
Who was she? Chp.1

Well all I can say.. this "She" was definitely someone of course! But not just a someone her name was Alice. Ha this is no cheesy Comic, potentially it's really how I feel...

Oh aha I didn't even introduce myself, I'm Alex. If I could draw, I would. Though, my skills are far beyond below talented. Trust me I know how all of you guys feel with comics.. including those love ones, I mean they aren't- Oh off topic. Well here's my story about the Love of my life..no to cheesey.. more like the lover that I could never reach. Yeah!! that's it.. the lover I could never reach.

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So yes I have been I have love, I thought I would make a story about one of my OC's (Original character/s) into a story that I can relate too. Also, sorry for all those manga and Comic reader's.. I can't draw! By the way, no hate..(please) this is my first book that I have kinda written and published.So sorry if my words aren't as smooth or more better sounding. Hopefully, if you guys are intrested, I can just do a Q&A.. hopefully.

So enjoy! -Love, your weird Author..

OWO_12creators' thoughts