
Invisible String (Full Story)

In year 3245, due to all improvements of earth technologies, people accidentally created monsters that hunts human. With the lack of counterattack, God have mercy and helped his people. With the help of unknown asteroid that hit the earth, the balance has been set. People being awakened with unbelievable power. And the story begun.. The people who are awakened with power become the superhero. But superhero has weakness too. That is why, they have to be with someone who can soothe their power to continuously being human and not a monster. In this new world of fantasy, two men has been tied up with invisible string. To fight for the world and to also fight for their.. Love???!

Fire_QUEEN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Some men in uniform surrounded the area where monster appeared. There's also some reporters trying to get some news about the Malemyn who killed the said monster. I wear my hood and gently walk towards my yard where actually ruined due to the fight. After killing the monster, I immediately bought something to bring back home to at least have an excuse in case the government asked me.

"Excuse me sir, this area is currently under investigation. We can't let anyone enter this residence without approval from the monster department." The man in black and white suit stopped me from going in.

I sigh and smile to him before I raised my hands with plastic bag. "I'm living in that house behind you, where can I go if you don't allow me to enter?" I asked him.

The man in front of me stunned for a second before lowering his head and scratch it a bit. He then look at my face and then glanced on his electronic device which I know it's his Monitor.

"Your name is Yohan Sefyola? I'm sorry sir, I didn't recognize you. Your uncle is actually worried about you since the fight started. He asked us to look for you around. We're so lucky to find you." The man said while typing on his Monitor.

Find me? Really? I want to ask the man if he's the one who find me or I am the one who get near him. But I chose to be quiet and just nodded my head while smiling. Although I know myself that my smile didn't even reach my eyes.

"Please follow me sir, I'll send you to your doorstep. Don't worry, your uncle is safe. He didn't go out during the fight between the Malemyn and the monster. Thanks to our great black stage Malemyn and the two red stages. They successfully killed the Hroun." The man continue to talk while walking.

"I see.. Thanks to them." I answered.

Hroun, the monster that I fought and killed a while ago is named Hroun. Now I know. At least I learned something useful today. Luckily, there's no device that can automatically identify the person if he's a Gwandy or Malemyn. That's why, it's fine with me even I walk near the Government staffs or even I approach those who have been awakened.

"Yeah, Mr. Gusto is the number one Black stage Malemyn in the country. Although we have a total of 15 black stages Malemyn, Mr. Gusto is more powerful than them."

It seems that, I've been escorted by the most talkative staff in the country. Why do I feel that my house is so far away even though it's just 15 meters away from me. Nevertheless, that man is the number one Black stage Malemyn? And his name is Jevro Gusto? That's him? How lucky I am to get near him.

According to the report, Mr. Jevro Gusto is indeed powerful. With the power of fire and being great with holding a sword, the man is the most feared Malemyn in the country. Jevro developed his skills and power and learned it well. The other calls him the tyrant. Because he enjoys killing monsters without blinking. However, I also heard that there's no Gwandy that is perfectly matched with him.

"Yeah? I hope there's a Gwandy comforting him now." I said that to just get an information about the man's current situation.

"Oh! There's no need about that. We are actually amazed because his power remained calm after his long fight. It's actually a first time that happened. Normally, Mr. Gusto should suffer from Redo, but it's unbelievable now that he is not having a discomfort with his power." The man eyes is brighten like he's feeling excited while telling me that.

It's a great news indeed but, I'm not surprised at all. Black stage Malemyn needs a White stage Gwandy. But since I'm a Crystal Stage, of course I know to myself that I'm perfectly matched with him. However, I can't be with that man. Redo is the term when Malemyn power is eating them up.

"That's a good news indeed. By the way, thanks for escorting me to my doorstep. I'm here now." I told him while knocking on the door of my own house.

"Don't mention it. It's my work to send you safe here Mr. Sefyola." The man answered me with a smile.

I just nodded my head. I heard the footsteps approaching the door. I know it's my uncle George, so I finally said goodbye to the man. When the door open, I greeted the old man and I entered the house. George looks so worried but when he saw me unharmed, he let a sigh of relief.

George is actually an old man whom I adopted two years ago. I saw him injured due to the impact of the unknown asteroid that hits the earth that year. That said asteroid dropped from sky at exact 12 noon at year 3247. I don't know if I'll call it luck or misfortune because it hits my parents house which caused them death. Fortunately that day, I was outside of the house and was about to enter when it happened.

"I saw you in action a while ago. I thought, people found out your secret. You really can't stop yourself from taking an action once you saw someone in danger, huh?!" George started nagging again.

Well, since I adopted him and treated him, the man also accepted me as his own son. Although he can't walk properly due to his broken leg, the man is kind and love me like his own son.

"I just don't want someone turned into Creftus and attack you while you're inside, uncle. Don't worry, I ensure my identity to keep being hidden. By the way, I bought some food." I said while showing him the plastic bag I was holding.

"Heh, as if I believe you that you bought that especially for me. I saw you turned around without holding anything a while ago." George raised an eyebrow and I just snorted.

This man really is sharp. That's why I can't even hide my secret to him when I started having a symptom of being awakened. He's the first one who asked me how it feels to be awakened.

"Right! You won. Did the government staff ask you?" I walked towards the kitchen and George follows.

"Yeah, I told them that you're at work and asked them to escort you here once you arrived."

"I see, so that is the reason why they look so happy when they saw me. Anything else?" I transfer the food to the bowl while talking to George.

"Nothing else, except the order that you have to deliver to the address that was left by the customer."

I forgot to tell you all, Im working as a delivery man. Well, the pizza that I always delivered is actually made by us. In other words, I have my own business which is run by me and George. And since I hate being standby, I also delivered food.

"Which address? Is the pizza ready?" I asked him while chewing the food inside my mouth.

"Yeah, it is ready. And the address is written on the receipt. Check it before you go. Use the motorcycle since it's quite far." George answer.

I nodded my head before drinking water and headed to the pizza house near my own house. There, my 3 staffs are working for me. I have 5 delivery boys and all of them are just normal people.

I actually inherited this business from my late parents. I continue working on it since this is the only memory of them that left for me. My three staffs greeted me when they saw me entering.

"Good afternoon sir, the pizza is ready to deliver. Uncle George told us that you'll be the one to deliver it." It's Anne, one of my staffs.

"Yeah.. Give it to me. How many boxes that I have to deliver?"

"Three boxes. The customer is quite cold, so I advise you to be patient." George, who just arrived, told me.

"As if im a short temper person, uncle." I said while accepting the three boxes of pizza, handed by Anne.

"Are you not?" George asked.

I cleared my throat and just excuse myself to go out. George is actually right. I have a short temper which sometimes, I can't control. I look at the receipt and read the address written in there.

"Golden Residence, Jevro Gusto." I mumbled.

But I suddenly stopped walking when the name spark in my brain. Isn't this the same name that I saved a while ago? Don't tell me that it's just a coincidence? Gusto family is the only family that is living inside the Golden Residence. And according to the news, the Jevro Gusto who is the number one Malemyn in the country is also living in the Golden residence.

"Fuck! It's really alright for me to deliver this to him? Wouldn't he recognize me, right?" I bit my lips and licked it at the same time.

The kiss that I gave him suddenly played back in my memory. It was for healing him but, it was still a fucking kiss!