
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

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Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

the hero academy

"By the time," Sora said softly while looking at the helmet laying in front of him. this helmet took him the largest to create, giving him the power to turn anything around him into anything he wishes. of course, there was a limitation to this, plus the fact there was a range limit, but that was something Sora didn't care about.

"12+ hours straight of hard work..." Sora said softly while looking at this, but he quickly turned around and saw Mei opening the door and entering the basement with a manga.

"c-come read me it..." She said in embarrassment, but she managed to hide it well. later this morning, she said she didn't want Sora back in her home. yet, once she tried reading the Manga, she found that it was not as good as Sora reading it to her. plus, there were many words that she couldn't say, Sora was also good at telling the story, in a way she could so easily picture it

Sora nodded slightly at her words, before going into her room, Mei had washed the stuff she pee on, and now remade her bed. for her plans, she is willing to suffer. but it was clear that it was not all suffering, she was enjoying some things life had to offer.

"You not going to fall asleep in my arms today?" Sora asked seeing Mei was not getting close to him like how she usually did. Mei snorted slightly and simply waited for Sora to begin the story. Sora shook his head slightly and began telling the story.

after some time, Mei soon fell asleep, unknowingly wrapping her arms around Sora while she slept. Sora sighed softly seeing this, he had to slowly remove her hands, and get out of bed without waking her up.

Sora returned to his basement, where he stayed up all night, creating a supercar. he even took apart his dodge and stayed up all night. because of the helmet he had created, it wouldn't be cheating if he turned dirty into something he needed. it's not like he was using his own abilities. So, his rules couldn't be used to limit it,

because of this, Sora's creation of the Super Car was fast. only 2 hours, and it indeed looked like a car from the future. it had no doors; the windows could appear and disappear as he wishes. the color of the car changed as he wishes, turning to any color Sora wishes

the car had many modes and forms it could turn into. the basic mood was the self-drive mode, allowing the car to drive by itself. there was a flight mode, allowing the car to ignore the laws of gravity and fly or float in the air.

there was bike mode, and motorcycle mode, for the mode mods, there was a 1-seat mode to a 100-seat mode. it was created using something similar to nanotech, but slightly worse.

the car was fast, capable of reaching speeds up to 950 miles an hour while on land. capable of going 0 to 60 in 0.1 seconds. within the car were seats made to make it so one couldn't feel the car moving at a such scary speed.

it was an even faster in-flight mode, capable of reaching a speed 10 times faster than light, the seat was so well made, that you would only feel the car move at a speed nearing the speed of light or faster.

"Techno, I'm about to improve you once more," Sora said calmly, and after Techno nodded, he took out the chip once more and went on to upgrade his watch, he went on to make the watch smaller, and more future-like. no longer did it have buttons, and no longer did it have sharp edges. it was smooth and clean,

when Techno returned to this watch and was shocked to see the upgrades, still the same things just bigger with more capabilities. there were still two types of world, the world which showed Sora's world was not the size of a whole star system.

the world in which he played God was also the size of a whole star system, to say the least, the processes seemed to be far faster than light. allowing Techno to think and process anything at such a speed,

"Well, let's start creating a universal translator. Techno builds the foundations." Sora said calmly as he sat down on a hologram of a seat. before him, the table he sat on began forming the layout of a universal translator.

and so, like that, Sora went on to create an earpiece that instantly translates any language, with the ability to learn any language while a person talks. Sora went on to take apart his ear peace, and improved, adding better holograms, He of course went on to add the ability to change matter around him to the earpiece, although it made the earpiece slightly bigger.

the hologram would now be seemly real, which alone would make Sora a C-rank hero without any hardship.

with all of this done, Sora only had an armor suit to build, nanotech would of course be what he would be going for, but he wanted to do that later. today was the day the hero academy would be opening, so he had to get ready.

So, time went by. by morning, Kara and Ashly stopped by to pick up Sora, but when they saw a red supercar in front of Sora's door, they froze slightly. the car was too.... sexy. looking like something out of the future.

"One day he would be arrested for something like this," Ashly said calmly, Kara's mood instantly stopped hearing this. but she was shocked at how Sora could create a whole car in a day, this was a bit scary. what if Sora turned to the path of darkness?

taking a deep breath, she walked to the door, Sora had to get a license for such stuff, she would not allow something like this to continue any longer. walking to the door, she knocked on it loudly, but the smell of her favorite food hit her. Lasagna, Chicken Egg Fried race, and Apple Pie

it didn't take long for the door to open, as the two entered, they went on to go to the kitchen where they saw Sora cooking with a floating speaker floating behind him, playing music. stopping the music, Sora looked at the two with a mile.

"Well, you two took time. I made a big meal, this will be the last time I cook American food... but then again, fried rice isn't American." Sora said with a smile, Kara just nodded while looking at the food, all she wanted was to eat Sora cooking and nothing else.

with a thought, all the dishes went on to place themselves onto the table, stunning Kara and Ashly, they didn't expect Sora to have superpowers. but upon closer look, Kara understood what was happening.

"Your earpiece upgraded?" She asked in shock seeing the hologram of hands carrying the dishes, they were so small Sora wanted to trick them into thinking he had powers or something

"Haha, caught up. this ship can now make holograms capable of superhuman strength. now, I can be a superhero." Sora said with a smile as a hologram of armor appeared around him before it floated up into the sky. Kara opened and closed her mouth, not knowing what to say about all of this

"Wash your hands before you eat." Sora suddenly yelled as he shot energy means from his hands at Mei who was about to touch the food, the beam only slapped her hand away, not having much power to injure her.

Mei rubbed her hands, and hatefully threw a look at Sora, before walking to wash her hands. the armor around Sora disappeared, Sora shook his head slightly, and everyone quickly waved their hands before sitting down to enjoy the meal.

{Incoming Call from Peter Parker} a robotic voice suddenly sounded, followed by a hologram of palm size Peter Parker appearing before Sora on the table. Peter was clearly restless, today was the big day. and way, this was a live image of what Peter was doing, with the improvement, the sensors of the earpiece could only cover the whole plate, so long as something was there to block its senses, it could easily be seen by Sora.

Sora went on to answer the call and spoke to the hologram before the stunned looks of everything, they just kept being shocked over and over by the new stuff he was showing.

"I'm sending a car over to pick you up, it's a red spot car, call me if you need anything," Sora said with a smile, Peter nodded slightly before Sora hung up.

"Send the car over to pick up Peter Parker and his Aunt," Sora said with a smile calmly as he returned to eating. the car in front of his eyes slightly turned on, before it drove off on its own, stunning Kara who was listening to all of this.

"What grade Tech is it?" kara asked with a deep breath, Sora thought for a moment before shaking his head in embarrassment

"Only grade 4, it might be my most shameful creation so far," Sora said embarrassed, Kara and Ashly instantly lost their sense of taste hearing his world. creating a car with such capability within a day was shameful to him

"t-the chip?" Kara asked after taking a deep breath, Sora thought for a moment before shaking his head.

"Maybe grade 6, but mostly 5.8 or something like that... I still have ways to go," Sora said softly, Kara's eyebrow raised slightly. Sora was not so arrogant about all of this at least, Sora might just be the smartest person on the planet. she honestly couldn't think of anyone who can do something he could do.

meanwhile, within a busy street, everyone's eyes were caught on a spot car that was driving through a number hood where it didn't belong. no, this car didn't even look as if it belonged in this world, anywhere it would go it would be the outcast.

it was a stunning red supercar, that looked as if it was created for speed. the car went on to stop outside a house, before it biped. after some time, Peter Parker and Aunt May walked out of the house and were shocked to see the stunning car.

"I told you bought too much." Peter Parker said in shock, but as if the car heard them, it suddenly began growing, becoming an SUV. everyone who was watching this was shocked, where did these parts come from?

After snapping out of his shock, he quickly walked to the car and opened it, but to his shock, he saw no one inside. he quickly understood that this was most likely a self-driving car, something which made his eyes glow as he wanted to take the car apart and study. but he quickly snapped out of it and went on to put his stuff into the trunk,

even though there was a lot of new room, and the car took the form of an SUV, the car only had two seats which disappeared when the door was closed. the two sat in the front seat, and once they did, they felt as if they were seating on clouds, making them seat back as they felt as if they were melting.

the slightly scared when the seat built suddenly appeared, wrapping around him, but even the seat built was so soft that they ignored it.

"So how does it move?" Aunt May asked in confusion, Peter was also confused. there was nothing to turn, nothing to push, or anything of the kind. the inside was smooth and was built to make one relax without having to do anything.

"... we're moving," Aunt May said in shock as she noticed that through the window they were moving, they just now realized that they were moving. they felt nothing,

"Well, you guys need not be so curious about everything, just ask the car to do something. it could do pretty much anything." a mini hologram of Sora suddenly appeared before them, stunning the two,

"d-did you create this?" Peter asked in shock, to which Sora nodded slightly

"I stayed up all night to create it... while playing around with it and giving me a review, I made it within a day, so there might be some mistakes. I have something to do, so mess around." Sora said with a smile, before suddenly disappearing

"Steering wheel..." Peter said softly and with his words, an option of what type of steering wheel he would like appeared. there was the normal circle steering wheel, but there were unique ones, such as over, or a controller

Peter picked up the normal steering wheel, and once he did, the steering wheel came out of the car, with the gas, brakes, and gear shift.

Peter's soul almost left his body seeing that the limit this car can hit was 950, what madman created this thing? this was illegal, right?

"don't crash it," May said in worry, but the screen, which was black suddenly pupped to life, showing the image of a cartoon car with eyes and a mouth. it looked like lightning McQueen but in the form of a car.

"Worry not about damaging the car, I'm built with the ability to self-self-healing, plus, if Peter seems as if he would crash, I will try my best to avoid the damage. so, please go crazy." Lightning McQueen said with a smile, this was of course Techno who programmed this A.I. in a way it was Techno creation.

"r-really? then what can it do?" Peter asked, he wanted to know what someone like Sora could have created, and since Sora gave him the green light, he was going to see just what he could do.

"The master said that's for you to find out, it would not be fun if I tell you what I can do." Lightning McQueen said with a smile, Peter and May were speechless for a moment before thinking of stuff to ask it to do. but first Peter had it return to self-driving move

"... sunroof," Peter said and the next instant a run roof appeared above their heads, Peter's eyes narrowed seeing the disdainful smile which flashed across Lightning McQueen's eyes, he was being challenged, and that challenge he accepted.

"Convertibles," Peter said, only for the top of the car to slowly disappear, making the car into a convertible. Peter had the Convertible mode disappear, and it happened without any trouble. their suitcases were not affected much by this as they were covered to protect them from the outside wind

"... pickup truck," Peter said with narrowed, only for the car to turn into a pickup truth while still moving. and so, like this, Peter tried his best, but when they arrived at a huge mansion, he stopped as he gave up. Sora and 3 other females were waiting for him. he knew only one of the females, was kara and the other two were strangers to him

although Ashly looked like someone he had come across before, but he couldn't put a finger on who she was.

"Well, I see you gave up," Sora said with a smile, Peter smiled awkwardly as he stretched the back of his head. Sora greeted Aunt May, who smiled sweetly upon seeing Sora. Sora's door suddenly opened as 12 robots suddenly came out of Sure house, stunning everyone. but the robots suddenly turned into 12 floating devices the size of a soccer ball.

"This is my tv, I would need it when teaching," Sora said with a smile as the strange devices flew into the truck of the car. these so-called Tvs are the things that turn the whole room into a hologram form for Sora, which in Sora's eyes was a TV

with a few more words, they all hopped into the car. but there was no longer a driver's seat as everyone sat facing the table that appeared in the middle of everyone.

"Enter fight mode and head towards Japan, also, enter stealth mode... I have broken so many laws I lost count. hack Japan or whatever and have it so that it says we all allegedly entered Japan." Sora said while avoiding kara whose body became restless hearing his words. Aunt May and Peter's lips were twitching madly upon hearing Sora's words

but to their shock, they saw that they were flying in the air, Sora had a map appear on the table, which showed an outline of the path they were going to fly. but Kara, peter, and Aunt May all were looking at him, waiting for him to explain himself

"What? I will my license, this is the same as driving without a license... in fact, it's even safer as I'm not driving." Sora said making everyone speechless, this was nothing like that. but before anyone could speak, they found that they have arrived in Japan

"That was like 30 seconds," peter said in shock, his thing was flying 200+ miles a second and they felt nothing. Ashly's eyes narrowed as she gave Sora a strange look, he was too smart that it was a bit surprising.

the jet flew onto an empty road and turned back into a car while it landed, and again they felt nothing.

"The technology would only have the government eyeing me like some weapon, so for the time being I would like to keep such stuff to myself. my mind in the wrong hands can be a weapon that could destroy the universe... and that's not me being cocky. I believe I could bring chaos to the multiverse. the concept of space is not so hard that it came to be controlled.' Sora said softly, everyone went quiet hearing his words.

"Mei, look around, this is the land Manga is born. a heavenly world." Sora said softly, Mei who was on her phone the whole time looked up hearing this. she looked to the side for a moment, before shrugging

"I only like one Manag, I don't care for the others," Mei said without a care, Sora's eyebrow raised hearing her words.

"Play the opening of Death book," Sora said calmly, a screen suddenly appeared, showing the opening of Death Book. Mei's eyes flashed seeing there was a show about this, listening to the music, she of course knew Japanese, she knew all languages in the universe,

"It's called Anime. a heavenly treasure gifted to mortals by God, you think you saw something special, there are countless anime, countless Manage. from eh best one with the best world-building, Two Piece, and many others," Sora said as all sides of anime and Manga appeared around Mei, making her eyes glow from the beauty of everything

but the next moment, she shot Sora off, threw herself to her phone, and began finding stuff out about Anime. Sora smiled slightly, before looking outside at the giant school building, they were pulling up to. everyone sees where he was looking and also turned and was stunned.

"So, today you will all be looking around the school building as the new teachers. tomorrow is the first day, so use this time to simply learn more about the building. you were all given your houses to stay in, but you can move in together if you want, this will free up a bit more space." Kara said calmly, to which everyone nodded

as they entered the Gate of the school, they were allowed to enter Kara spoke to a speaker on the side of the gate. once they all stepped out of the car, Sora had the car go find a parking space, meanwhile, they went inside to look around

there will be about 10,000 students entering the school, they were of course not only jawans as the special cases would be coming from around the world. the surface of the school looked nice and all, but there was even more space down below. there was a whole city underground. filled with roads and other stuff,

"Haha, you expect us to know this place within a day? I know I was late to tell Peter about all of this... but this is something else." Sora said with a shake of his head, she expects them to get the hang of a city within a day. Kara blushed slightly upon hearing Sora's words, indeed she was a bit late with all of this

Sora shook his head before looking at Ashly, everyone was shocked and showed interest in what they were seeing, even Mei... all but her, it was like she saw this place.

Ashly suddenly frowned before looking towards Sora, her frown deepened seeing the smile Sora had. that smile told her that Sora knew she had a hand in the making of this place, she quickly realized that she had let her guard down around Sora a bit too much.

"The targets are in." within a secret room within this place, a black male with an eye twitch over one eye suddenly looked up upon hearing these words.

"that's the woman most likely known as Death, and the man who most likely could be Beam Master..." a woman asked calmly while looking at the screen which showed Kara's group, the black male nodded slightly,

"We have cameras all over this place, the second he makes a mistake, we take him out before he can use those stones. for now, we are not sure if he truly beams Master, if we act we would have the risk of enraging one of the strongest heroes on the bullets, who is related to the strongest hero on the planet," he said calmly, to which the woman took a deep breath hearing this.

".. but if he had the gauntlet, why is he not using them? couldn't he do pretty much anything he wants, rewrite anything in the universe to his wishes." She asked in confusion, but the man shook his head.

"As he told kara... that's boring. when I heard those words, I was sure he was the one, he has the mindset to do something like this. only someone who sees such great power as boring would not use it. and instead, keep that power out of the wrong hands and something to fall back on if needed." he said softly, annoyed by all of this. why do most Justice girls date him of all people? if it wasn't for justice girl, he would have made his move long ago

"The widow getting close to him, you will have her back, and watch things she might miss. land her a hand if needed," he said as he pulled a button out, tapped it, and disappeared. the woman respectfully saluted before looking at the 2 people sitting before the screen

"Play back the images of how they got here, and their car I want to know everything about it. leave 4 screens on Sora, showing his 4 sides at all times. and 1 focused on death." She said seriously. there were 9 screens in total, and currently, they were all in the group.

meanwhile, in another room, a bold-headed man laughed seeing Kara. he knew she was Justice's woman. to say the least, he was a villain. own as Lex, he was one of the richest humans alive and the smartest human.

although a villain, in the eyes of the humans and everyone else, he was a hero. although many knew he was a villain, it was his goal as a villain that made everyone see him more as a hero. he hated the fact that their best hero was an alien, and he hated the fact that humans needed this alien, so he made it his goal to not only take down Justice Man but also have his team the Great 4 raise to become the best team

his team had some of the strongest heroes' aliens, the unseen woman, The Human Fire, the thing. and him Lex. they came together to form the great 4, a team. when Sora first saw this team, he almost died as he almost choked on his food. this was just a rip-off of the fantastic 4, but then again, this whole world was off.