
It wasn’t romantic, we met at a tattoo parlour [BL]

“So, how did you two love birds meet?” “It wasn’t that romantic, we met at a tattoo parlour.” First year university student, Siwoo is a very talented and cute young boy with a promising future ahead of him. However when his parents found out he was homosexual, they kicked him out. Since then he has been living with his first boyfriend of 6 month and things were going perfectly (at least that’s how Siwoo would describe it) up till now...

tegz · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Late Night

Siwoo was a business major, he had a dream of owning his own business some day. Presumably a little cafe down the street or a cute boba place, where you can eat his delicious little desserts.

He loved to cook, ever since he was young. He had always been right beside his mother, watching and learning all her techniques. Taste testing all the treats she made for him, he was mummy's little helper. However his father didn't like that, he didn't like seeing his son doing what a women was suppose to be doing. His sister was suppose to be helping his mother out in the kitchen, not him.

Siwoo was suppose to be outside with the other children, playing kick the can or messing around in mud and not learning how to clean dishes or cook a five course meal for a family.

As much as his father disliked it, that didn't stop Siwoo.


Siwoo sighed, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. He couldn't help but feel dreadful knowing that he had left Dohyung walk out the house enraged, again. Plus, Dohyung doesn't even know that Siwoo has a late night class which is going to start even more problems.

As much as Siwoo tries to tell himself that his boyfriend trusts him, it's clear that he doesn't. Dohyung always needs to know where he is, who he is hanging out with, what time he will be there, what time he will be leaving and not to mention what he will be wearing.

His outfits played an important roll in whether or not Dohyung would allow him to go out. If his trousers were to tight, he'd get called a slut. If he shirt wasn't buttoned at least all the way, Dohyung would say his asking for male attention, if he put too much lip tint on, Dohyung would purposely make out with him solely because he didn't want another man looking at his lips.

Even though Siwoo abided by his rules, he was never able to please Dohyung...like ever! They had been living together for six months now, where did it all go wrong?

Siwoo looked up at the clock and it was already time to go, him and a few of his classmates had just gotten an A on a difficult project that they were working on.

It was a relief to know all that effort they had put in finally paid off for all of them.

They were all overjoyed and wanted to go celebrate their achievements by drinking and eating some spicy noodles. Unfortunately, Siwoo couldn't go even though he wanted too. If he called Dohyung and told him, he would just get more vexed and if he didn't tell him at all, that would just add more fuel to the fire.

It had already been a difficult day, Siwoo didn't want anymore commotion. So he decided he would just peacefully pack up his things and leave, Siwoo grabbed his bag and made his way out of the classroom.

He yawned just for a moment, closing his eyes. All of sudden he collided with something and collapsed onto the floor. He opened his eyes and all his books, pens and papers were on the floor.

Siwoo, blinked a few times trying to realise what just happened. He lifted his head up to see a guy. His body was built tall and solid like a strong pillar, his eyes were dark and deep like pools of ink, his thick raven black hair was styled like a mullet, although he had nicely parted his hair so his forehead was showing.

He wore a two studded earrings on both ears and had an industrial piercing on his right ear, a silver chain dangled down his chest. He was wearing a black sleeveless shirt so you were able to see both his arms which were covered in vast distinctive tattoos.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his calm husky voice echoed in Siwoo's head. He had knelt down to Siwoo's level, slowly picking up his belongs and handing it over to him.

Siwoo nodded his head rapidly, took his stuff, bowed and darted off. He only stopped walking once he found himself at the bus stop and sank down into a seat.

Who was that? Although Siwoo had been at university for only six months, he recognised almost everyone there and he had never seen that boy before.

Ah, he was such an klutz. How could he bump into someone and not even pluck up the courage to say sorry? He didn't even answer the mysterious guys question, he didn't even introduce himself.

Siwoo clutched his textbooks to his chest, looking up at the starry night sky. For the first time ever he felt relaxed, he felt calm, he felt like all his troubles had gone away just in this moment he felt like everything was going to be okay.

"Where have you been?" That was the first thing that Siwoo heard as he entered the apartment.

He took off his shoes and hanged up his coat.

"I had a night classes..." Siwoo said.

"And you didn't even make food for me to eat?" Dohyung complained, pouting.

"I always leave you food in the fridge, it's your fault if you didn't realise it was there." Siwoo, sat down next to Dohyung.

Dohyung arms wrapped around the small boy, pulling him closer to him.

"Why are you so moody?"

Really, Dohyung? What kind of insensitive question is that? You hit me, storm out the house, don't even ask me how I'm doing, whine about not eating and then have the audacity to ask why I am moody? Is that Siwoo would have said, if he was in the mood to stir up another argument but Dohyung was in a good mood now and he didn't want this positive atmosphere to be broken.

"I'm not moody, just tired that's all-"

Unexpectedly, Siwoo felt a pair of lips brush on his. His boyfriends hands had descended up his hips, pulling him even closer.

Siwoo inhaled sharply, desperately wanting more. His tiny hands moved up and down his boyfriends arms, noticing the tattoo on his arm which was his favourite.

It was kinda drawn in the same style as the guy he had bumped into early on campus.

"Babe...where did you get your tattoo done?" Siwoo asked abruptly, stopping the make out session.

"At a tattoo parlour." Dohyung answers, going back for another kiss but Siwoo stopped him.

"Can you take me there? I would like to get a tattoo."