
Invisible String (Full Story)

In year 3245, due to all improvements of earth technologies, people accidentally created monsters that hunts human. With the lack of counterattack, God have mercy and helped his people. With the help of unknown asteroid that hit the earth, the balance has been set. People being awakened with unbelievable power. And the story begun.. The people who are awakened with power become the superhero. But superhero has weakness too. That is why, they have to be with someone who can soothe their power to continuously being human and not a monster. In this new world of fantasy, two men has been tied up with invisible string. To fight for the world and to also fight for their.. Love???!

Fire_QUEEN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Golden residence is quite far from my house. So I'm certain that I'll arrive there after an hour. Now I'm thinking if I should just use teleportation or my motorcycle. I get my black face mask on my pocket and wear it. I have to be careful since the monster always appears without a sign. If only our world is like in a fantasy novel which portal gates appeared and we are the hunters. Well, of course, I can't pray for that more. God already helped us by sending us his precious stone. Come to think of it, where is that stone right now?

I activated the motorcycle and started riding it. Back to the stone topic, when that stone hit my family's house and killed my parents on the spot. I felt my body being pierced with something sharp. I feel my blood boiling and my brain feels like bursting. I remember that I also vomited with blood that time as well as my eyes feels burning. Afraid of being caught by the monster department that day, I ran away. Fortunately, that feeling didn't take long. I feel normal again after I fainted.

When I came back to my house, my parents body are no longer there, and also the stone. The government was looking for me to claim my parents body so I did. And since there's no sign of being awakened that day, they didn't doubt my words when I told them that I was on my way home from school when it happened.

"Traffic again? It's already 3249 and the traffic never changed. I should just use my teleportation." I mumbled while tapping the headlight of my motorcycle.

However, if I use my teleportation and I teleported accidentally to the area where installed Monitor is active, I will be doomed. When the monster started appearing, the government installed a lot of Monitor around the country. I know you guys are confused how monster escaped from the laboratory back in 3245. I have no idea either. We all know that richest people loves experimenting.

People all around the world was just shocked and enveloped with fears when the news of monsters escaped has been announced to the public. And after just a month, the said monster, first attack the island near Pacific Ocean. Another month have passed, the two monsters that escaped, suddenly became 10. And just by month, it multiplied with unbelievable speed. The people who are responsible for the mess killed by monsters too when they tried to capture them. And because of that, there's no one to blame anymore.

An hour later, I arrived to my destination. Golden residence is indeed golden. It's like a palace surrounded with tall trees. There are some security guards surrounding the area too. I have to get near the gate to deliver the order and the guard stopped me.

"I'm here to deliver the pizza to Mr. Jevro Gusto. Is he here?" I politely asked.

The guard radio his contact inside the palace house before he let me in. Of course I thanked him before I continue to enter. A man with black outfit greeted me.

"Pizza delivery, right?" The man asked. I just nodded my head as an answer. "The master is still inside his room, please wait him in the living room." The man said again.

I once again nodded my head and entered the huge palace house. The internal design is really fascinating. The combination of color white and gold is blinding my eyes. What a rich Malemyn of the country. There are green plants inside to purify the air for sure. I checked my watch, it's already 4:30 in the afternoon. I will be late tonight.

"This way Miss. Sunshine. Thanks for coming." I automatically turned to look the person who just talked.

A man with white long sleeves is escorting the woman with black long hair. She's beautiful and sexy. I don't have to guess, that woman is here to please the master of this house. Speaking of pleasure, how long did I do it? Ugh.. I think I also have to do it tonight.

"Why are you smiling?" I flinches when someone suddenly spoke.

My eyes moved to where the voice came from and I saw a handsome man standing in the door frame which is the door connected to the hallway and the living room. He's leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed while looking at me. This man is Jevro Gusto, I'm sure of it. With his tall and perfect figure, I can also sense the black aura surrounding him. Wait, now I'm confused, how the hell I can visibly see his aura?

"I'm sorry sir, I'm here to deliver your order." I stand up and pick up the three boxes of pizza. I have to leave this place as soon as possible before this man recognized me.

He walks toward me and just glanced at my holding. He then look back at me with serious expression on his face. I kinda feel nervous all of a sudden. Does he recognize me? But what I did is fast and the punch is critical too. I secretly gulped and forced myself to smile again.

"You always deliver pizza?" The man asked.

It's as if he's trying to solve a puzzle on his head. He's doubting me, I'm certain.

"Yes sir, I am. Is there anything you want to add? Drinks perhaps?" I asked with my eyes smiling. I'm wearing a mask so he can't see my whole face.

"Remove that face mask. Did my people forget to tell you to remove it before entering my house?" The coldness on his voice is chilling me.

A man on his personality, indeed. Jevro Gusto is a Malemyn with cold personality. He's also unapproachable and hates clingy person. That... I read that on the news.

"Pardon me sir, I'm just here to deliver the pizza you ordered. And since it's already paid, all I have to do is to deliver it. And since also you're here to receive it, I'm going now. Please sign the receipt for me to bring this back." If this man is cold and unapproachable, then who am I?

He's not the only one who have that personality. Since I decided to hide my power to the world, I also hates people to approach me, especially Malemyn and Gwandy.

"I said, remove that mask. Or should I call the security?" Jevro insisted.

My patience is blinking as a warning. I suddenly remember what George just told me before I go here. I literally let out a sigh and scratch my head before looking at him again.

"I'm sorry sir, I'm not into that kind of thing. Your security already checked me and they allowed me to enter. I didn't do anything except sitting here and handing you your order. And oh! I'm also just trying to asked your signature as a sign of you receiving the order. If that is offending you then.."

"What kind of thing are you thinking about?!" Jevro's voice suddenly rose up. His aura also became thick.

I'm screwed, I can tell. However, the thought came to mind. Is this person have a trust issue? Oh yeah! Why the fuck did I forget that? Jevro actually always received a death threat. Someone also tried to kill him in even during his fight with monsters.

"Hah.. What the.." I mumbled before I put down the boxes of pizza. I look at him directly on his eyes before I touches my mask. I just hope he won't recognize me after I remove this mask. His eyes is beautiful by the way.

He just stands there waiting for me to remove it. I've no choice then, I have to leave this place immediately and return to my house to rest. However, when I was about to remove it, a loud sound suddenly ringing on my ear. I also heard Jevro let out a curse.

"What's that?!" I asked with emphasizing.

The man suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the house. We both raised up our heads and I am also shocked with the thing that I saw. There's a big flying monster above the clouds encircling the area.

"What the fuck is that?!" I blurted out.

I saw a lot of monsters although I don't know their names. But this is the first time I saw the flying monster. I feel Jevro's grip tighten on my wrist. Luckily, I'm wearing a black gloves.

"It's a monster, can't you see?!" He said. He then let go of me and tapped the button on his monitor. "Flying monster in my location. I need three black stage Malemyns and 5 red stage. Also send me 10 Gwandy for Malemyns." He said before grabbing my wrist again.

"Wait! Why are you holding me again?! I have to go, sign the receipt already."

"Are you an idiot?! There's a flying monster outside and you want to go out?! Do you wanna yourself killed?! Stay here in my house and leave after we killed that monster!" Jevro is irritated with me. I can tell.

I gritted my teeth and just follow him when he pulled me again and bring me inside his room. I know it's his room since he suddenly remove his black robe and started wearing his Malemyn clothes. There's no problem of showing your naked body with the same gender as you but.. We just fucking met!

"Hey! Help me put on my fighting shoes. Hurry!"

My brows twitched when I heard that. I.. Want to punch him again, really!