
It wasn’t romantic, we met at a tattoo parlour [BL]

“So, how did you two love birds meet?” “It wasn’t that romantic, we met at a tattoo parlour.” First year university student, Siwoo is a very talented and cute young boy with a promising future ahead of him. However when his parents found out he was homosexual, they kicked him out. Since then he has been living with his first boyfriend of 6 month and things were going perfectly (at least that’s how Siwoo would describe it) up till now...

tegz · Urban
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6 Chs

The Little Prince

"Can you stop yelling? This is why we never have any real conversations." Siwoo finally managed to get a few words out of his mouth after keeping them sealed.He eyes squeeze shut and arms cover his face, together knowing what was about to happen next.

It was a regular routine that Dohyung had imprinted inside his mind. Dohyung would get jealous about him texting one of classmates or not paying any attention to him, he'd get vexed, start shouting and eventually hit Siwoo.

Sometimes it would be even more than a slap.

Siwoo was so used to this that he had already removed the bag of frozen peas from the freezer and placed them on the kitchen counter. After all the commotion, Dohyung would go out for a smoke and Siwoo would scurry off to the bathroom. Trying to ease the pain of the bruises and cuts, his boyfriend had created.

Siwoo was Dohyung's personal punching bag but he didn't mind it. He just wanted them to both be happy and if that mean't getting a few scars or crying a few times, it was worth the sacrifice.

At least, that's what he tries to tell himself. Dohyung's slaps and punches were getting more painful and way more bigger than before, they were becoming harder to cover up and it was obvious in certain areas as Siwoo would barely be able to lift an arm or walk.

"You know what..." Dohyung slowly puts his arm down, shoving his hands into his pockets. "You're right."

Siwoo reluctantly removes his limbs from in front of his face, puzzled by his boyfriend's words. Dohyung was always right and never wrong, no matter what. " I'm...what?" Siwoo says confused, not daring to look Dohyung in the eyes.

"Don't make me repeat myself." Dohyung snaps, causing Siwoo to shiver. "I never ask you how you feel about certain things...so can I ask you a few questions?"

Siwoo nods slowly, waiting to hear what he questions he had to ask.

"You are MY boyfriend, correct?"


"Therefore, you belong to me?"


"So how do you think I feel when my boyfriend wastes his own times and pours all his attention on his pathetic classmates?" Dohyung smiles, tilting his head to the side slightly.

Siwoo gulps, he knew the answer but he didn't want to answer it. His fingers nervously fiddle together, bitting the bottom of his lip.

"Why aren't you answering?! I've already been patient enough with your emotional ass."

"I-I think you would feel frustrated and annoyed... can you please let go of my ear, it hurts."

"It hurts, right. It hurts, is that all you have to say for yourself? You're just as pathetic as your classmates." Dohyung pushes him to the side, making Siwoo's friable body crash against the wall. Staring at him in disgust, Dohyung slips on his leather jacket and leaves the apartment.

Siwoo sighed in relief, finally being able to catch a breath. He never understood what he did that would anger Dohyung so much. He couldn't just ignore his classmates, they have assignments and group projects due.

Well Dohyung wouldn't understand, He was twenty-six and had dropped out of university in his first year. Although when they first met each other, he had lied and said he was doing his last year at university before graduating. Siwoo had just started university at the time and it was a huge honour to have a senior help you around school and just be so friendly. Dohyung was everywhere around campus, hanging out with friends, walking around the corridors, just like any university student would.

Girls would fawn over him, unable to close their mouths when they see him walk by. Every girl wanted to date him, they all wanted to be protected by him,to feel security.

However Siwoo never felt secure.

Once Siwoo entered the campus, he was known as the 'Little Prince'. He was fragile, skinny, with skin as white as snow. His hair was luminous and slightly wavy, it was always parted to the side so that his forehead could be exposed just a little bit.

Girls would be in awe by his cuteness and generosity, he was sweet and polite to everyone even if he didn't like you.

You know how females are, when they don't have any love life themselves they begin to ship males together and that's exactly what happened to Dohyung and Siwoo.

The university 'Bad boy' and 'Little Prince' where paired together.

When Dohyung heard all about this silly thing, he decided to instigate it. Starting to somewhat bully Siwoo, following him to his lessons, stealing his pencil cases, putting him up against lockers and the girls would go crazy over it.

But there was one thing Dohyung didn't know. That Siwoo was not straight at all and that he can barely walk in a straight line.

Whenever the bad boy would do his dumb antics, the little prince would be so flustered that he's face would turn into a tomato.

That's when Dohyung started to suspect something.