
Invisible String (Full Story)

In year 3245, due to all improvements of earth technologies, people accidentally created monsters that hunts human. With the lack of counterattack, God have mercy and helped his people. With the help of unknown asteroid that hit the earth, the balance has been set. People being awakened with unbelievable power. And the story begun.. The people who are awakened with power become the superhero. But superhero has weakness too. That is why, they have to be with someone who can soothe their power to continuously being human and not a monster. In this new world of fantasy, two men has been tied up with invisible string. To fight for the world and to also fight for their.. Love???!

Fire_QUEEN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Because of my nervousness, I quickly removed my gloves again and grab Jevro's face. With my power, I simply erase the memory of me healing him. And then I face the butler who just entered the room when I heard Jevro's grunt before fainting. The two Gwandy look at me before they walk towards Jevro's bed.

"He's unconscious. And he has wound which I can see that it's quite deep. Sir Arnold, I think we should bring him to the hospital." One of the Gwandy said.

The man who just addressed as Arnold immediately call the other staffs. He is the butler who just allow me to help Jevro. I just keep listening while observing the man on the bed. The black veins on his chest disappeared and his aura is clearly stable. I feel relief but also feel guilty after what I just did to him.

"Thank you for taking good care of him Mr. Delivery boy. We will do anything from now on. And please hand me the receipt, I'll sign it." The butler said.

When I heard that, I get the receipt from my pocket and handed it to him. The butler signed it and give it back to me before they covered Jevro with blanket. The two Gwandys are holding his hands to comfort his Redo although I know to myself that he already well.

I once again glance at Jevro's face before I said goodbye to the butler. The other maids escorted me out of the house while the other staffs and body guards are escorting the stretcher where Jevro is laying unconscious. When I get near my motorcycle, i let out a deep sigh before wearing my helmet. And then I leave the Golden Residence without looking back. Saving him twice are enough right? I just hope, we will never meet again.

I arrived at home at 9 in the evening. George didn't ask anything, so I just went upstairs and entered my room. I removed all my clothes and took a shower before getting in my bed to sleep. However, I can't sleep. My mind is actually on the man who was sent to the hospital. I'm thinking if he's okay?

"The wound is seriously deep. Is he really alright?" I asked myself while remembering the image of the wounded man.

His eyes who got widened when he finally know my power keeps replaying on my mind. His words with curiosity also ringing in my ear. Now I'm wondering why do I feel restless. There's something troubling me which I really don't know what. I raised up and put my black hoodie. I also picked up my face mask which I made especially for me. I look at my reflection on the mirror, now that my black contact lens is removed, my golden eyes feels relaxed.

Yes, that is also my secret. Even George didn't know it. I already mentioned my burning eyes during the asteroid incident. This is the result of that burning. My hazel brown eyes turned into golden yellow. Which glows every time I use my power. Honestly, I have no idea if there's some powers inside me that I still not figured out.

After checking myself, I simply teleported with stealth on. I entered the hospital without anyone noticed. Looking for Jevro's room, I look for his staffs who I'm sure are also inside the hospital. I'm not wrong, I saw Arnold outside the closed door talking with someone. Using teleportation, I entered the hospital room and finally saw Jevro receiving his treatment.

It seems that, he also hired the private doctors to attend to him. It's great, at least they are treating him with care. I just keep watching until they finished. The door open and Arnold entered.

"Thank you doctor. Is he alright now?" Arnold asked the doctor.

"Yes.. Let's just wait for him to wake up. His wound is not that deep but he needs rest. Please don't let him work while recovering. I know he's powerful but his body also needs rest. Please call us if he wakes up." The doctor said while glancing to Jevro.

Arnold nodded his head while escorting the doctors out of the room. I finally sigh of relief. He is safe and just need some rest. That's a great news but.. Why do I feel like I have to stay here until he wakes up? I tilted my head and stare at his face. Jevro has a perfect shape nose with thick eyebrows. His lashes are long and curled up, and his lips a lil bit pouty which I know myself is sweet and soft.

I frowned when the door suddenly open. Arnold is not outside I know and the nurse will come back later for Jevro's meds, but why the nurse is now entering his room? My doubt finally answered when I saw the nurse take out the bottle of formalin from her pocket. She was about to mixed it with the dextrose when I used my power to forcefully inject it herself.

"Who the fuck is your enemy that wanted to kill you this badly?!" I angrily mumbled while cursing Jevro.

The nurse shouted and the body guards outside burst in. When they saw the nurse writhing in pain on the floor, they called the doctor and finally, Arnold also arrived. The doctor noticed the formalin bottle and the dextrose hose that is now moving. With the idea on their mind, they quickly checked Jevro's condition.

"Fortunately, she didn't succeed. It seems that, she's trying to inject this formalin to Jevro." The doctor looks scared while talking. Perhaps he's imagining what might happen if the nurse succeeded.

Arnold ordered the guards to hold the nurse and call the police. While the doctor is still checking Jevro's status.

"Is Mr. Gusto has his power active even he's unconscious?" The doctor asked Arnold.

"I can't answer that. This is the first time that it happened. Are you sure he's alright? The nurse didn't inject anything to him?" Arnold sounds worried.

The doctor nodded his head. "Yes, I'm certain. There's no sign of abnormalities. Thanks to his self defense against outsider attack. But who is his enemy?"

"It's normal to have an enemy once you're that powerful. The master received a lot of death threats although he's the number one powerful Malemyn in the country." Arnold answer shocked me.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. How the heck he is able to sleep with that kind of threatening? And why the hell I feel like I wanted to secretly protect him? This is weird, right? We just met this morning and I helped him twice accidentally. So why do i feel this way?

"I see, then add the security and don't allow anyone to enter except us his doctors. Even nurses are not allowed to enter." The doctor said while stepping out the room again.

Arnold escorted him again while me, still inside the room with invisibility. After a few minutes, Jevro's fingers moved. He's awake. Now, my concern will soon be answered. Did my power of erasing the small memories in his mind succeed?

His eyes opened and he look around. He then raise his arms and tap the button of his monitor. I don't know what he sees in there but his expression didn't change. After a few minutes, he once again lay back on the bed and put his arm on his forehead. Jevro looks so tired and confused. When the door open once again and Arnold entered, I feel relief when I heard his words.

"Rowan stab me during the fight. I remember I triggered my Redo, who helped me?" He asked Arnold who looks happy after seeing his master being awake.

"The two Gwandys whom I called to healed you while you were unconscious, Master. The delivery boy helped you too by removing your clothes."

"Delivery boy? Who's that?" Jevro is now looking seriously at Arnold who also looks confuse.

Wait, I am more confused here. I only erase the small portion of his memories which only about my healing him. So why do it looks like I erased everything about me?!

"The delivery boy who you just brought inside your room Master." Arnold answered. "Don't tell me, you forgot everything about that boy?" He also added.

Jevro furrowed his brows and tilted his head too. "I brought a man in my room? Which room? I don't remember anything." He asked.

Arnold gulped and his hands trembled. "Y-your private room, master. Should I call a doctor to check your status?"

"No.. I'm fine. Perhaps it's a cause of Rowan's power. However, instead of erasing the memories of him stabbing me, he accidentally erased someone's memory. I forgot to capture everything with my monitor too." Jevro said without expression on his face.

It's great that he can't remember me, however, how will I help him again once he triggered his Redo? There is no one perfectly matched with him. What if he suddenly turned into evil because of his Redo? Should I do the right thing from now on? With that thought, I teleported back to my house and think seriously deep before I went to sleep.

Am honestly thinking if I should surrender to the government and being identified as awakened. If so, what should I tell them? That I am a Gwandy or I am a Malemyn?