
why me?

Suddenly when I walk down the street all I can think of is Alice... ALICE.. ALICE. it's driving me insane!!

"Uhm..Dude can I ask you something?" I say willingly to my friend walking besides me in a hoddie and Vans.

"Ya, what is it?"

"Well, when you know someone for legit forever-" I say when they force me to pause.

"pfft. is this gonna be love advice?" they laugh hysterically.

"I mean yeah, that's the whole point!! As I was saying, When you know someone for almost your whole life! Then, you can't stop thinking about them because..you love them.. what would you do?" I say curiously but still waiting for their response.

I stop near a Cherry blossom tree still waiting for their response.

"Well, I would tell her.. I'm thinking it's a her not to be sexist. I mean your not gay right?"

I chuckled with laughter "of course it's a girl, continue?"

"As said, I would definitely tell her! I mean I would love to see my bro have a girlfriend. For f**ks sake for you to be happy. So yes go for it! I'm not gonna tell you what to say because it's you telling her not me. Plus, that's just wrong." they smile softly and rub their neck back and forth repeatedly

I smile softly back. " I'll take your advice." I chuckle softly " Should I ask her out for dinner tonight?"

they smirk "Alex, you know how girls are! OF F**KING COURSE!"

"Alrighty then." I fix my tie after I stopped laughing at my friend's comment.

I start walking home "elegantly" gah! I hate it when girls and guys say I'm "elegant" legit I'm so clumsy.

Okay okay, I'm over exaggerating. Though it's one of my pet peeves.. when people say I'm so called "elegant". At work I'm pretty much almost about to fall 70% of the time. But apparently not to my co-workers. I mean yes it's nice be complemented but not with the same word about 50% of the time!

suddenly it starts raining.

I should text her.

20 minuets later:

Alrighty I have myself a date then I'll ask her to be my girlfriend tomorrow.

3 hours later:

Ah, I'm stressing about a DATE! Alex dose not not stress.. only at work though. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys I'm the boss at my company. Cool right? Ha I'm joking. Though it's kinda tiring and boring it's fun sometimes going on planes and having business trips! AND NO! This is not a story about Alice and me working together she works at FostBank. I work at some other Bank or financial business. I guess I haven't gone to work lately since it is summer. I still check up on my clients though.

30 minutes later:

I'll guess I'll dress up.. again! For work.. now this? I mean it's worth it right? will she like me? my outfit?

Pages: 2 and 3

Okay FostBank.. for now it's something I made up. So if it is oh well...But yes there gonna be tea and there's gonna be glimpse of Alex, his friends, and Alice. So far I haven't thought of there ship name sadly.

OWO_12creators' thoughts