
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

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Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

first day of school

"And this is your house, you two were given larger houses than others because you're scientistic, and Sora and Peter you two need to go get your research licenses, and teaching licenses in the main office... that should be everything I have to tell you two," Kara said calmly, looking at the two-story houses before them, which were under the color. with that, she gave them the key before leaving,

Sora and Peter went to first get their licenses, and to get them they needed to do a small test which they easily passed. after which, they went to get their stuff from the car, which Sora TV bought for them. Sora had his car enter bike mode can and had it fly up and follow him, where he went to park it near his new home.

"... Sora, can I use your phone," Mei asked softly, her phone had died, in the middle of her watching Death Book. to say the least she was not happy with this,

"No, go charge it," Sora said calmly as he went to look in the kitchen, he sighed softly to see there was only food within. meanwhile, Mei hatefully looks at Sora. she was nice and asked nicely. yet he straight-up said no.

"Too much time on a screen is bad for you, take some time to smell the flowers. from now on, you will have 3 hours to watch anime, 3 hours to learn, and the remaining time you can do as you wish." Sora said calmly

"You the worse," Mei said angrily before walking off, since when was she ever babied to such a level? Sora was treating her like some teen. Sora shook his head slightly and looked at his Tv,

"Tell me the rules the teacher must follow, along with the students," Sora said as he took out his tools and went on to take apart the TV and improve its quality and power. making it small stronger, and easier to carry around. meanwhile, from his earpiece, Techno had A.I. tell him the rules

the rules, to say the least, were quite interesting, to say the least, there was no beating up students because they were getting annoying.

well, the day went by like this, of course, Mei came to call Sora to cook dinner, and Sora went on to invent Peter's family over to eat. Ashly who had disappeared happened to arrive at the right time, and moments later Kara did the same.

but after Dinner, Sora asked peter to join him in the basement, where he began teaching Peter a few things. he did this because he wanted to know if he could copy Peter after he becomes smarter or something. he found that he couldn't. or that Peter haven't learned enough things for his I.Q to improve or something like that

but anyways, Sora managed to make his TV small, and stronger. they attached themselves to his body parts, ready to form armor or something at any time to protect him from harm. the hologram was not so strong that Peter had slight trouble destroying them while not going all out.

anyways, the next day quickly came. the surface of the school was to simply throw everyone off, but the bottom of the school was where things truly mattered. Sora along with the other main teachers of the academy stood on a stage, looking below at the huge wave of students gathering.

the main teachers were the core teachers, such as Fire Empress who would be teaching students to master their fire ability. or Sora would teach students who are extremely smart to use their ability to its fullest.

Sora looked around at the many students and was soon disgusted by the sight, but not everyone who has unique abilities was lucky. this meant some were born looking like monsters or had larger body parts than the other people.

"You can't be showing a look like that." The Fire Empress said as soon as she saw the look of disgust on Sora's face.

"Sigh, whatever... oh, that reminds me. you want to be the first S grade Hero I interview for my channel?" Sora asked with a smile, Fire empress froze in shock before she nodded slightly, Sora Watchtube channel was quite popular, hitting 300k subscribers within the past few weeks.

"Well, let's meet outside the school building. I don't like the fact someone can tell my contact." Sora said confusing Fire Empress.

"What do you mean?" Fire Empress asked in confusion

"There are cameras all over this... of course, the government wouldn't pass up a chance to spy on people. luckily, there is nothing in the bathrooms, or else I would have hacked this place and had my phone." Sora said with a smile, meanwhile fire empress's eyes narrowed slightly

"You haven't found them? I can come by your place to show you where they place them, I something to find such things." Sora said with a smile, Fire Empress nodded gratefully, Kara truly found a gold mine. a kind boyfriend, smart, can cook, and was so handsome and charming.

before they could talk anymore. Justice Man stepped forward to give his speech. to which everyone went quiet. the students where were all around 18 to 21 years old, they, of course, couldn't be any younger, those younger were kept within their city, but had a unique school for those with powers being taken to.

these people with powers were being called mutants, people were calling them the next step in human evolution.

"you're not a speech type of person." Fire empress asked with a smile seeing Sora seemly lost within his world.

"what's so fun about listening to others talk about stuff for a long time? you also seem not to have an instead about them." Sora said with a smile, Fire Empress nodded slightly.

"I fighting villains is more fun... this would be my first time teaching; I hope it's not boring." Fire empress said softly,

"Well, if you need some fun, I can help you out with that," Sora said softly, making Fire Empress's eyes widen. was Sora talking about cheating? she would not betray her friend and do something like this. and to think she had a good impression of Sora

"You..." Fire Empress's body was slowly covered with flames, drawing many people's attention, all but Sora were looking toward the students.

"I bet I could find a student with the power to grow plants hero, I could have the best and freshest of ingredients... so when it gets boring... what's wrong?" Sora was stunned seeing the flames on Fire Empress,

Fire Empress's mind went blank hearing Sora talking about food, her face went red with shame. her flames disappeared in the blink of an eye before she suddenly lowered her head.

"I am so sorry," She said quickly

"you're Japanese?" Sora said softly seeing her do this, Fire Empress's body froze, and Justice girl who was about to move in was speechless hearing this. Fire Empress was indeed Japanese and knowing Sora it would not be long until he finds out who is behind that mask.

"Cough." Justice Man coughed slightly, making Sora and Fire Empress realize all eyes was on them, the two quickly stood still, as if nothing happened. Justice man was speechless. he was listening in on them, they were the only ones talking, shaking his head he returned to giving the speech, but he ended it quickly allowing everyone to go out through the underground city, to search for their classes.

meanwhile, Sora and the other teachers went to their classroom to await the students. Sora had this tv be set up all over the classroom. 12 finger size white tringle flew around the classroom, attention to the corners, walls, and ceiling, of the classroom.

"Shall we start where we left off?" Sora asked as a golf club appeared in his hands, Peter smiled slightly and nodded. the classroom disappeared, replaced with an outdoor, grass field where one would play golf.

"The score is 10 to 8, let's put it on hard mode and put our skills to the test," Sora said with a smile, and with that, a powerful wind suddenly. Peter was first off, as he went on to line up his shot, as he needs, he used his Spider-sense to try and get the best shot, which Sora sensed. Sora of course turned off his spider-sense, he couldn't have Peter finding out who he was

Peter shot the ball, and the golf ball shot far off in the sky, with the wind pushing heavily against it, changing its path towards the hole. it looked as if it would be a hole-in-one, but the window was too realistic, as it changed at times, causing the ball to land a few meters away from it.

"Haha, nice try, but watch as use my science to win," Sora said as he aimed his shot, but Peter stopped him as they looked towards the door where a bunch of students was watching all of this in shock.

"They saved up, return to a classroom," Sora said with a shake of his head, the room changed, turning back to normal, Sora had the students come in while he went to stand behind his desk. the students all came in and take any seat they want.

it didn't take long for the room to be filled with students, about 40 students which was a bite too much, shouldn't there be only about 20 students?

"Alright, today is the first day. so, we will just be talking and getting to know each other, I'm Sensei Sora, and this is Sensei Parker. today I want to talk about... equality, who here believes that everyone is born equal?" Sora asked calmly, to which everyone raised their hands.

"So, all of you a stupid, now your grades just dropped from an A to a B," Sora said calmly, stunning everyone hearing his words.

"Everyone is born equal, and dies equally... that's how we are all equal," a woman said quickly, how could one just grade them just like that?

"Foolish, only a dumb ass you believe something like that. we live in a world where gods exist, you're saying we equal? were only exist within the 3rd dimension, and they're a 4th, a 5th, and so on above us, you're saying we are equal at birth to them? everyone here has something they are fated to do, some fate sucks compared to others, and some are the jackpot... you can still say we are all fated at birth?" Sora asked making the woman go quiet

"Then there is you all. you didn't gain any powers, but so smart that you might as well have powers. then some of you gained powers but it's not that useful. let's compare you all to the strongest heroes who are humans. Fire Empress, The Racer, The Berserker, and so many others. these are the power with power, capable of destroying planets with ease if they want." Sora said as holograms of these being appeared around him,

"With all of this... what makes you all think you can be a hero?" Sora asked making the student all lower their hands, some biting their libs, while others angrily looked at Sora.

"Anyone?" Sora asked, but no one could answer him, making him shake his head, all of the heroes disappeared, replaced with Iron Bat.

"Here is the strongest normal human, a human without any power yet looks at him. fighting among the gods, pushing the human body and mind to their peak. did humans reach the level they are at using overwhelming strength, or overwhelming others with their intelligence? sure some of you don't have powers. others are born and stock with power, you are born with the ability to have every power there is, create any weapon, suit, item, and so on you can think of." Sora said making the students all regain their hope,

"But sadly, you are all at risk of failing. you all have Fs, you have 6 months to get that back to an A, or else you would be failed." Sora said with a smile, making everyone instantly jump to their feet at this injustice.

"What? you are all the smartest there are. so, I will push your minds to the fullest, can't handle it, switch to another classroom." Sora said with a smile,

"I will not stand for this, you can't just drop our grades like that for no reason." a man with long red hair yelled angrily,

"But I just did... everyone was born with a unique power, and my power is to have complete control over your future. with one word, I can change your life outcomes. that's power. you could try and fight back, the power you're powerless." Sora said with a smile, making all of the students want to jump him at the moment.

"But enough of that for now, I will explain how you all got an F so fast. one, so disrespectful, for a student among you to tell at a weak soul like myself and none of you raising to protect your beloved teacher from the injustice... sigh, it disappoints me greatly," Sora said with a shake of his head, everyone body shook, holding themselves back from throwing chairs at Sora

"Second, your mindset. who the hell just sits there while they are being looked down upon? this is your future and your dreams on the line, and when I asked the question, none of you could raise to defend it? you are all the most dangerous people here, know what you are worth, and have the right mindset." Sora said making everyone calm down, Sora went on to list 10 reasons why they all have an F, some of them reasonable, but most of the reason was just stuff Sora pulled out of his ass.

they got an F because they didn't bring any welcoming gift to their teacher? they got an F because they greet him at the door? he was at the table lazily watching them walk in.

"Well, with that being done. all of you call out statues." Sora said calmly, everyone was confused, but when someone called out the word Statues, a screen suddenly popped up in front of them, showing them their class status, form grades, how the teacher views them, and other stuff.

everyone quickly followed and didn't take long for someone to end up coughing up blood from rage.

"You view me as a lower?" the red-haired man yelled angrily, but he froze when he saw the window change. instead of the teacher viewing him as a lower, it now showed that he was viewed as an annoying loudmouth lower

"I had enough of you." He yelled angrily before he shot toward Sora. but he found that he couldn't move, he float control over his body, and he no longer could move.

"And your grade dropped to a Z. to be so easily controlled into a rage, for people with bright minds like all of you... that's embarrassing. I targeted you, I easily controlled you, keep a clear head, and always watched. learning, and adapting." Sora said as he placed the red-haired man down, the red-haired man gritted his teeth slightly, but he didn't act anymore.

"This will move us into how you would all be graded. there are 4 main ways I will grade all of you. the first is the mindset. people you all shouldn't have a mindset that's glued on one thing, admit you are trash, admit that there are people smart and better than you. but don't let that ever hold you back. people think differently, you are all unique. so, use that to your fullest." Sora said as everyone's status window changed Showing a screen of mindset which was at 0%

"Second, adapting. the ability to learn from past mistakes and improve to remove those weaknesses is the strongest ability you all have. so, overuse that shit to the fullest, others can't but you all can," Sora said softly,

"3rd creativity, the most important thing. be creative, Iron Bat shows this through his armor and countess of tools. can show this in many ways. form follows in the footsteps of others, follow your heart, and be yourself." Sora said with a smile

"And lastly, improvement. from this moment on to the end, how big of an improvement have you done? so, currently, that's all at 0%, it must be at 100%, along with your grade being at an A, yes, I'm unique, that's because you all can't be taught normally. now, any question?" Sora asked calmly and with his words, a blonde-haired woman raised her hands

"Sensei Sora, How did you stop him like that, before I came inside, the room looked completely different." She said softly to which Sora nodded slightly. What a respectful student, she would have an E., to say the least, he didn't mind 'helping' them improve their grade with some extra work.

"It's my creation, holograms," Sora said calmly, to which the woman's eyes brightened as she looked around, her eyes landed on the strange white things on the wall. Sora snapped his fingers, and they all flew onto parts of his body.

"Well, I will leave things to your Sensei Peter. I have to go see something." Sora said as he floated up into the air, and flew out of the classroom, leaving most students shocked by his creation. to say the least, Sora wanted a huge amount of them to move to another classroom, and hopefully 10 or so will remain.