
Invisible String (Full Story)

In year 3245, due to all improvements of earth technologies, people accidentally created monsters that hunts human. With the lack of counterattack, God have mercy and helped his people. With the help of unknown asteroid that hit the earth, the balance has been set. People being awakened with unbelievable power. And the story begun.. The people who are awakened with power become the superhero. But superhero has weakness too. That is why, they have to be with someone who can soothe their power to continuously being human and not a monster. In this new world of fantasy, two men has been tied up with invisible string. To fight for the world and to also fight for their.. Love???!

Fire_QUEEN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


A lot of soldiers has been deployed all around the area. I now at the third floor of the palace mansion of no other than Jevro Gusto. How I ended up here? Well because, that man didn't allow me to go out and even imprisoned me here in his private room. Yeah! You read it right. Jevro has two rooms in his own house. First room was the one that he brought me in a while ago, and the second one is this room where I am in.

The monster department sent a total of 13 Malemyn which has 3 black stages, 4 red stages and 6 yellow stages Malemyn. I heard from Jevro that the flying monster called Sikriya. It is a monster with bird body but has snake head. It doesn't have unique power but it has venom and can fly with a high speed.

Another car arrived and 15 people get down. All of them are wearing white outfit but there's a different colors on their shoulders. I'm sure it's a sign of their ranks. Those newly arrived are all Gwandy. They're here to support all the Malemyn during their fight. Jevro is currently talking with his comrades when I noticed something. I hope my hunch is wrong but.. I can see danger in this fight.

I look up to check the monster that still encircling the area, my eyes got widened when I saw it's head straightened and it's wings suddenly folded. It's going to attack! I look at Jevro's position and the man is still talking to his comrades. Fuck with the briefing!

"Incoming!!!" I shouted out of irritation and worries.

Everyone look up upon hearing my shout and they finally moved to engage. It's great that the place is quite spacious. But with this huge monster, I'm sure, the damage will be huge.

I saw Jevro raised his hands and the fire came out from nowhere enveloping the bird. However, the bird seemed immune to any fire attribute. It landed perfectly in the middle of all the fighters. It's tail and wings are strong enough to wipe out all the vehicles parked in the area. Those yellow stages Malemyn has been pushed back.

"Goodness gracious, if this monster is here to hunt, it means, it has babies to feed. What will you do to defeat it, Mr. Gusto?" I mumbled while placing my chin on my hand. "I think I should call George. He will be worried again." I also said that while tapping my wrist monitor. I recorded a message and send it to George.

I honestly thinking where this monsters hide or where exactly in the country or in the world are their nests. They just appears if they wanted to hunt human but the government didn't do anything to find its nests for us to strike. It's as if, they are scared to do the searching. Weird right? Now I'm thinking of this monsters are created or actually here with us and was just being enhanced.

I flinched when I saw Jevro being slammed on the ground. He was about to attack the monster with his sword when someone suddenly pushed him. It's a black stage Malemyn with the power of the ground. I saw the man smirked before it attack the monster together with other Malemyn. On the other hand, Jevro seems uncomfortable. He just released his fire to attack the monster but didn't move at all.

"Something's not right." I said. I furrowed my brows and I saw Jevro gritting his teeth. "He's injured?!" I exclaimed dumbfounded.

My eyes got widened when the monster's head face Jevro. It's going to spit it's venom for sure! But Jevro is injured and unable to move! My fists clenched tightly when I saw Jevro rolled on the ground to avoid the venom. My eyes move to the man who pushed him a while ago. He look so disappointed as if he wants Jevro to be killed by the monster.

"What the hell? Someone is targeting him in this situation? Where that someone's brain go?!"

There indeed a rumor running around the internet since the day that Jevro acknowledge by the government as the most powerful Malemyn in the country. The person next to him hates him so much. The people said that, that person is jealous with Jevro's achievements.

"What's his name again? Roman? Royan? Ah... Rowan.. Rowan Hensel. What a brainless Malemyn I know."

According to the government information, Rowan Hensel is also a powerful Malemyn second to Jevro. He's also rich comparable to Jevro. However, that man seems like a competitive person. He doesn't like someone to stepped on him. And because of that, people are talking about him trying to kill Jevro during every fight. But since there's no strong evidence, the government can't do anything about him.

Jevro's eyes started flickering in red. Two Gwandys approach him and hold his hands. Trying to comfort him, I see. After a few seconds, he stood up and gripped his swords again. He then jumped up to the monster and release his most powerful fire. With his power and strength, he easily cut the head of the monster while the other Malemyn is attacking the wings of the monster. I feel my chest thumping when I saw that scene. I also see one of the red stage Malemyn catches him when he dropped from the air after his powerful attack.

The people started cheering while shouting his name. While the man who pushed him angrily turned away and leave the area without looking back. On the other hand, I saw Jevro's people carried him inside the house. The soldiers started the clearing. Why the soldiers only do the clearing? Well because, their guns are useless with monsters. Monsters has unexplainable powers and defense. Only Malemyn can kill them.

"Excuse us, sir Jevro is injured. We have to treat him so please, leave the room." The man who greeted me first when I entered this house told me.

I look at Jevro and I saw his right side bleeding. It seems, something pierced his body. Not only that, his aura is getting thicker and thicker. He's closer to have a Redo and it's dangerous.

"I also wanted to help, is there anything I can do?" I said while secretly rubbing my fingers. "And I think, he needs to be comforted. Please call the Gwandy that is perfectly matched with him." I also added.

The man turned pale and suddenly grabbed my hands. "Can you look after him for a while? I'll call the Gwandy!" He said.

I open my mouth to speak but the man suddenly turned away and left me speechless. The two men who are carrying Jevro also look at me with confusion. I licked my lips and told them to place Jevro on the bed. They followed my words and leave after that. Well, since I already saw him naked, it's not offensive if I remove his clothes right?

I approach him and leaned closer. I started unbuttoning his Malemyn uniform. When I was about to remove it, my hand suddenly grabbed by him. His red eyes met my normal eyes.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked me weakly.

"Removing your clothes to check your wound. You're injured, I know." I answered.

Again, his eyes flickered and the black veins started showing up in his chest. The sign of Redo. I sigh and hold his hand and gently touched his face with my free hand.

"Close your eyes.. I won't do anything bad to you. Your butler is getting the Gwandy for you. Let me help you by giving you a first aid." That's what I told him and his holding loosened.

When I saw his eyes closed, I removed my mask and also my gloves. I continue to remove his uniform until nothing left except his boxer. This man is not just handsome. With his perfect body figure, it's not surprising if he has a harem of his own. Perhaps, that is also the reason why he has an enemy who hated him to the bones.

The wound is quite deep, it's not an injury caused by the dropping. But it's obviously from a stab. It looks like a stab from sharp stone. Now that I remember, that Rowan pushed him in this area. And Rowan has a unique power of the ground.

"Tsk, you're fighting for the people, but someone tried to kill you? How naive of you to lower your guard during the fight?" I said while placing my hand on his chest. "Luckily, I'm here with you. If not, you'll turn into Monster in no time." I let out a sigh when I feel my power flow out of my body and transfer to Jevro.

His Redo is quite strong so I've no choice. I once again sigh before I leaned closer and without thinking, I capture his mouth with mine. I'm not kissing him, I simply put my lips on his to give him my power for his faster recovery. After a few seconds, I withdraw myself but I was shocked when I saw his wide eyes looking at me. I feel the cold water poured into me. I immediately stood up and quickly wear my gloves and mask to leave. However, the man grabbed my hand and stop me from leaving.

"So I was right, it was you who killed that Hroun this morning." Jevro said while looking at me. "But how do you able to comfort me too?" He also added.

I feel my tongue missing inside my mouth. I can't find my words to speak until the door open. Now I'm feeling nervous. Will he tell the government about my secret?