

In the year 1982, 9 years after being shut down, my dad launches another STARK EXPO. This time, to showcase my creations and launch a new company under stark industries with me at its forefront.

Stak MedTech is the new company that I am founded. Although it is largely funded by stark industries, I've got equity investment from Frost industries since we share similar space.

I think it's just Emma's father not wanting me to enter pharmaceutical space as well. His investment came about on one of my dad's ballroom parties. He and my dad were discussing how close Emma and I were getting.

They made a gentleman's agreement that the their companies would merge if we end up marrying. In their drunkeness my dad revealed that I'm actually entering bio-tech space to make medical equipment like MRI Machines, dialysis machines etc.

Mr Frost was a giant in pharmaceutical industries, so he could be of much help in getting us through the hospital red tapes. He offered to invest. My father took offense to this, stating that he doesn't lack money or connections to help his son.

They got into an argument, but returned to thinking of my and Emma's friendship after they saw us together with Hope. They decided that Mr Frost will invest in my MedTech company and my dad will invest in his Pharma company. This is their initial holding to begin cooperation and to facilitate any future merger of they happen.

My dad has already seen my products. Some of them were so revolutionary that my dad felt that we needed another STARK EXPO to promote them.

At the Stark expo, I met Steve jobs, showcasing his recently released LISA computer. It was too expensive for the general market, but I had one for myself. It felt like stepping into the future. We had similar or even better computers at our labs, but they were custom made and designed for us, not mass manufactured like LISA.

I even got to see Nintendo releasing Donkey Kong at stark expo. Their new competition, SEGA was also releasing their own home gaming console this year after buying the declining sales in their arcade business.

At my own stand at Stark MedTech, our operatives showcased my many medical equipments. Most were just vast upgrades on already existing things, but my hero product was a paste I had developed.

My paste can be used to close wounds. In just skin deep wounds, it can be applied to the wound and act as a medicated bandage after drying for a few seconds. For deeper wound, it can act to block internal bleeding as well, when the wound is filled with it.

For gunshot wound, the wound can be filled with the paste until even the bullet is submerged in the paste. Once the paste has solidified into a rubbery substance, one can slowly pull out the rubbery substance, which now hold the bullet as well. The wound can then be refilled with the paste to stop bleading.

My father held a press confrence during the expo, explaning some of his own products and mine. He then introduced me to the press as I greeted them with a few lines.

The press asked me a few questions and I kept answering them. Like, does the wound need to be cleaned before my paste can be applied to them. I answer yes, but also said that my paste can also clean wounds.

I described a scrap wound to the knee from falling off a bicycle. I can apply the past to the uncleaned wound. When it dries into a rubbery substance, I can peel it off. This removes all the surface dirt and disinfects the wound. Then the paste can be applied again to bandage the wound.

I further state that alcohol is a much cheaper disinfectant, so if it is available, it should be used to clean the wound before applying my paste bandage. But if it is not available for some reason, then my paste can also work as disinfectant and cleaner.

I further showcase another product. A wallet sized metal slab. I showcase it as a portable heat/ice pack. One side of the slab gets hot as the other side gets cold. This is due to thermodynamic Peltier effect.

The device can heat up to +35°C one one side while beginning -35°C cooler on the other side as compared to the room temperature. This means that if the room temperature is 25°C, the device can heat up to 60° and act as heat pad to relax strained muscles. Some the other side can become ice cold to act as cold packs for muscle injuries.

I finished my press statment by emphasising that my products are meant to be used by healthcare professionals. Any direct consumer use should be done after thoroughly understanding the product and it's procedures by informed consumers. They are not meant to be handled by children.

I point to my area in the expo and tell them that we are offering first aid pack at 70% discount as a special promotional offer for the expo.

The first aid pack consist of one aluminum blanket, 2 tubes of my insta-bandage cream, one Peltier heat/cold pack and some medicin from Frost industries for allergy, pain killers, antibiotics and a pack of rehydration powder.

After the press, my dad pulled me aside to meet with some of his friends in the military. They are very impressed by me and want to explore the uses for my products in military. I am happy to help them with anything they want. Modifying my products to suit their specific needs may improve my product, all at the R&D cost of taxpayers.

After the expo, we continue back to our trainingv with Sorcerers. One day, we were being driven by Bruce from our school to the sanctum when we saw a kid get hit by the car ahead of us. We got down and approach the kid. We saw that it was a little girl, and another little girl came running down the street to try to help her fallen friend.

I didn't waste any time and started first aid in the kid. While I can disrupt sometimes qi flow, I use the same technique to keep her qi flow going, as I patch up her outer wounds with my cream bandage.

Her friend tries to ask is what we are doing and we reply that this is just first aid, will help them get to the hospital.

After I've bandaged her, I can still feel her qi flow disrupting and her ruins fractured. I and the girls create a makeshift stretcher from an aluminium blanket and carry the little girl back to our car. We lay the blanket back on her and start heaters in the car to help her not lose any heat.

We invite her friend if she wants to come. In the car, the distressed friend Tells us that she is Jean Grey and her injured friend is Angie Richardson.

After reaching the hospital, we get the best doctors and best rooms for Angie as we wait for them to fix her condition. I've kept her from bleeding out , now it's on doctors to fix her more serious injuries.

It takes hours, we've already called all our parents to inform them and they came. My, Emma's, Hope's, Jean's and Angie's parents all came.

He were consoling jean while all the parents were talking to the doctors. The doctors told me that my cream tube is the only reason Angie didn't bleed out. She is still in comma, but is out of danger for most part.

We won't be allowed to meet her until tomorrow, but one of her parents can go meet her.

The next day, Angie is shifted to her own private ICU room. All four of us go together to meet her to help Jean, who was still a mess. When she started talking to comatose Angie, Emma told me that she felt high fluctuations in psionic energy. This all ended when Jean suddenly collapsed. I caught her to break get fall.

A minute later, Angie woke up, and Jean did too. We told the nurses about this and called in her parents. The doctors said that Angie had avoided any chronic problems, she should be fine over her ribs are recovered.

Angie's mom hugs me and thanks me for saving her life. I feel up the mature hottie as she buried my face in her chest. Puberty hitting me at the worst possible moment.

Afterwards, I met Angie and she herself thanked me, having found out about me helping her. I told her it's no problem. I asked her further if she wants to be there brand ambassador for my cream bandage. I want to to help people around the world like it did her.

After our conversation, me, Emma and Hope had a conversation with Jean. We asked her what happened before Angie woke up. She was hesitant, but came clean that somehow, she went into Angie's mind and helped her come out of comma.

I look at Emma and she lets down her shield to telepathicaly communicate with Jean. We explain that we know a bit of magic and that we can help her control her powers.

After that, we find out Angie still has to stay in bed rest for almost a 6 months. Her body had taken too much damage. After 3-4 months, when her ribs have recovered, she can start some phisical therapy.

Her parents decided that they need to move back to Angie's grandparents house to get more help in taking care of Angie. They will leave New York for Pawnee, Indiana in a week. We spend that time getting to know Angie and keep her spirits up.

We have a tearful goodbye and promise Angie that we will try to come to Pawnee sometime to meet her.

Seeing how close we've become to Jean, my dad pulled some strings and got my school to offer Jean's dad a job as history teacher. The pay was so massive that the professor accepted becoming a school teacher.

He and I actually got along really well, because i love history and he can speak many languages just like me. Him teaching at our school will also mean that Jean will join our school, her fee severely reduced due to her dad working there.

We introduce Jean to the master of new York Sanctum and get her to join us in our training. She has already shown casual use of telepathy, which means she has massive psionic energy, even greater than Emma.

After studying her and with her, we discovered how Emma and Jean had such massive psionic capabilities. They actually combine their psyonic energies with their qi to create chakra, but just like by default, Thor's natural chakra is lightning, these girls' natural chakra is psionic in nature.

We asked ancient one about this and she told us that Emma's grandmother was influenced by dark matter, giving her extraordinary powers. This mutation has been passed down to Emma to a smaller and different degree. While Jean connected to a source of light force when she saw Angie in comma, giving her extraordinary powers.

We continue our training until suddenly, we hear about Hope's mom's death. We console her as much as we can, providing her support. Her father starts drinking too much so i have a man to man chat with him.

I tell him that from now on, Hope will live with me. He can visit wherever he is sober, but he can't be drunk around Hope. I came to a deal with him, saying that if he attends AA meetings and becomes sober for atleast a month, I would be happy to reunite the father and daughter at their home.

I even become his sponser for the meetings. There is no rule about underaged sponsers.

After a month had passed, he was sober but still erratic. Hope still returned home to take care of her father, but on the condition that he will meditate and do yoga with her for an hour. In these hour, she guides him through meditation and yoga techniques we use to enhance our qi and psionic energies.

This has great effect in hank's mental and physical health.

During this period, me Emma, Jean and Hope had developed a mind link. In this, we can not just telepathicaly talk to each other, but can also use some of each other's brains.

The girls get the most benefit from this because of my brain being the best, but I also get a lot, especially in their specific fields of interest. From Emma, I get better at reading and manipulating social cues.

Our lives got shook by another incident when we were 14. Hank pym and his colleague Elihas starr were building a quantum tunnel. Hope was there, visiting her dad that day. During that process, some quantum incident happened that killed Elihas, who was closest to the machine and inflicted Hope and Hank with quantum disentanglement.

She would phase in and out of reality. We soon realised that the disentanglement was killing them both, and that they needed quantum energy to stabilize their condition.

Hank began building some trinkets to stabilize them, while we went to the ancient one with our problems. The ancient one told us that this is a serious problem and that we need to learn proper Sorcerery to deal with this.

She told us that we are not old enough to start learning how to harness the power of other dimensions, but we should remain weary of the backlash that csting any magic entails.

She further says that there are certain dimensions that the girls have affinity with, these dimensions will cause the least backlash so we will start with them.

For Emma, that dimension is the dark dimension. Also called Hell. It's malevolent ruler is Dormamu and he absorbs other conquered realms into this dimension making it extremely powerful.

Usually, ancient one would forbid anyone from using this energy, but with Emma, it's almost like she is a relative of Dormamu. Ancient one still recommend caution, but told her that she can syphon small amounts without altering Dormamu and can even handle the energies much better than any other could.

Jean had an affinity to light dimension. A dimension that is polar opposite to dark dimension. It is ruled by an ambivalent entity known as the pheonix. It is also known as samarasa.

Ancient one also advised that lightforce is as dangerous as darkforce, but in a different manners. While dark force can corrupt the mind and body, lightforce can clense it of good and bad. One could lose their anger and sadness, but also lose empathy and happiness.

The two dimensions and their energies are opposite to each other , but complementary. There is no death without life, no darkness without light. One is cold and immovable, while the other is hot and unstoppable.

Hope could tap into the quantum realm. She could phase in and out of reality, hop to different dimensions and even increase our decrease in size.

I didn't have any particular affinities, so I will keep exploring dimensions to see which one fits me best .

We are finally given our apprentice robes and slingring.