crystal right away."

Itachi silently contemplated his next move while he condensed some sharp wind chakra in his hand to cut off a huge chunk of shining purple crystal that weighed around 100 grams. He sensed the condensed form of profound energy in it.

Itachi flashed it into the sky poison pearl as he decided to take as much as he could for now. He could always come back later to get the rest of the Purple Veined Divine Crystal.

Thus, for the next hour Itachi continued to mine the Purple Veined Divine Crystals and storing it inside the vast space of the Sky Poison Pearl. He had already taken the biggest chunks of the crystals which left the smaller ones which would require more time.

Itachi wiped the sweat on his forehead as he faintly said, "I should leave for now. I have already collected the largest sized crystals that amount to about 25-30 kilograms of Purple Veined Divine Crystal, the smaller chunks will have to be collected at a later date."

As soon as Itachi left the cave, the mild rays of the sun fell upon him indicating the arrival of the morning.

Itachi increased his pace towards the floating cloud city while increasing the amount of chakra consumption in his feet. Soon, the entrance of the Xiao clan compound came in sight as he undid his transformation and flickered towards his own courtyard.

Itachi quietly opened the door, only to find that Xia Qingyue was already sitting beside the bed, awake and dressed. Her beautiful eyes looked at him with an inquisitive look.

Itachi took out a bag from under his cloak, keeping it in the corner "Wife Qingyue, you're up so early. Did you not sleep well last night?"

"You're not going to first tell me where you went this early in the morning. It wasn't to rescue or carry another one of your princesses?" Xia Qingyue faintly asked, her beautiful eyes narrowing slightly.

"Is there a particular reason why you are bringing up the incident of last night?" Itachi chuckled took off his cloak while changing it with a simple black robe,"As for my morning charade, it was just a walk to freshen up my mind and collect some good stones from a cave."

Xia Qingyue just snorted at his obvious deflection. Although, she had said that she didn't care about this marriage but every woman had their pride. Subconsciously, she felt irritated watching Itachi with another woman.

After he straightened out his clothes and hair slightly,Itachi stood up, "Let's go. It's the morning of the first day, we have to go pay our respects to grandfather… you don't have a problem with it, right?"

Xia Qingyue stood without a word and stepped out of the door ahead of him. Itachi quickly followed her out.

Xiao Lie's courtyard

Xiao Lie saw Itachi and Xia Qingyue enter, he gently smiled. "You finally came."

Itachi quickly reached out and led Xia Qingyue towards Xiao Lie with a light smile on his face while getting closer to her. Xia Qingyue stiffened at first but decided to get her revenge later.

"Grandfather." Itachi led Xiao Qingyue over and greeted Xiao Lie.

"Qingyue pays her respects to grandfather." Qingyue lightly curtsied, her posture gentle and dignified.

"Haha, you two woke up very early." Seeing Itachi and Xiao Qingyue's intimate appearance, Xiao Lie's face revealed a cheerful expression. " My greatest wish is to see the two of you peacefully live your lives."

Xia Qingyue had not managed to reply before Itachi said in a calm yet determined voice "And we will do just that… live our lives the way we desire. Grandfather, it maybe true that this wedding wasn't fair to Qingyue but you don't need to worry, as your grandson, I will fulfill the duty of a good husband and that means not restricting her due to myself"

Xia Qingyue glanced at Itachi, once again feeling a bit surprised at his unusual declaration. It was like everything he said had multiple meanings. Xia Qingyue was becoming increasingly intrigued about him.

"Hahahaha." Xiao Lie burst into laughter: "Come, let's eat together."

Itachi walked with Xia Qingyue, who was with great efforts trying to look natural, to sit shoulder by shoulder on one side of the table. Xiao Lie began to take his seat opposite them. He had only touched his his seat when the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside, accompanied by a coarse voice:

Fifth Elder! Is the Fifth Elder here?"

"What is it?" Xiao Lie stood up and slightly wrinkled his brow.

"Clan… Clan master's order. All elders are to immediately go to the main hall to discuss news concerning the future of the Xiao Clan. You must immediately go!"

"…" Xiao Lie stood up, grabbed the jacket offered to him by Xiao Hong and then spoke to Itachi and Xia Qingyue "Looks like it's an emergency. You two eat first. There's no need to wait for me."

As soon as Xiao Lie left, Itachi instantly shifted to the other side of the table, eating quietly.

Only after Itachi and Xia Qingyue finished eating breakfast did Xiao Lie return, with a heavy look written on his face.

"Grandfather, what happened?" Itachi promptly asked, although he already knew what the matter was all about.

"It's the Xiao Sect...."

Itachi listened quitely as Xiao Lie explained everything about the arrival of the Xiao sect while trying to console 'Xiao Che' to not feel down. Itachi could just remain silent.

Some time later in the same room, Xiao Lie had already gone to help with the preparations for their arrival. Itachi and Qingyue were sitting oppose each other.

Itachi sat back at the table while mulling over the arrival of his first obstacle. He could just not get involved with them but that would still leave Xiao Lingxi vulnerable after he went away. And who knew what that bastard Xiao Yulong may try if he knew he went away. After going over many possible scenarios, Itachi finally decide to utilize that Purple Veined Divine Crystal vein and more importantly Xia Qingyue herself. There was a reason why Itachi had decided to reveal himself to her. From what he understood of her character, although she was really power hungry. Still, it was not easy for her to accept things without giving something in return. That is why he had shown himself to her, he had analyzed her character from Yun Che's memories to reach this conclusion. He glanced at her once and calmly stood up with a stoic face, "Let's go"

Qingyue gracefully stood up from her position while she followed Itachi quietly.

Xia Qingyue no longer minded him and stepped forward. Although it was a really slow step, her body still moved seven or eight body widths away. Another step, and she was even further from Itachi, leaving him behind. Itachi's footsteps stopped, entirely focusing on this gracefully stepping, phantom-like Xia Qingyue. He muttered, "The Frozen Cloud Asgard's 'Frozen Snow Dance Steps.Hmm….should I try to copy it, it can be a good way to test the limits of Sharingan in this world"

While Itachi was trying to focus his Sharingan on the movement steps of the frozen snow dance steps a voice was heard from the side.

"Yo! If it isn't Brother Xiao Che!"

Itachi turned his head and saw Xiao Yang walking towards him.

"Hn" Itachi just grunted

"What a coincidence, I was just about to go look for you, but who knew that I'd run into you here." Xiao Yang awkwardly laughed. "It's actually Big Brother Yulong who had me come call you. He wanted to hold a little celebration for you. Do you have time?"

Itachi shook his head at Xiao Yang while he sidestepped him, glaring at him out of the corner of his eye, "I don't have time for stupid nonsensical things. Tell Xiao Yulong to come himself if he wants to meet with me.".

After that, Itachi stayed to wait for Xiao Yulong, away from Xiao Yang.

"Xiao Che! you trash! How dare you! Just because you have married the number one beauty of our city you have become this arrogant. I will cripple your already crippled body next time I see you".

Xiao Yang went back to relay the matter of Xiao Che's 'insolence' to Xiao Yulong.

Hearing what Itachi said about himself, Xiao Yulong let out a bellow of rage as if he was insane. A incomparably low voice escaped from his mouth: "That bastard ! First he takes my woman now he dares to openly defy me if I don't teach him his place then it really would be giving him too much mercy.!!"

As Itachi had expected, Xiao Yulong headed straight towards his courtyard, trying to woo the Fairy Xia using his Profound strength…..

And as expected, he was thrashed around brutally by the 'delicate' Xia Qingyue

"The exchange of pointers is over, I won't see you out." Xia Qingyue said voice ice cold.

Xiao Yulong's entire right face was a patch of red, as if dyed with blood. Right now, even if he was an idiot, he would still understand that his third level of the Nascent Profound Realm's strength was, from the start, insufficient in front of Xia Qingyue. He held the throbbing part of his right face and gave Xia Qingyue a look dyed with a tinge of terror.

Taking in a rough breath, he staggered away from the courtyard but before he could walk out of the hallway towards his compound Itachi's figure appeared in front of him out of thin air.

The already mangled Xiao Yulong was instantly startled as he looked at Itachi's eyes which showed a strange formation.

Since Itachi already knew that Xiao Yulong would most certainly come to look for him and Xia Qingyue, he had waited in the vicinity of the compound.

Although, he already knew beforehand that Xiao Yulong would attempt something like this, it still disgusted him to actually see it. It really was such a shameful behaviour that it angered him. Once he appeared directly opposite him, his eye transformed into the pin wheel shape of the Mangekyo Sharingan. He ignored Xiao Yulong's shout and focused his eye at him while muttering in a cold voice, " You are such a nuisance, Xiao Yulong. Hmm…I wasn't certain on what to do with you but you just gave me the perfect idea…now"

Xiao Yulong tried to get away from him while shouting, " Xiao Che ! What are you doing and how did you appear out of nowhere? What do you mean by me being a nuisance?You dare call me nuisance!!"

Itachi ignored the questioning tone of Xiao Yulong as he focused the chakra in his right eye and fixed him with his Sharingan saying in very low tone of voice, " Tsukuyomi"

Before Xiao Yulong could react the world around him instantly faded while he appeared in a strange world with red clouds. He stood in the middle of a wasteland with a desolate atmosphere.

Xiao Yulong was terrified to be transported to this strange new place as he tried to get his bearings while saying in a amazed voice, "What just happened? How did I get in this strange place?''

His questions were answered though not in the way he expected them to be as Xiao Che's voice was heard across the world, " Welcome, young master Xiao…to think you will be the first one to fall under one of my illusions in this life."

Xiao Yulong calmed his raging heart after learning it was just an illusion although his panic caused him to question Itachi in an agitated tone of voice, "Have you lost your mind younger brother Xiao Che? What is the meaning of pulling me into this illusionary space?"

Xiao Yulong became even more panicked as he realized the fact the Xiao Che was supposed to be crippled yet he could perform such vivid illusion technique. That shouldn't be possible unless he wasn't crippled at all.

His slightly calm heart started beating furiously while he tried to use his profound energy in an attempt to get himself out of this illusion. But it was of no use as he soon realized that he couldn't even sense his profound energy here. Seeing that he couldn't do any about he decided to focus it on Itachi saying, " Aren't you supposed to be crippled little brother? Stop joking around and let me out of this place! Have you forgotten who I am? I am the son of the patriarch of the Xiao family. Even if you aren't a cripple anymore you shouldn't get needlessly arrogant."

An emotionless sigh was heard across the dark world while Xiao Che's figure appeared in front of Xiao Yulong, a few steps away. However, his appearance was different from the usual Xiao Che. He was wearing a strange black cloak with the pattern of red clouds patched onto it. His hair was still in a pony-tail but it appeared to be shorter than usual.

Itachi ignored Xiao Yulong's questioning as he emotionlessly stared at him while saying in a cold voice, " It wasn't my original intention to interfere with you this sooner but after trapping you in this simple genjutsu. It appears to me that I have overestimated this world's cultivators. Although, they empower their body with this profound energy, their soul is left severely defenseless. Especially, in these beginning stages of cultivation, your soul is completely defenseless to me. I needlessly used my Mangekyo Sharingan on you. Is there something that you wish to say to me? This might be our last meeting."

Xiao Che's strange appearance immediately attracted Xiao Yulong's attention but he suppressed his curiosity in light of Xiao Che's cold and nonchalant voice and pointed his fingers at Itachi yelling in a loud voice while trying to appear calm on the outside although he couldn't stop his agitated voice, " What nonsense are you spouting? Stop ignoring my questions and let me out of this illusion. Sooner or later, I will be found anyways and when I am out of this place I will properly teach you how to treat your elder brother. Even if you have gained a little bit of strength, your arrogance and insolence wont go unpunished."

Itachi's chuckled while narrowing his voice he simply said lowly, "Well, nobody will come here. And there is nothing that I could possibly learn from you. As for punishment… that is exactly why we are here. Since I couldn't punish you for something that you hadn't done I decided to ignore you. Although considering that we forget your very much successful attempt at Xiao Che's life. But you still dared to come to my place and make a move on my wife and now you are accusing me for my arrogance and insolence. We may not have an actual relationship and she may not need me to defend her, at least not from you anyways but the fact remains that she is still my responsibility. So, tell me for your insolence and arrogance, how should you be punished"

Hearing Itachi's cold words along with his emotionless voice Xiao Yulong's body subconsciously shivered while he attempted to make sense of the man who stood in front of him. Somehow, he felt that the Xiao Che's in front of him wasn't just different in terms of appearance but his temperament was also completely different. Before, Xiao Che always appeared weak-minded in front of him while keeping a certain respectable attitude but today his voice, temperament, appearance, attitude and even his profound strength appeared completely different. Although, Xiao Yulong tried to act cold at first but listening to Itachi's words his true shameless nature finally revealed itself while he decided to change his approach until he could get out of this illusion. He made up his mind to flatter Xiao Che through bullshitting as he chuckled nervously denying Itachi's statement of his attempted move on Xia Qingyue, "What are you saying brother. How could I ever attempt such an outrageous thing. You may have misunderstood me, I was just trying to exchange pointers with miss Xia since I have heard of her genius cultivation. Now, could you get me out of here and we will go to my room and exchange and a few drinks to celebrate your marriage with miss Xia"

Though at the end of his sentence, his eyes glinted with a hint of crafty ruthlessness which he tried to keep hidden.

Internally, Itachi sneered at Xiao Yulong's shameless attempt to avert his accusation though at the surface his face remained cold as he replied to his invitation in a cold voice, " Your pitiful attempt to get out of this illusion is entirely futile. Although even if you did get out of here, you still would get thrashed around by me just as you were beaten up by Qingyue a while ago. Your profound strength is just too weak and your will power is even weaker, you really are just a piece of trash. As for your punishment, I have already decided it, your so-called profound strength that you are so arrogant of, you shall be stripped of it. Though, at the moment, it will cause too much of a commotion so I will just implant it into your memory now so that you can cripple yourself at the right time."

Xiao Yulong's smile had already changed to an unsightly expression as Itachi didn't seem to fall for his flattery words though with his continued words that expression became even more ugly . He was the young master of the Xiao clan, nobody had ever said his profound strength was weak but in a single day, he was first entirely suppressed by a girl younger than him and now even his crippled younger brother who he had always considered a pitiful trash had entirely suppressed his soul and bound him to this illusion while telling him that he was just a trash instead. And now he wanted to punish by making him cripple himself. His day couldn't get any worse than it already had. Finally, he couldn't control himself anymore as he shouted in a raging voice while he threatened Itachi in a condescending tone of voice, "You bastard!! you want me to cripple myself! Did your mind get damaged along with your crippled body? Let me out and I will show you just who is a trash! You pitiful dog Xiao Che!! And af-"

His musing was cut short as Xiao Yulong found himself in a different location which greatly disoriented him at first but it soon dissolved to confusion as he found himself bound to a tree while he was surrounded by sharp swords all around him. He tried to break free but he couldn't move an inch from his spot. Just then one of the swords came towards him and embedded itself into his abdomen. Instantly, a guttural scream tore itself through his throat while he screamed like a pig being slaughtered. His face was full of tears and his appearance had transformed into that of a pitiful dog. He tried and failed to keep himself from crying like a baby. His horror soon heightened when another sword embedded itself into his other side of the abdomen. His wailing returned to screaming again as he thrashed around saying in a defeated voice, " Aah-ahhh…Xiao Che! Stop please! I am still your brother. It is my fault this time…ahhhh…..not again….my arm…uhhhh--ahhhhh".

Ignoring his screaming and begging, the swords continued to be embedded into his body.

After an unknown amount of time had passed, Xiao Yulong's lower body was full of these small knives while his appearance really looked similar to a wailing animal about to be eaten. He wasn't begging anymore however his terrified screams still echoed in the wasteland. Just when he thought he would die with the next knife, the sound of low footsteps echoed in the area. He tried to open his mouth to start begging but all that came out was a pitiful wail. He could see the silhouette of Xiao Che in the distance approaching him.

Itachi reached Xiao Yulong whose will had already been completely broken by now making it very simple for him to insert that suggestion in his mind. Itachi's voice echoed in the surrounding although it was just a whisper. It sounded like the devil's roar to Xiao Yulong who started shivering, "Now, you should understand the difference between our strengths. In front of my eyes, all manner of trickery is useless. My eyes itself represent absolute strength that can crush the will of everything that stands in opposition with absolute ruthlessness. I must thank you for being my test subject for using the Sharingan. Now, bend to my will ----the will of the Sharingan."

With those words, the world around the two of them disappeared as they returned to the red clouded sky though the sky was covered with revolving Sharingan, all of them facing towards Xiao Yulong whose eyes wore the same reflection.

Itachi started to slowly walk away while his eyes blazed with the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan while Xiao Yulong's eyes started to roll themselves back, his voice which carried a sense of absolute strength echoed in the world, " I have always believed in avoiding unnecessary violence and striving towards a more peaceful approach but it seems to me that such an approach would be quite detrimental to me in this world since it is full of young masters like you. And so, I will crush them all with absolute power. A power that nobody has any hope of resisting--the power of the Sharingan."

With the echoes of his voice, the world became quiet once again while both of their silhouette disappeared along with that world as well.

In the middle of the hallway outside Xiao Che's courtyard, both Itachi and Xiao Yulong were standing still in the middle of the courtyard facing each other. Just then a loud exhale sounded in the courtyard. Xiao Yulong who already looked beaten up like a dog before appeared even more pitiful while his eyes seemed confused. The silence was broken through Itachi's voice.

Itachi dispelled the genjustu after implanting the suggestion that he wanted to. Following that, he simply said in a cool voice, " You can leave brother Yulong. Although, do remember what I told you."

Xiao Yulong subserviently looked at Itachi, nodding his head and dragged his body outside .

Itachi seemed satisfied at his acceptance and turned towards his courtyard while reforming his eyes back to the normal state.