
Itachi Uchiha - Half-Blood Princess

Itachi Uchiha met his death with a peace and acceptance. Finally his life is over and he only hopes that death is more peaceful than life. But that’s is not what happen

GorMartsen · Others
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3 Chs


Note: this chapter is ongoing editing.

Please see previous chapter for updates, you might find something new.


The day before first September, I had a talk with mom about our Prince family heritage. I did not want to bring it first. Mom went on absurd length to avoid this topic. Up to get disguised when we went for my wand and supplies.

"Severine. It's time we will talk about Princes."


"It's not a time for your sarcasm, be attentive"

"I am listening"

"If anybody brings Princes name, you are going to avoid any conversation about that. Best way is to play uninformed and irrelevant. If you can't do that, then ignorant or completely not interested."

"Anything that I have to know?"

"No, it's important that you don't "

"I got it"


Of course I went to King's Cross Station in London with Evanses family. Petunia opted out due to her own need to go to middle school first day for herself. Last year she became quite aggressively jealous for attention that received Lily and having no parents for her first day in school did not help matter at all. We arrived around ten thirty and after quick and hearty goodbye went to find compartment for our self.

"I cannot believe it's happening Sev!"


"I am just exited!"


"You act like you are not!"


Extensive training that we both undergo, affected our bodies greatly. We did not look like first years kids at all, maybe like second years? We both had long legs, with healthy level of muscles and well shaped bum.

Lily kept her hair long and prefer to keep it as braid with hand thick size and length up to lower back. I kept my haircut similar to my previous life with loose ponytail shoulder length. After summer training she agreed with me that boots is best common footwear, specially after I showed how to immobilize someone with simple kick to shin. Knee long white socks accompanied by large pattern skirts and white blouse with cardigan. Modest enough to look stylish and reserved. Not there and not here. Obvious signs of half-bloods.

I focused on people outside on platform to try and get some feelings based on their behaviour and interaction with others.

Lily was chatting my ears out with channeling her extensive level of energy. All I need to do is put some Hm and Hn there and here.

Pure blood families were standing out with more reserved behaviour and somewhat snobby reaction to others. Half-blood mostly had a mix of muggle clothes under more traditional influence. And muggle-borns had quite bizarre fashioned clothes with bell bottom jeans or pants. A lot of bright colours in clothes choices.

Soon enough, with a whistle, train left a station and I decided to pull out my advanced potion book, to do some reading. I was working on battle potions ideas. It is something that can replace explosive tags and battle pils to replenish chakra or force body to go beyond body limits. Fuinjutsu is something that I am not crazy enough to touch at this stage. It was quite simple tactical strategy- if you can do something without chakra, you do it without chakra. The longer you can keep your chakra reserves the higher chances to survive.

That's why I kept my daggers on me all the time. I don't know where my mother found hip holsters. I did not ask and she did not comment when I put them on every day.

Daggers were quite astonishing. Most important they and holsters had non-summoning and notice-me-not charms on them. Also daggers has been keyed by blood to me and literally cannot cut me and they get back to holsters with something like space-time jutsu. As long as they stays in holsters and on my body - charm kept charged and active.


Lily decided to dig in into charm book that she bought for extra reading and got comfortable by putting her back to my chest and legs along the sit.

"Check this out Sev! This is Protean charm. It keeps two object in the same state. It's unfortunately NEWT level charm. Do you think we can ask someone to charm two papers so we can keep in touch?"

"Make a bookmark, I will try it latter. Maybe I can do that. If not, we will ask someone to help"

Some time later, compartment door slided to show two first year boys. Both black hair but different style. Clothes were screaming pure-bloods even before they opened their mouth to say anything.

"Hello there girls, can we join you?" Asked boy with short haircut and hair that looked like never meet a comb.

"Sure, come in" answered Lils, and I added my short nod.

"I am James Potter and this my friend Sirius Black". Lils adjusted her sitting position by bringing legs down, answered:

"Pleasant to make acquaintance. I am Lilian Evans and this is my friend Severine Snape"

"Pleasure" I added to that. First new kids to know and both heirs to prominent families. What a luck.

"You are second years, right? You look gorgeous to be firsties!" asked Black and got a bit panicked look from Potter.

"It is our first year, Mr Black" responded Lily.

"Oh no, call me Sirius darling. Mr Black is my uncle"

"We appreciate your offer Mr Black, but don't you think we need to know each other better before we go to our first names?" Tricky bastard. Thanks mom for etiquette trainings.

Looks like Lily answer cut on a Black mood a bit.

"What Sirius tried to say, is that we had enough etiquette lessons at home and we would like to loose a bit and have fun. Do you play quidditch? What is your favourite team?"

"We don't have favourite team so far, what is yours? I heard PU has chances to keep a first place this year." Hooray to Mom and her five o'clock tea parties. Bad luck to me to endure another nonsense talks about weird sport on broomstick.


"I am going to Gryffindor" Potter exclamation brought me back from my land observation and brooding.

"Yeah, I hope to go there too. All my family is Slytherin and I don't think I can handle more of that." Black answer was actually surprising.

"How about you Ms Evans and Ms Snape? Do you have preferences?" asked Potter.

"Well it's not like we have option to choose. Maybe Ravenclaw, we both like to learn a lot"


"No, Severine, I don't think that Gryffindor is my only option!"


"Of course you would say that."


"Well, you will be Slytherin if you keep insisting like that!"


Lily pouted and put her arms crossed on chest and turned away.

"Em, how did you understand that!" Exclaimed Potter

"Yeah, it's so bloody brilliant!" Commented Black.

"It's a girl things, unavailable for boys usage" i smugly commented, with hidden joke available only for me.


When boys run away to carouse mayhem and chaos, we got back to our comfortable sitting arrangement and books.

"They are nice for pure blood" Lily commented.


"Well, maybe not Black. He act strange"


"We will see later"


Latter, when we arrived to Hogsmead Station, Potter and Black found us and followed to the boats. While everyone were focused on Hogwarts castle, I felt overwhelmed by chakra density in area and did my best to breath through it.

"Are you okay, Sev? You are quite white."


"Okay" and with that Lily took my hand. It's actually helped to ground a bit.

Boys looked to each other but decided to do not comment on that.

I turned out the rest of the trip, completely focusing on my chakra flows to stay conscious. Lily was guiding me by hand all way along and I got back only when she whispered:

"it's my turn Sev"

I watched her to go to be sorted by bizarre hat and of course she has been sorted to Gryffindor. I noticed that Black got sorted there too. Well, at least he is happy about that. Latter Potter joined them there as well.

"Snape Severine" finally!

It did not take even a second to be sorted to Slytherin and I went to related table. Lily gave me wave and smile, silently saying "I told you so"

Start-of-Terms feast was going too slow. I made an appearance to eat something, but mostly focused on some water and camomile tea after that, completely ignoring sweets.

"First year, I am Lucius Malfoy. Fifth year Perfect. Please, get in pairs and follow me"

Finally we are getting somewhere. I completely focused on following my year and house group of kids and did not pay attention to the path. I will sort it out latter. Right now I need to get to my potion kit and take some calming potion. It should reduce a mental fatigue due to senses overload.

Perfect Malfoy delivered a speech when we got into Common room, that I listened half consciously. Only got back attentive when he introduced us to Perfect Burke, who took us to girl dormitory. Girls stayed in pairs. There was something about rules and visiting males, but as soon as I saw my name, I went beeline to my trunk and pulled out potion kit.

"Are you alright, Ms Snape?"

Oh, right Perfect actually paid attention to my state.

"Thank you Perfect Burke. I am bit of stressed and overwhelmed. No need to worry, I have a calming draught here." And I drank it in one go.

"Ah, that's alright darling. If you don't feel alright, come and find me. We always can go to see out Medi-witch."

"Thank you Perfect Burke. I already feel a bit better. I will go to bed now."

"Alright, good night Ms Snape"

"Good nigh, Perfect Burke"

I dropped robes on top of trunk, got rid of cardigan and tie. Boots took some time to untie and socks followed to dirty close bin. Skirt got abandoned next to cardigan on a chair.

"Nice boots. I am Petty Notts."

"Severine Snape. I am so exhausted Ms Notts that I don't thing to be a proper lady tonight. Do you think elves would report on me if I opt out to sleep naked?" part way of sentence I got rid of blouse and dropped on bed in knickers and holsters with diggers only.

Giggles were my response to that tirade.

"Maybe we will find out tomorrow Ms Snape"

"Severine. You have a right to call me Severine. It's only natural, you saw my knickers"

"Severine, you so naughty" and more giggles.

"Call me Petty. I am looking forward to be your roommate. It's already sound fantastic "