

My departure from the military is meet with all the fanfare. Everyone knowns that I'm going to become the next CEO of Stark enterprises. Because of the close relationship between my company and military, it almost feels like my leaving one service for another. Afterall, becoming a board member at my company is a very comman retirement plan for most generals.

By the time I take over, the military had already approved of super soldier serum for human trials. My dad would need to select the candidates. I stopped my dad and asked my l him to put a condition on the military. We will create super soldier for them. But in exchange, I wanted them to free Isaiah Bradley.

Isaiah Bradley was remnant of a dark past in us history. The government wanted to keep him imprisoned and use his blood to try and create new serum. I insisted that the serum my dad created has similar drawbacks to the orignal. It is not meant for everyone. Studying and learning from Isaiah Bradley will allow us to choose our subjects better.

The comparability is not a question of genetics in this case, but if personality. Every aspect of a being will be enhanced by the serum, including aggressiveness.

The military was initially surprised that I knew about him and were adamant to never let his information see the light of day. I pulled a lot of strings, politically and through shield to get them to buckle on it.

Mr. Bradley was released into my care. He was already in his 50s, having spent majority of his life in prison, but he was greatfull for his newfound freedom.

I had Bradley meet barns at shield. By now barns has recovered his memories and was trying to face his guilt. Meeting Bradley was good for them both.

After much research and assessment by both Bradley and Barns, we found out the best personality types for the enhancement. To Shield, my first proposed candidate was agent Carter. For the military, my first candidate for trial was a lady named Lisa Elis from para-rescueers.

We had found that most females have much better compatibility with this serum than males. "Alpha male" or "toxic masculinity" were the worst type to give this serum to. Even females had to be screened to avoid any such traits. Now the red room's black widow program makes not sense.

The procedure was successful. Both agent Carter and Private Elis were now superhuman. We'll have to assess to their data constantly as we simulated and put them in different situations.

Private Elis experienced some instability in emotions when on periods, but nothing dangerous as of yet. It should be manageable ones she gets used to it. Agent Carter in the other hand, was already on her menopause and didn't exhibit any problems at all.

After the success, I told the military that people from prara-rescue have perticular mindsets that make them more suitable for the serum. The initial hesitance to killing and the will to charge into enemy fire to protect you allies was also the traits the made Steve Rogers captian America.

After the success, Bradley started training with private Elis and agent Carter started staining with Bucky Barnes. I approached the military to start any conversion of troops to superhuman to start with para-rescueers and I be allowed to psychologicaly analyse them for compatibility.

The military wanted to turn Navy seals into soldiers, not rescuemen, but they understood that the progress of science is a step by step process. They knew that many black test subjects of theirs had become destabe after the serum last time they tried to do this.

Even among para-rescueers, we found that women were much more compatible with this serum, despite all of them having more noble purpose than just killing for your country.

I had put any orders for serum from SHIELD aside. Didn't want to unknowingly empower hydra even further. I just told them that we were at production and personal limit with the para-rescueers.

Meanwhile, I had come up with another invention. Grapheton was the name inhad given to the natural I created. It was a composit of graphene and non-Newtonian fluid. Plates made of this material is pocketed into Kevlar based carbon fiber clothes to make great Armor.

The gaps between the graphene plates is such that it can even act as capacitor-battery, with some modifications. Side-effect of such modifications is that when the battery is full, the Armor is even more protective, so using that battery for other devices might sometimes feel like a waste, but it's better to have options then not.

The resulting Armor is light weight, protective, flexible and can act as battery. The more grapheton plates in the Armor, the better the protection. When fully implemented, this will reduce the weight of current Armor systems by 20x.

Current Armor system is 15 kilos heavy, my new system, for same level of passive protection is 0.6 kg. But it is very viable to bring the weight to 1kg, improving the Armor's stopping capacity by double, despite reducing weight drastically. By completely charging the battery, the Armor becomes 2x more effective.

For the super soldiers, they are also equipped with a cape made of same material. The cape is much heavier than the Armor, coming at 15kg. This makes the cape more protective than a tank. Para-rescueers can use this cape to not just protect themselves, but also allies.

The cape can also harden when electricity is applied to it, making it perfect for shielding as well as gliding, similar to Batman's cape. Imagin a squad of super soldiers, gliding down from helicopters or aircrafts. Thankfully, right now it is limited to para-rescueers, making it the image of super medics with guns, instead of super killing machines raining down on you.

The PR of super airborne medics wasso good that it eventually took over the bad press from Bradley's treatment. Bradley and his former troops were given an exhibit in captain America museum and Bradley was given the title of Captian America.

While para-rescueer's cape is maroon, to match their beret, Bradley's cape is an American flag, similar to hamelander's from 'the boys'. While he was training the superhuman para-rescueers with combat, he himself was also going through training to become a para-rescueer.

Para-rescueers dont just rescue soldiers from enemy fire, they also rescue civilians and personal from natural disasters and national emergencies. They were real life superheroes before the serum, after it they became even more effective.

The rate of production for serum is very slow. By the time 3 years had passed, we had only created 16. New super soldiers. Of them 10 were women and 6 were men. They were divided into squads of 4, with 2 squads in each team creating 2 superpoweerd rescue teams. Each team had 2 squad leaders for each squad of 4 and a team leader for the whole team of 9.

One team was led by Bradley, and was deployed in conflicts around the world to support us troops. The other team was led by Emma. She was already a commissioned officer of Colonel rank, so she was responsible for some of the big picture things for military.

Instead of being deployed as a single team, like Bradley's, her squad would be deployed throughout America and it's coastline, always ready for call to a rescue mission. She perticularly had further divided her 2 squad into 4 duos of 2 soldiers each.

Their task was to support the existing rescue teams of various branches in America from fire, first fire, hurricanes, floods, search and rescue ,etc. They were deemed by Emma as the PR wing of superhuman program, as these are the superhumans who will interact with taxpayers who payed for their enhancement.

Bradley and Emma kept rotating between each other's teams, to provide the precious super soldier a wife breadth of experience. If one got too bored of civilian setting, they will be switched to Bradley's team. If one got tired of seeing death and destruction everywhere, they will be sent back to America, where their hope for humanity will be rekindled under Emma.

It's very unusual to be rotating squads and teams so frequently, but it's very important to keep these guys mentally stable. Emma was a psychic and a psychologist, so she was well equipped to help someone deal with their PTSD.

By now, Jean and Hope had finished their contract with the military. They left the military with the rank of lieutenant Colonel. After the girls returned from their deployment, we continued our magical studies while keeping up with our civilian duties.

Jean became a full time doctor and medical Reacher in my company. After working with her on it for 2 months, I was able to hand over the responsibilities for super human division to her.

Hope has joined her father's company as a research assistant. She specialises in microbiology but is currently studying the effects of using pym particles in animals and plants. How do they and their organs adapt to change in size.

Because of combined efforts of Hank and Jennet, Darren cross never became a problem for them. He was infact poached by my father after he had a Falling out with Hank Pym. He is working at stark industries, specialising in optimisation of existing tech. He was even good friends with hope and our group through her .

Due to his expertise with nano particles and nano technology from his time under hank pym, Darren cross was in charge of the grapheton Armor and capes production.

After delegating some of the more important stuff to other people, I started delving deeper into magical studies with ancient one and her student, Psylock. During this time we became much closer and I ended up inviting her to dinner with my girls.

They got along well and that night ended in an orgy. The girls are bigger perverts than me and had kept sending me naughty pictures of themselves and other women to get reactions out of me. I never acted on these beyond making out and anal at times , but now, at age 25, I'm ready to have kids.

Predictably, all the girls soon got pregnent. Here I am, resting as CEO of Stark industries, getting a blowjob under my desk from Psylock, my body guard. After getting pregnent from me, her motherhood, her love for me, her love for my girls and her ninja brainwashing interacted such that she started calling me master.

Since young, she had been trained to take orders. Were it not for ancient one, she would have felt lost with her new found freedom. Once I put a baby in her, she became docile to me as if I'm her commander.

Suddenly a for opens and Emma walks in. She closes the door and floats herself in my desk. I kiss her as I'm still getting a blowjob under the desk. She tells me that the government has a special task for me.

She said that one female super soldier is pregnant and the father is another super soldier. The government wanted to take that baby to run tests on it, to find out of serum can be passed down in such a way.

They've never had a situation with a super soldier being pregnent. All super soldier before mine were male. Their descendants didn't get any benefit from the serum. This current case is perticularly special because both the parents are super soldiers.

I sigh as I ment into the kiss. I tell her that we should go to meet Jean. She handles the Bio-division in stark industries. I gently finish into Betsy's(Psylock) mouth. I ask her to rest in the office as she sits in my chair and I leave to Jean's office with Emma.

In my way out, I nod at my secretary Yasmine steele or better known as Melina Vostokoff. She was my new secratary, an agent of Russian red room. We had psychically read her mind and found out that her family had been sent as agents to find out more about my supper soldier serum.

She didn't know that we knew her real identity. I've even met Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanov and Alexei Shostakov playing the part of her family at a company party. They go by Jane steele, Natalie Steele and Sergey Steele.

I nod at Jean's secratary as I enter her office. Her secratary is a real lady of Asian decent. She is spy for the Chinese. She is trained by the hand and knows some ninjutsu as well. Thankfully, they don't know that we know.

While, American and Nato military is just a overt wing for SHIELD/hydra, considering how many senators are in their pockets. Communist Party Of Chinna are like the overt wing of the Hand. They played a key role in its formation and rise to power, thus now enjoy the resources of a huge nation.

Inside Jean's office, I see that Jean is disturbed by the door opening unannounced, but is relived to see that it's me and Emma. She seems to be squirming. Emma laughs and calls her out as pervert.

Turns out , Maya Hansen, Jean's research assistant had been busy eating her boss's pussy under the desk, while Jean is going over her report. Jean had personally recruited her directly from MIT.

Me and Emma ignore Maya as we talk about random things with Jean. I push Jean away from the desk and sit on the desk. I open my pants and pull them down. Jean accepts my invitation and starts giving me a blowjob. I feel someone pull out my shoes and my socks.

Maya starts sucking on my toes. This is not new to either of us. Maya is a regular fuck buddy among the group, but she is not aware of any of our secrets. Not about our powers, nor magic, not Psylock.

After I finish in Jean's mouth, Maya crawls out from under the desk and stands near me. I pull her ass closer as she faces Jean and is sucking on Jean's tits. I pull her on my dick and start fucking her ass. She hasn't earned a stark baby yet, so no fucking in the pussy. Emma seems to be in the mood to just watch, she never liked crowd.

By the time I empty myself inside her, she has already cum 5 times. Superhuman physique to the win. After I'm done with her, she is sleepy. I carry her to the connected lab and put her to sleep.

I come back to the office to find that Emma and Jean cuddling in the soda as they finger each other and make out. I rest on a sofa beside them and start the discussion of superhuman pregnancy and how monitoring this one might help us with our own pregnancies.