
Is this the end?

When someone told me "Is this the end?", then let me fix that to be better. only the OC is mine

bluejoven · Others
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85 Chs

one shot...

Two days before the annual show and tell. Louise asks Raizen if there is something that he can show at the competition. She wants to impress the princess. Raizen asked if she wants him to show sword moves or something simpler like painting. Louise tells him that he can decide. Raizen already knows what he will perform at the competition to show the others.

The other students were also preparing for the presentation. Raizen then looked for Mr. Colbert to ask if it was possible to have a three-meter tall and three-meter wide rock in the place where the presentation will be held. Colbert told him to ask the principal about it because it might concern the safety of the princess.

The principal approve of it being an item to be used for the presentation but ask where he would get that large stone. Raizen just said that he will have it by tomorrow.

The next day, the princess arrived at the academy and was welcomed by the students. Well, maybe except for Kirche because she thought she was more beautiful or Tabitha being emersed in her book. The servants were busy and the head chef ask Raizen to cook for the princess and will be paid after. He accepted the job and got 200 gold for it which he paid to Kirche with a couple of gemstones from doulou dalu so his 500 gold debt is paid. He did it now rather than earlier for her to not get suspicious of where the gems came from.

At night, there was the sound of knocking at the door of Louise's room. Louise opened the door and the person who knocked quickly went inside which made Louise pick up her wand and ready to fight then she looks at Raizen still meditating even though a stranger came into their room. Raizen then stands up and moves his head towards the stranger.

R: "You know princess, if you were an assassin, Louise might have blown you up and parts of your body will be torn apart."

L: "Princess?!"

Princess Henrietta: "I just remembered the nickname given to my friend but I am not afraid because I know she will stop before it happens. But how did you know who I am?"

R: "One of my capabilities as the familiar of Louise."

The princess then proceeds to talk with Louise. Their conversation did not last for 10 minutes because the princess needs to go back to her quarters and prepare for tomorrow's presentation.

The day of the presentation begins and some of the students were already nervous about the whole event. Some people were noticing a big stone marble on the side and wondering what is it for.

Most of the students were able to perform well when it's their turn to present their familiars. A few students after, it is now time for Louise's turn to show off her familiar to the princess.

Instead of going to the stage, Raizen went near the large stone marble.

R: "For my presentation, Two days ago, I asked the principal if I could use a big stone to show now. I kindly want to ask that one of the mages with earth affinity and inspect the stone for any tricks or tampering before I start my performance."

One of the guards of the princess did the inspection and gave the go signal that the stone has no harmful elements on it.

Raizen then started his performance. He pulled out Derflinger from the sword sheath. He then trace the blade of Derf which made it glow while the rust is being expelled and performed a stabbing motion to the stone marble.

The audience thought that he stabbed the sword through the stone but they only see that the tip is the only thing touching the stone. Some teachers notice the sides were crumbling down as dust but not fast enough to be seen by the students who started laughing at the familiar of Louise. Raizen then pull back the sword and swing hard at the stone which generated a wind pressure that can be seen by the naked eye.

The wind generated by the swing blew away the marble dust and reveal the figure of their princess standing while doing a greeting posture. Raizen walks up to the statue and taps the side. From the spot he tapped, colors started to spread until a few seconds later.

The princess and the other spectators were in awe of how lifelike the statue has become with how similar the color it has to the real princess has now. From the color of the dress, the hair, to her eyes. The colors were the same. The students cheer to the spectacle and Raizen bow and leave with Louise beside him.

The other students continued with their performance and were more determined to show off the skill of their familiar after what Louise's familiar did.

In the end, Louise gets in second place because Tabitha did an even more amazing thing. She made Sylpyd glide in the air as if the dragon was standing while dropping snow. Have you seen a skater on ice? Then replace that person with a 12 feet dragon doing the skater techniques. Raizen even pulls out his camcorder to record the whole thing.

While the rest of the awarding ceremony is being held. Raizen and Louise were walking to the kitchen to get something to eat. They notice that a huge golem was standing in one of the areas not visible to the other people.

Louise sprints towards it and Raizen follows her. He knows that even with the mental training that the girl did. She is still bound to the responsibility of being a "noble" so he will support her until she matures enough.

The two of them notice that someone is at the top of the golem and the person still does not notice them. Louise was going to point her wand towards the head of the golem but was stopped by Raizen.

R: "Stop."

L: "Why? The person is clearly up to no good if a golem that size is being used when everybody else is preoccupied with the ceremony."

R: *was stunned to the hypothesis of Louise but shakes his head to get over it* "Look, the person does not notice us yet because the golem is busy punching that side of the main tower. It seems that whatever barrier is used, other than the impact, also absorbs sounds so we could not hear the punch of the golem to the stone of the tower. I'm suggesting that you point your wand to the legs because if you miss the head, the person might get away. If it's the legs, the sound from your magic will alert others and the person will have difficulty scaping. To be honest with you. I can apprehend the guy easily but, this will be a test for you to see how far have you come and how far you still need to go."

Louise contemplates the words her familiar has said and looks at the golem. She then nodded to Raizen. The two of them get in position and he signaled Louise to start the attack. Louise blow up the left leg of the golem then Raizen sliced the right leg. After that, he went to the front of the golem and kick it so hard that half of its body got taken out. The person on top of the golem got thrown away but was caught by Raizen brought to the side of Louise. He is preventing her from using her magic for the moment while holding the back of her neck and taking away her wand just in case someone asks how they defeated her.

The other people who notice the earlier commotion came running to the location of Louise and Raizen.

Mr. Colbert: "What happened here!?"

Louise then explains from the time they were walking towards the kitchen to get some food until the teachers came.

MC: "I must say, miss Valliere. Your bravery made me proud and concerned for your safety. To you Mr. Raizen, good job on supporting your master in the fight."

R: "Thank you but I have something to complain about."

MC: "What is it?"

R: "Who put a sound canceling spell on top of a barrier meant to protect something. I mean, is it not common sense to have some alarm spell when something like a golem punching a wall will create some noise? If not for Louise getting hungry then we might not have noticed the golem at all."

MC: "I will look into that. For now, we will hand the custody of this person to the knights of the princess. After a few days, you miss Valliere might get a summon in the palace."

Raizen gives the person they caught to Mr. Colbert. While he was looking at the back of Fouquet, he was thinking if it was a good thing that she don't have any connection to Tiffania because, in the novel, she was supposed to be supporting her in the woods that is why she was stealing from the nobles. When he read her mind after Louise summoned him. He was having second thought if he would save her or not even if she is not the aunt of Tiffania.

R: 'I will give her a chance after the first attack off Albion but if she still used her ability to steal then I will let fate decide for her. I will only do this because of the novel.'

After a while, the princess check up on Louise if she was alright. Louise ascertain to the princess that she did not gain any injuries. The two wanted to talk more but the princess need to go urgently to know the identity of the person that Louise caught.

A few days later. Louise and Raizen were at the palace in front of the princess. Louise was granted the title of "Chevalier" for capturing the thief "Fouquet".

L: "Being granted the title of Chevalier is a great honor for one such as me."

Then the princess said her thanks but she also has a favor to ask of them. Louise just accepted it without thinking then Henrietta told her about the nobles abusing their authority to oppress the plebeians. She gave the details about the things they need to do.

The next day, the two of them were in the town looking for a shop for Louise to change her clothes to match being a plebeian.

R: "You know, I am not against you accepting tasks from the princess but come on, at least think about it first even if you will accept it eventually so that you would not look reckless. Are you noble reckless?"

L: "Well no... but-"

R: "No buts... You did not even talk about the money that we have. It can only last us for three days or one if you don't want a cheap inn. We might stay here a little longer."

L: "Can you do something about it?"

R: "Hmm... Do you know any gambling house or casino around here?"

L: "Let's ask"

Five hours later, they are sitting at the side of the fountain...

L: "We could have an equal amount of money to a small town's annual income if you did not lose some bets in the casino!"

R: "Louise, Louise, Louise... You are naive if you think if it was bad luck that we lose some money from the casino. All the bets that I did from there were planned. I even know about them cheating on me but I let them. I ask you this, what would happen if I continue winning without losing a single time?"

L: "..."

R: "They will lose money. Be angry. And will let their goons follow and try to beat us which they never will accomplish because we are not commoners. So I intentionally lose a big portion of the winnings from the gamble and we took five thousand gold. We get the money and they keep their establishment. Is there another person that you think of who can increase their money from four hundred gold to a few tens of thousand in one hour and maintain it for four hours straight in a gambling place?"

L: "No one"

R: *smiles at her even though she cannot see it because of the mask* "The best-case scenario for us is that we can come back to the place multiple times but they will be slightly wary of us when winning. Anyway, we still need to find an inn, the cheaper the better so that we can blend in with the people. The aristocrats will get nosy if somehow a plebeian manage to accommodate an expensive room different from their stature. We might be accused of being thieves if that happens."

L: "But I don't want to sleep in a plebeian's place"

R: *looking at Louise* "Listen, if you want to continue to support your friend in the future. You need to at least have this kind of hardship from time to time. It will make you an open-minded person that sees both how the plebeians live and the nobles live so that when the time comes that the princess needs help concerning both parties, you will have the answer. It will also help increase your experience as a person."

L: "...I understand"

??: Tres Bien~ What a cute face. *looking at Louise because the person cannot see the face of Raizen because of his mask* It seems like you're in trouble. As you see, I'm not a suspicious person at all. *doing his thing like in the anime*


Raizen wants to facepalm but his face is being covered by a mask.

??: "My name is Scarron. I run an inn just down the road. *going towards Louise instead of Raizen*

L: "Inn?"

Scarron: "Yes, an inn. Would you like me to lend you a room?"

L: "Really?"

Scr: "B-u-t in one condition." *points to Louise*

At the in, Scarron started his opening speech for the girls and introduced Louise as the new addition to their group. He even tells about the tip race and the price for it. The price gets the attention of Louise but she didn't know why she wants to win. Raizen finished helping Jessica, daughter of Scarron, with the plates and volunteered to be the cook and ask if he can use his recipe to complement the wines they were selling. Jessica was not convinced and asked him to make a small dish. After tasting the food he made, she let him cook the food for this evening.

Louise being a waiter and controlling the conversation with the customers is painful to hear. With all the shouting and the saves from Scarron and the other girls. Raizen can only pray that she doesn't use magic, even if she has better control, over the customer. If that happens then the mission will be deemed failed.

Before they went to sleep...

L: "Why does a Duke's daughter have to serve the plebeians?"

R: *looks at Louise after taking his mask of* "If you're having that kind of thought right now then you do not understand the meaning of the request of the princess and why do we need to spy the town. *puts back the mask on* You should get some rest. The job we have now is the perfect place for gathering information. People tend to talk a lot when they're drunk. So if possible, listen about the status of the town from the bottom up."

Louise knows that whenever Raizen takes off his mask and looks at her in her eye. he was telling a lesson that she needs to understand herself. So when he does that, she always keeps in mind the things that he said and ponders about it if she has free time.

He already cleaned the bed so might as well sleep and regain her strength for tomorrow.

Nothing has happened for the last two days other than knowing the slight increase in tax and the noble managing the town is forcing some plebeians to do what they don't want to do like paying for something that the noble brake and compensate him for the injury even there was none. Compensate him for the food he doesn't like and many more.

Raizen recorded these talks and will be presented when the princess calls out trials against the corrupt nobles.

The evening that day, customers were having fun from the atmosphere portrayed by the girls of the in while Louise is waiting for a dish to serve. The noble, who is the talk of the people for the last two days, came inside the in with his guards and forced the other customers to leave the inn. What he did is to make a scene where he can lower the standard of a store so the owner will have no choice but to do his/her best in serving him for a low price. This is while threatening the chance for closure or increase tax of the store.

Jessica was explaining who the person that entered their inn and forced the customers out to Raizen but when she looks at him. He was busy cleaning the plates of the customers that got out.

Jessica: "Are you not curious for a bit who just came?"

R: "From how he was described by the customers. I would say that I have seen better-looking pigs than him."

This made Jessica slightly chuckle. Raizen made her forget the worry that she was feeling even for a second and got close to him. She then lifted the mask that she was trying to take off him for the past few days but wasn't able to. Now she can but only lift it slightly so that she can kiss him on the cheek and put the mask back in its place.

Jessica: "Thank you, I needed that."

While she was doing it, the two of them heard Louise berate the noble then a small explosion happened.


Louise is now showing her wand which is determined by the pig that maybe she is a fallen noble but she showed him the letter from the princess. This made the pig and his minions scared and bribed Louise with money to forget what happened which she accepts. Then the pig runs away with his guards following him.

With how much Louise gets for a tip, she easily wins the tip race and the other ladies were not even jealous of her but thankful for saving them.

Louise is now wearing the black waitress outfit and shows it to Raizen.

L: "How do I look"

Raizen, who was meditating in their room, pulls out his camera and took a picture of Louise in her current outfit.

L: "What was that?"

R: "Evidence" *stash away the camera and continue meditating*

Louise just pouted and walked away and change to her regular outfit.

Meanwhile, in a dungeon where Fouquet is detained, someone busts her out of her jail cell.