
Itachi Uchiha - Half-Blood Princess

Itachi Uchiha met his death with a peace and acceptance. Finally his life is over and he only hopes that death is more peaceful than life. But that’s is not what happen

GorMartsen · Others
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3 Chs


He was dying. And he was happy about that. Us much as he wanted to die for a while, he had to fulfill his vows and promises. And definitely he did not want to die by his own hand or from his illness that was progressing. He is going to die from battle mortal wounds and he was happy about that too.

When he draw last breath, and he felt it, the death presence just behind it, he let it go with wishful hope that it's all over and he can finally rest…


It was like a dream. He saw a girl, he was a girl and her life was not a happy one. She was born to civilian couple and it started more or less as much normal as it can for civilians but then something happen and father started to drink and from there it went downhill.

He was watching how fear and hate slowly grew between family members and how their life became more and more miserable.

Father ruined himself with alcohol, then he started to ruin his mother with his hate and fear.

But it was not all bad. There were a good days, when father was happy and called her my Princess and mother looked happy.

And then mother started to teach her how to brew some medicine or read her stories about magic world, witches and wizards, customs and laws. She was promising that one day she will go to Hogwarts to learn and meet other kids like her. She shared her stories about her life there and girl were filed with wonder.


It was like a dream. Dream that got crashed into broken pieces. It was a day when father got so drank that he hit her in his rage filled with fear. His instincts kicked in and he used chakra to protect his body and tried to jump away. Fist still hit him and he flew across room to hit a wall and succumbed to darkness.


Darkness of unconsciousness unfolded at the ends of his awareness and he slowly withdrew from a dream space. Part of his mind was wondering about dream that he saw. It was good dream and he did not have them maybe since childhood, since his first kill. That's thought brought his last memory of dying and he jolt to sharp awareness.

He was in a bed and there were nobody in room. Only then he allowed himself to open his eyes to check surrounding area and take a stock of immediate danger level.

When he saw that he is in a room of a girl from his dream and he is a girl by himself - his first reaction was to much of the habit - KAI - to break from genjutsu.

Nothing happen. He is still in the dream. So he tried again with no result. That made him to pause and think.

Is it possible that he is still alive and get caught into genjutsu? Maybe. So he went through every self check for that got nothing. His body, mind and chakra feels as much real as it can be.

Is it how infinite tsukuyomi feels like? Is it possible that Madara succeeded with his plan and that's is his vision for ever happy life?

No, it's not. Different culture and language and to many things that he never saw before.

Just to make a point - he looked around his room and focused on many things that he never saw before and they were so out of his culture and belong to this life?

He remember books that he read, this new language that he spoke and other belongings that he put in a room while being a girl in his dream. Dream that did not feel like a dream anymore, but a life of the civilian girl. Definitely not a life of shinobi or kunoichi.

It's then he noticed that in his life as a girl he used chakra subtlety in her life. His 21 years of shinobi life left specific effect on his instincts and the way how he augments this and that to make it easier. And only due to civilian life his deadly instincts and reactions never surfaced until her father hit her.

That's so confusing.

He is definitely self identify himself as Itachi Uchiha. Shinobi S-rank missing-nin from Konoha. But he also feel that then years of dream life of Severine Snape, a civilian family daughter had a hold on his self identity.

With a wander he noticed that the madness that bloomed since Uchiha massacre lost a grip on his mind and there is no need for guard anymore. He feels happier and more free from grief and loss and in peace.

His thoughts were interrupted by footsteps outside. They were light weights. When door opens he saw her mother with worried face.

"Do you feel nauseous?" She said and came to sit on my bed.

"No, mom"

"Is there any pain, tiredness?" She moved hair behind my left ear to see my face.

"I am fine"

"Good, just make sure to tell me if anything, okay princess ?"

"I will, mom"

It felt so natural to behave as a girl from the dream. The wonder. He still felt a bit confused about all this situation that he found himself in.

"Do you feel like to go eat breakfast? Tobias already left, don't worry"


"Good. I will go to warm it up. Come down as you ready"

Then she left a room, he got out from under a blanket and found that he wear only a nightgown. Quick look into closet confirmed that he already know - he has girls dresses mostly and he did not feel like wearing one today. It's still to much to deal with. Luckily for him, he found something like brown breeches and long sleeve brown blouse.

He got them both, with fresh undergarments and socks and went to washroom.

When he got there, he looked into mirror and found that he looks so familiarity uchiha like but dirty. His hair was greasy and with combs.

It's only when he got into bathtub he remembered why - there is no hot water and father always was not happy about waste of gas on it. Well, it's not like he did not know how to endure cold water.

At least he thought that until he started to shower under it. For some reason it felt more sharp and he had to bite his bottom lip to subdue a squeal. Quick wash with soap, oh right there is no hair product as well, and he jumped out to warm up his shaking body with a worn out towel.

He took extra care to his hair and put it into ponytail - he need to make a haircut latter.

It's only when he put socks on he remembered that he should wear shoes inside and he left them in his room. It was so bizarre cultural thing for him.

But he has no option about that. So on a way downstairs to kitchen he had to stop and put his brown wedges on.

When he got to the kitchen, porridge was already waiting for me with a cup of milk.

Mom took a double take when she saw me coming in.

"Darling, we spoke about it. You should wear dresses"

He acknowledged with nod and sit to eat breakfast. His body is weak and he had to start to do something about it and he definitely has issues about doing it while wearing a dress.

"I don't have any sport clothes, mom."

"And what do you need sport clothes for, young lady?"

"Exercise. I am going to park today to start on it, but I need a proper exercise clothes anyway. I cannot run in dress and wedges, or do any other training really "


He finished breakfast in silence. Only then his mother, and oh he was still perplexed about it, said

"Wait here"

She went upstairs and he wondered about that. When she came back and asked him to take wedges off, he was a bit confused what all this about. Just then his mother did something bizarre - waived a wand around shoes and they changed to sport shoes.

"Here, they will stay like that for maybe until dinner. Make sure to come back by then"

Just then he remembered about Hogwarts stories and transfiguration. Dream girl accepted stories as it is, but he was perplexed. Until now, he thought about them as a kid stories, not something real.

He put them on. Well it's not like shinobi shoes, but will do and it's quite comfortable.

"Thanks mom."

"I am going to brew. Are you sure that you want to go to exercise instead of joining me?"

It hit him then, that usually dream girl spent days to learn how to brew medicine with her mom most of the days.

"I am sure"

"Go on then."


When he got out, he decided to drop to training routine and think about everything later. There is no urgent needs or immediate danger, so he can afford to spend time on adjusting to situation and focus on his body and state of his chakra. He blacked out yesterday when he instinctively used it to avoid to be hit and that's something is more important.

So he started to jog slowly to the park direction, focusing more to the body and chakra flow in body. Body felt weak, muscles undeveloped and chakra flow is less stable. It's only years of training and developed instincts allowed safe augments to be applied to the body for last ten years. No surprise that he blacked out when he tried to jump away yesterday. Body was not ready for such extensive use of chakra. He has a lot of work to do.

When he got to the park, he focused more on stretching and flexing rather than on strength build up. When he was trained in clan, he was provided with special supplements to speed up development and force his body beyond natural development. And any training damages were healed by medical-nin. With his current control, he will not be able to control shosen, so he need to think what to do about that. Huh. His mom is brewing medicine potions. Maybe he can ask her what they can brew to help him with training then.

So, for now he will go slow to flex and build a base for the body development and focus on recovering precise chakra control. That would do for now.


Few hours latter, he was sitting under a tree. His body felt exhausted. Legs and hands were shaking and core muscles were in pain. He adjusted chakra flow as much as possible to help body to recover. It's not a medical-nin jutsu. You don't learn about it until you have a jonin level of chakra awareness and control. And now he used it as much as he can to speed up body recovery and progress. He will need to eat more. It will affect his metabolism greatly. Oh and next time he need to take some water with him. He cannot do water jutsu to just have a drink now. Until he recover a proper chakra control and flow, he is not going to risk with any jutsu.


When he got back home for lunch, he was wet from all sweating completely. He paused automatically to take shoes off, and then remembered that here it's actually rude to take shoes off. Bizarre. So he went straight to kitchen to drink water.

"Oh my. You did not joke about exercises, don't you?"

He was so absorbed in drinking that he miss his mother approach. It will take time to rebuild his area awareness looks like.

"Mum, I was thinking about brewing and how it can help me with training"

"Hm?" She raised her left brow in question gesture.

"Well, I need extensive nutrition to speed up a development and something to speed up a healing for micro muscle damage during training. And something in case if I have more serious self damage accidentally. Do you think we can brew something to do that?"

"Hm" she replied noncommittal and went to setup lunch.

"Go clean yourself for lunch. We will talk about it later"

So he went to his room. He badly need another shower. Browsing through clothes showed that there is no much options left, excepts dresses or skirts with blouses. So he went for another long sleeve blouse, yellow this time and knee long black skirt with yellow knee socks. That would do.

Quick cold shower latter , he found himself sitting on toiled doing his first self consciousness pee, thinking how it is bizarre experience all way along. The need to use a paper to dry it up after - left him completely overwhelmed. Memories of doing just that for years as a dream girl, did not help matter at all.


During lunch he devoted all available food and asked for second serving at least twice. His mom, and he started to accept it more and more, did not comment on it, only rises a left brow and served extra. Only when he finished and tea was served, his mom get back to topic

"So you are serious about training."

"I am. "


He expected her to ask about why so unexpected desire to train, but that's not what she said.

"Nutrition potion and skel-grow are complex. You will help me to brew them, but you would not try to brew them without me. General healing potion is much simpler and non toxic. This one focused on speeding up a natural body healing and usually used as supplementary potion. You are going to brew it today, while I watch. No more than 10ml per day and you would do a break after five days for another two days. Once per month you would do a break for 10 days. Is it clear?"

"Yes, mom"

"Good. I will see to proper sport wear for you. Transfigured one is not good on long term."

"Thanks mom"


Rest of the day has been spent on brewing. First bunch of general healing potion was ready and they decided that he will drink it right after dinner. They had enough time to brew a base for nutrition potion before dinner.

At the dinner time, Tobias came back completely sober. Nobody said a word during dinner and he went to bed right after. That was another unexpected change. It were rare days when he came back sober and day did not finish with loud arguing.

After he drank his first healing potion, it did taste as old socks with onion, his mom provided him with a list of ingredients and a book.

"Until you go sleep, you are going to memorize all ingredients that used for potions that you need. Pay attention to properties. Tomorrow, when we continue to brew , you are going to tell me about every single one and it's properties. Is that clear?"

"Yes, mom"

"Go to you room now"

It took him at least three hours to go through a list. He found a notebook in his room with a pen to write down a notes. The ingredients by itself were so weird sometimes that he chose to do not think about it. At least it explained why taste is so horrible.


Next morning he found t-shirt, sport jacket, shirts , socks on a chair and shoes next to it. He has to wonder if they transfigured as well.

Quick cold shower, morning bathroom routine and he was down for breakfast.

This time Tobias was there, but he opted out to comment. He had just confused face expression until end of breakfast.

"See you at lunch, mom"

"Have a good exercise, darling"

Tobias went outside right behind me, and I catches him standing and watching me jogging away to park direction until I turned a corner. What a wonder what he was thinking about this changes.


Next weeks were pretty much the same. He spend morning in park working out on agility and flexibility. Slowly rebuilding his stamina and body strength. Healing potion helped to recovery faster and combined with chakra routine greatly increased progress. Chakra control was recovering in extreme progress as well. He was sure that memories about how it has to be were helping greatly.

Every morning he has a clean sport closes ready for his exercise and clean set of blouse and shirt ready after. For some reason, his mom did not insist on dresses and prepared the same set as he had first day. Tobias, and he still has issues to call him anything else, for some bizarre reason stopped to drink and became very reserved. Every morning he went to work and got back only at the dinner time. Weekdays he spent on working in garage on their broken car and avoid any interaction at all. Mom spent days on brewing and they worked together on his potions after lunch.

He did not see her cleaning house even once, but he suspected that she used magic while he went on his morning routine to do that.

Magic. That's another intriguing topic that bugged him recently. They don't use chakra jutsu here, they have wands techniques instead and it was so different from what he know about chakra. Would it work for him the same way or is he are not compatible for some reason ? How does it works?

In this world, and he started to believe that for some reason he reborn in another world and his awareness woke up only after that incident with Tobias, they did not have knowledge about chakra. They limit their kids to use wands from eleven years only. Instead of hidden villages, they have hidden society and don't mix with commoners and it's criminal offence to share knowledge about magic society to non-magic. Muggles as they call them. So unusual. After he finished his work on ingredients list, his mom gave him more books about society and lessons about laws and etiquette.

But today was another special day. He felt ready to try tree walking exercise. He opted out to do it first, because it did not require anything else, except focus and chakra flow control and if there are some difference about chakra and magic, he can see differences in more safe way before go for some more complex jutsu.