
It wasn’t romantic, we met at a tattoo parlour [BL]

“So, how did you two love birds meet?” “It wasn’t that romantic, we met at a tattoo parlour.” First year university student, Siwoo is a very talented and cute young boy with a promising future ahead of him. However when his parents found out he was homosexual, they kicked him out. Since then he has been living with his first boyfriend of 6 month and things were going perfectly (at least that’s how Siwoo would describe it) up till now...

tegz · Urban
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6 Chs

Mr. Vice President

Dohyung had promised Siwoo that he would take him to his favourite tattoo parlour to get his tattoo done.

Siwoo was ecstatic, it was the first time that him and Dohyung could hang out together since they don't really hang out together.

The thing is, no one knows about their relationship. Siwoo hasn't told anyone about him dating Dohyung and everyone still thinks that Dohyung is into females. Although, Siwoo's parents do know about his sexual orientation and his father wasn't pleased about it.

His mother, always loving, always compassionate accepted him with open arms no matter how he decided to live his life but his father just couldn't accept the fact that his one and only son was sexually attracted to men. The one person who was suppose to continue the legacy and family name was going to end it because he didn't like women.

On the day, Siwoo decided to courageously come out of the closest to his parents. His father disowned him, cursing at him, hitting him, spitting on him and finally told him to never ever come back to the family home ever again. For a while, his aunt, on his mother side allowed him to stay with her and her family however they later relocated to America. Fortunately he had a little part time job which allowed him pay for a studio room but that was only for a small time.

Everything in his life was upside down till Dohyung waltzed into his life. It was just something about Dohyung that made Siwoo happy, a feeling of joy and excitement flooded in whenever Dohyung would do the littlest thing.

One evening, Siwoo was sleeping alone in a classroom. His landlord was starting to come often to his studio as his rent needed to be paid but Siwoo didn't have the money. Instead of having to hear the rage of an old lady he decided sleeping in his university lecture room wasn't too bad.

It was silent, peaceful and actually a place he liked to be in.

He'd be so embarrassed if anyone catches him in here, though. People were started to notice that Siwoo was starting to lose some weight and looked way more tired than usual. He had large eyebags and his hair was messy, he even started to get a few pimples on the middle of his forehead.

He's stomach growled and groaned, begging for food to enter his system.

Water was the only thing he was consuming throughout the day, once in a while maybe a apple or pear and if he was lucky a hot cup of instant noodles would fill him right up.

"What are you doing in here?" Someone asked Siwoo. His eyes fluttered open, as he sat up straight up. It was the bad boy, it was Dohyung.

"Oh..." Siwoo tried to gather his notes and binders together quickly. " N-nothing, I was just tryna write something extra stuff down for my class."

Dohyung raises an eyebrow, checking Siwoo's notes. "So the little prince in a business major, isn't that interesting..."

"Well, you can't be a prince and always expect people to do stuff for you."

"Hm, as the so called 'bad boy' I always have people doing things for me..."

"Yeah, well it's getting late." Siwoo tried to quickly leave the room but Dohyung stopped him.

"Hold on, how about I treat you to some dinner at my place. You look like you haven't been eating, can you not cook or something?"

"Of course I can cook!" Siwoo bursted out. "Fine, fine...I'll eat dinner with you."

This was weird.

Siwoo never would have thought, not in a million years that he would be in Dohyung's place.

Just the two of them together, alone.

Siwoo shook his head, trying to get himself together. Dohyung walked around the place without a shirt on, he was very athletic and muscular. This turned Siwoo on very much, he always had a thing for boys who were into fitness, he wanted a man who could protect him.

Dohyung's apartment was very minimalist. A lot of black and white colours crashing together, everything was plain and simple. It was all very calming, too calming.

Siwoo's fists clenched together, he was trying so hard not to blush. Siwoo had a hidden attraction for the school bad boy. Whenever he was around, Siwoo's heart started to best faster the usual, almost as if it was trying to escape.

Dohyung placed a plate full of noodles on the table and sits down. "So what were you doing at school so late?" He asked.

"I told you, just trying to get my notes together..." Siwoo sighed and slurped on some noodles.

"All by yourself? Don't you usually have a group of girls following you?"

"Just like your entourage?"


That day, they both became friends.


Siwoo dragged he's feet along the empty corridor.

As a member of the student union, he had to get daily reports from every single teacher at the end of the month. He has collected every single one but the art departments, the man in charge always writes his report late and never hands it in on time.

Opening the door, Siwoo stepped into the art classroom.

It was different.

Before it was all colourful and vibrant, now it's all dark but not dull.

Hanged up on the wall were beautiful ink drawings of people, birds, fish, flowers, the sun, the moon...it left Siwoo astonished.

"Can I help you?" That voice, it sounded familiar.

Siwoo turned around to see that same dark eyes, thick raven black hair, those two studded earrings, the industrial piercing on his right ear, the same silver chain and the vast distinctive tattoos which were all over his arms.

It was him! The guy, Siwoo had accidentally bumped into while in the corridor.

"Uh...I just need the daily report for how the art department is doing." Siwoo said and clutched his notebook close to him.

"Oh, right...so you're the annoying brat that my uncle is always talking about..." The man took a seat on his chair and opened a cabinet, going through a few papers before pulling one out. "There you go."

"Annoying brat?! Hold on, who the hell are you?"

"Now, that's no way to speak to a member of staff. " He smirked and put his feet on he's desk.

"You look pretty young to be a member of staff." Siwoo crossed his arms, there was no way this cocky yet kinda hot guy was a teacher.

"I'll take that as a compliment." He smiled at Siwoo. "If you really need to know my age, I'm only twenty-two years old."

Siwoo was shocked. Twenty-two? There was absolutely, positively no way that he was only a few years older than Siwoo.

"You're twenty-two and you're working at a university, already? Aren't you inexperienced? There's some people here who are older than you."

"Alright, Alright...stop bombarding me with questions. You caught me, I don't actually work here. My uncle just needed a replacement for a while, the university accepted me since they are low on art teachers and as you can see." The guy, points to his art work which were plastered all over the walls. "I'm pretty good."

"Pretty over-confident too." Siwoo muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Well it was certainly nice to meet you..."

" It's Jae and you are?"

"Siwoo, vice president of the student union.

"Well, It was a pleasure to meet you. Mr. Vice President."