
It wasn’t romantic, we met at a tattoo parlour [BL]

“So, how did you two love birds meet?” “It wasn’t that romantic, we met at a tattoo parlour.” First year university student, Siwoo is a very talented and cute young boy with a promising future ahead of him. However when his parents found out he was homosexual, they kicked him out. Since then he has been living with his first boyfriend of 6 month and things were going perfectly (at least that’s how Siwoo would describe it) up till now...

tegz · Urban
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6 Chs

Truth or Dare

Dohyung started to suspect that Siwoo was gay. All the signs pointed towards it and there was doubt about it.

He wasn't disgusting but he was quite surprised, he didn't know anyone who was gay or lesbian. It was obvious that Siwoo was a bottom even all the folks that shipped them together said he was.

But Dohyung was hiding a secret too but what was that secret?

At the time he had a girlfriend, whom he loved very much but she was starting to get boring. She was a very religious women, she had told Dohyung she only wants to have sexual intercourse after marriage. He thought that he could manage at first but then there were those days where he couldn't control he's needs so he'd go and watch porn.

One day he and his friends decided to hang out, just doing what friends do. Playing videos games, wrestle with each other and other stuff. A mate of his had proposed to play a game of truth or dare.

When it had come to Dohyung's turn, he didn't want to be a buzzkill and pick truth so he automatically chose dare.

What he didn't know was that dare was going to change the way he lived his life, forever.

"I dare you to watch, gay porn!" His friend said, making all of them burst out laughing.

Dohyung looked at them all, feeling uneasy.

What type of dare is that? He thought to himself but he didn't want it to look as if he was scared or anything so Dohyung went along with it. The other boys decided that while Dohyung watched it, that they would all go and get food for them to eat.

He didn't mind, it would be less awkward that way. The boys had made sure to put it on the large tv screen so that he wouldn't even miss a single glimpse of it.

Dohyung was dreading this.

He found gay men especially feminine gay men, absolutely disgusting! He just couldn't comprehend it, why on earth would you want to be in love with another male?

The video was playing, at first the two boys did a little bit of role play, talking dirty to each other and Dohyung started to take a small interest in the feminine looking male. He was stunning and he kinda looked like Siwoo.

That made Dohyung blush a little bit. Why was he thinking about the Prince, now? While he was watching this...

All of sudden, he heard the moans and groans.

He was starting to get turned on by it, looking down at his crotch, he could feel his dick was hard. His eyes remained on the feminine boy, imagining him as if he was Siwoo and as if the dominate boy was him. Before he knew it, he's belt was unbuckled and around his feet... he was pleasuring himself and it felt sensational.

"Oh, fuck..." He said under his breath, each stroke became more and more phenomenal. Just imagining Siwoo, his hair, eyes, lips, skin, thighs, aroused Dohyung even more.

All of a sudden he heard the rustling of keys trying to unlock the door. Jumping up from the couch, Dohyung pulled up his trousers, buckling them up again, he turned off the television and acted as if he was texting someone.

His friends entered and placed the food on the little coffee table in the centre of the room.

"Hey! What happened to the dare?" One of boys complained, towering over Dohyung.

"I wasn't going to watch that crap, I don't wanna turn into a f*ggot." Dohyung snorted, his eyes fixed on his phone.

But he had watched it and he had now realised he was no longer a heterosexual man.

For the first time in his life he was scared. Frightened by what other people will think about him, would his friends remain his friends? How will he tell his girlfriend that she can barely seduce him yet two men on a tv screen can and how was he going to look at Siwoo the same way after that shameful act he had just done.

Later that night, him and his girlfriend had decided to meet up. Just outside campus since she was coming from a night class she had.

"This class is stressing me out and teacher is a total pervert...I really need to stop wearing skirts to his class." She says, expecting Dohyung to give her a response but he just nodded. "Babe, is there something that is bothering you?"

Dohyung continued to walk, forgetting that she was even with him.

"Dohyung!" She shouted, making him snap back into reality.

"What...?" He sighs, putting his hands in his pockets. "You're annoying, you know that."

Her eyes widen. "Why are you acting like this? What happened? Please, Dohyung talk to me." She begged him, as she grabbed his arm.

"Don't fucking touch me! Didn't you hear what I just?" He pushed her away from him making her stumble and fall. "I'm breaking up with you."

"W-what? Why...I thought we were happy? Do you not like me anymore? Did you find someone else?"

"Stop asking me silly questions. I told you, I'm breaking up with you and that's all."

"Screw you, Choi Dohyung!" She screamed while sobbing on the concrete floor.

"I'm sorry." Dohyung whispered, walking away from her as a single tear trickled down his face like a river escaping a dam.