

It takes its 6 months to master the use of sling rings. We can now instantly travel anywhere. By the time we reach 15, all four of us are graduated from high school.

We celebrate our graduation by making out with each other. I don't want to cross to 4th base until we are ready to have and raise children.

By now, through our mind link, we have already accepted that we love each other. We have decided that we will go to the same college.

We get into MIT and all 4 of us choose to do medical. Because of our sling rings, we can maintain our college grade while continuing our training in magic.

During our time here, we encounter a half asian student named Elizabeth Bardoc. She is immune to Jean and Emma's psychic probes. She ambushed us one day and tried to kidnap us. After hitting her into unconsciousness, we delve into her mind to find her reason to attack us.

She turned out to be a member of the Hand, an ancient organisation of assasins who want to take the world through their puppets. They wanted to bring my and Emma's dad into their group, hence tried to kidnap us.

We kept digging further into her, braking down her shields as we see her past. She is only 3 years older than us. She was born to a Japanese mother and a British father. Her father was a puppet for the hand that her assassin mother had seduced.

She lived a good early life, but after her father's death, her mother returned to the hand with her. They started her brutal training in the arts of ninja. In her training montage, we could decipher many skills that actively use qi, making is curious about how powerful an organisation the hand is.

We took her to the ancient one and asked her help with the matter. She took in Elizabeth as her own student and asked us to forget about the hand and continue our studies. She will take care of this.

With our combined effort and mind link, college was as easy as school. We graduated with medical degrees, but as scholars and researchers in different specialisations, not licensed doctors.

My speciality was biotech and radiology, Emma specialised in psychology and pharmacy, Jean specialised in psychology and pathology, Hope specialised in pathology and microbiology.

During these 3 years of our study, a lot had happened. Hank pym had studied his and hopes condition to better his quantum tunnel. He came back from quantum realm with not just jannet, but also his colleague Elihas Starr.

When he came back, he had a Falling out with my father, since my father tried to steal his research. Hope was happy to have her mother back and Elihas had a confusing reunion with his family who thought him dead.

By the time of our college graduation, I had already revolutionised the MedTech space with my company and innovation. I had even invested heavily into apple after it kept facing troubles after firing Steve jobs. I even gave Steve the seed funds to start his Pixar animation studio.

By the age of 18, when everyone entering college, we were graduating from it. We partied with our families and finally took a big step in our relationship. Anal. Still don't want kids.

Me and the girls decided to join the US Air force. All of us pass the initial tests for special forces and start our training for para-rescueer job. It was gruesome, despite our existing training. The phisical aspects were easier to us since we were superhumans. But the mental aspects of simulated drowing, no sleep for a week, etc, were torture.

I don't know how normal humans do it. I have much more respect for my fellow soldiers after having gone through these trainings.

We are taught to fly some planes as well, but won't fly any until we are commissioned officers. As para-rescue team aka maroon berets, we are trained on battlefield first aid and rescue missions.

After 18 months of training, we are seperated into different sqads. In the next 6 months, we train with our assigned sqads as roles.

After that, we were even a part of invasion of Panama. We had specifically chosen to be para-rescueer because of lack of moral ambiguity. We were not killers for the government, we were just protecting American lives.

After the invasion, Emma had a deep impression of her squad leader, who gave his life to protect his colleagues. In that squad, Emma was a new trainee then and was mostly takes with support roles in the squad. She didn't want to be passive anymore so she decided shift from para-rescue to army special forces aka green berets, where she will take on missions similar to CIA or marine seals.

I too had seen the logistics of war and had become used to seeing dead bodies. I wanted to see more active action so I too applied for combat control unit within the airforce itself. I had seen first hand what role they play when initiating the war. They are the ones who call in air strikes and scout enemies.

Jean and Hope decided that they would continue with maroon berets and try out of officer exams. They already had a college degree, do she just needed to pass some army tests. Now that the war was over, they even got the time to put in the required hours in army hospital to become licensed doctors.

By the age of 21, Me and Emma were leading our own squads becoming staff Sargent, while Jean and hope became field surgeons and gained the rank of captian.

By the age of 22, Emma had already shown great promise and was offered to lead her own elite squad. This squad will be for specialised missions and she will be allowed to pick from the best among special forces.

She picked Me and 6 other guys and 2 girls from various fields. Me and another guy from CCT(combat control team(scouts)) were sqaud leaders of 2×4 man squads. I would lead team alpha, consisting of 2 girls from Navy seals and a guy from para-rescueers.

The other CCT guy would lead team Bravo and 3 other green berets, hand picked by Emma, from her old squad. Emma would lead both of the teams and be the face of the party in dialogues.

Our first mission was to clear an Iraqi base. We disguised ourselves as tourist in a town nearby and gathered some Intel. We coordinated that Intel with our base, and scouted out the base. Once we had a plan, we silently approached the base on a no moon night.

I ordered an air strike on the compound, killing Manny and creating breach points for our teams to enter. Emma lead the Bravo team through frontal adult l assault whole I lead my team to a flanking position.

We cleared the remaining people in an hour. It was mostly mercy killing the injured, since the air strike has done the perfect job. We still managed to capture one of the leaders of the base. I called in for a helicopter rescue.

Jean and Hope showed up as co- pilots and picked up our team from the rubble of enemy base.

Throughout the operation desert storm, my team was able to act as a Swiss army knife for any situation, earning any medals and accolades.

Need a diplomat to turn local population in our side or train them in guerrilla warfare tactics, we have Emma and her 4 green berets for that.

Need to rescue soldiers in line of fire, me, Emma and my teammate are trained for that as marron berets.

Need to launch an attack or assassination to unmarked location with fog of war, we have 2 CCT trained men with all their observation technology and 2 navy seal woman with their adaptability.

For the next 2 years, we took the most dangerous and most important of mission and made a name for ourselves. My and Emma's story got even more popular when we were awarded a medal of Honor.

2 rich kids, answering the call of duty and beyond. Every time there was an opportunity to take a mission, I took it. Any time I felt that some equipment or product upgrade could drastically improve the army, I contacted my father to build it, often giving my own thoughts in how to go about it.

Stark industries stock prices soared. With my dad gaining many more military contracts than ever before because of my correspondences with him optimising his innovation. He was still working on some secret projects for shield, but stark industries had enough researchers that my ideas were brought to reality.

By the time 1991 rolled around, the US military had tech competing with 2024 tech of my previous life. We were still missing the handheld phones and such, but their guns were better, their Armor was superior, their night vision goggles were smaller and their field medicin war better.

Emma continued to climb the ranks in the military. Jean and Hope were already major in charge of airbase operations. They had even completed their internship at various army hospitals and were licensed general surgeons now.

In 1993, at age of 23, I was back in America for my officers exam. I wanted to become a test pilot, and this promotion was needed to become one. While I was back in America, I decided to go home for Christmas.

At home I met my parents and they were taking about going to Bahamas and making a stop at the Pentagon. I asked my dad to take me with them and they agreed, after all, we rarely see each other. I'm smart enough to get out of their way. My mother also felt that I needed a vacation after my long stay in the military.

We drove our way to the Pentagon. On our way there, we were hit by another car and our car crashed into a stree on the side. I had specifically installed airbags to all our cars so no one was injured. I stepped out of the vehicle and asked my dad to keep mom safe as I faced our Hitman.

My dad looked at our assassin and muttered "Bucky Barns". I was a super soldier, just like him. I was a master in many forms of martial arts just like him. He had a gun and a metal arm, but I had my technology and magic.

I launched myself at him and he dodged. He wanted to go after my father first, but I kept interrupting him, forcing him to fight me. This is my first time fighting a superhuman outside of sparing with the girls.

Eventually, I get the better of him with a chakra infused punch to the temple and I use a aerosol version of my cream bandage to cover him in a cacoon. My dad was going to the Pentagon to give them his research on super soldier serum. This is even better as he can now had over Bucky to shield out Pentagon to test his version compared to the orignal.

I used the sling ring to get another car from our house. My dad decided that he didn't trust the military with Bucky. he didn't even trust the SHIELD with Bucky, but he was one of the founders and one of its most prominent leaders. He would have much more pull there about Bucky's treatment.

He decided we needed to return to New Jersey to meet with Director Carter. I met agent Carter for the first time. She is about 60 years old but still looks good, GILF.

My dad introduces me and I greet her. We talk about Bucky and how to deal with him. He clearly shows signs of amnesia and brainwashing. I tell them that I have a friend who is a master in psychology, she can deal with his mind.

Agent Carter admits that skills of Jean Grey could the key to Bucky's recovery. I asked her if she was spying on me too. She gave me a look 'duh'.

She made a formal offer for the is to join, but I told her I'll talk to my friends about it. But for that ,I need to know more about SHIELD.

She gave me a whole tour of their new York facilities. She told me about various jobs I can take as researcher or field agent. I am impressed by their facilities, but I know about ZOLA and his interference. He is the one who ordered my parents deaths.

I tell her that I will think about it. We part ways and my family goes to the Pentagon. When I get there, Emma is already there on some assignment and we catch up. I tell her about SHIELD and the attempt at my father's life.

At our trip to Bahamas, my father tells me how he is getting older and can't trust the vultures like obidhia stane to run his company. He wants me to take up the CEO position.

I accept his offer, telling him that I won't renew my contract with the military.