
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

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Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

The Made Woman

"Search the whole planet for power with the power to control plants," Sora said calmly while walking through the streets, heading home. screens appeared around him, showing him all kinds of people, starting with the closest people here to the furthest people from him.

"Show those who are powerful, and seemly the most control or have a chance to have the most control over plant life," Sora said calmly, causing the fist of about only 10 people to drop to only two people.

"The first person is Hana, she has power over planet life allowing her to do things like speed up their growth, strengthen the planets, and reshape them to her wishes. but this is limited to her strength, the more mental energy she has the greater the power she seems she could have over plants. she is currently a student here." Techno voice entered Sora's mind, as a woman with green hair appeared before Sora

"The second is a villain known as Poison Ivy, she has the power to command plants to do as she wishes using an elemental force that makes up the universe, human/planet hybrid, once human but now a planet human. she does anything to protect plants, she is currently locked away, after her battle with Iron Bat." Techno said making Sora's eyes brighten,

"Tell me more about this force?" Sora said with a raised eyebrow, this is the second force he stumbled upon, the first was the speed force, but it rejected him, and now here is another one.

"it's known as the Green... The Green is one of the elemental forces in the universe inherent and connected to all forms of plant life. using this force means having almost unlimited power over plants," Techno said as she fell into deep thought,

"Interesting, pinpoint her location, I will find a way to have her watch over my garden. also, I have been thinking something... get me all the information you can get on the crow." Sora said calmly, the crow was only a D-grade hero, nothing special. but although Sora didn't care much at first when he copied him, he was now realizing that this guy is not normal.

for one, his statues show that he should be a grade-C hero, yet he was only a D-rank hero, strange but not too strange. but truly was strange was his body state, it was like he copied something like a clone, an imperfection that was breaking apart.

"Strange, his information is guarded heavenly by the government.... but traces of him can be found all over the planet. He is but a clone, found by an ancient race of humans who moved to another dimension, a dimension filled with people known as shinobi. Years ago, when Darkseid came to this world, a few of them managed to enter our dimension. the government tried to get its hands on these people, but they were taken away by a masked man. who promised to return here one day." Techno said making Sora freeze on the spot.

"Their blood which was left behind was later collected and used to clone, they are trying to clone him, to bring out his chakra, and even memories through these cells," Techno said as Sora's smile grew slightly

"This world is interesting," Sora said as he smiled slightly, before shaking his head and returning home. he didn't feel like teaching he would half-ass that job, spiderman, on the other hand, could challenge himself, and improve or whatever people do to improve.

"I'm home," Sora said calmly, Mei who was watching TV learning on a 5th-grade level didn't bother much to greet him. Sora didn't bother with her and went on to play games; he had all this tech of course he was going to enjoy himself.

So, his TV went on to set itself up around the basement, where he went on to play some Call to Work. a first-person shooter, Sora set the game to realistic mode, meaning the bullets which hit him would give some power to them. and with that, time passed

"Your thoughts so far?" within a screen room, Ashly asked lazily while looking at the woman next to her. the woman was quiet for some time, before shaking her head. She was Anna, the person in charge of watching Sora for anything

"I don't know what Fury sees in him... I mean he is smart, but so far, he had shown nothing that proves he has the gauntlet. he is just living. the guy knows we are watching him and does care, he just hacked into our system without us not knowing a thing and got top-secret information, hell he might know what we are doing." She said while sitting back in her seat.

"You are the closest person to him, so you must know something." She said as she looked at Ashly, Ashly nodded slightly and explained how Sora was too good,

"He is too good in pretty much everything, cooking, tracking, reading people, and stuff... I'm not saying he has the gauntlet. I'm saying he might have something he is not showing. he knows I'm on to him, he is always to change the subject when I ask. to him this is a game, he wants us to find out what it is." She said softly, making Anna frown

just as she was about to say something, the screen all froze, the two workers quickly tried to see what was wrong but found they were hacked. they all froze as they saw on the screen, the room they stood in was shown within the screen, all of them. but there was one difference, Sora stand among them on the screen.

"... y-you," Anna said as she jumped to her feet, her face darkened seeing Sora pocking the hologram of herself. her face darkened even more seeing how her hologram did everything she was doing seemly perfectly

"Haha, no need to be so angry. I was bored and had nothing else to do, so I thought of hacking into the most secretive power on earth." Sora said as he ignored Anna and went to take a seat.

"you guys think I have the gauntlet? a reasonable conclusion. but who cares about all of this, I simply hacked you because I wanted to meet poison ivy. she would be perfect to look after my garden. just think of all the perfect stuff I can grow." Sora said with a smile, making Ashly's mouth suddenly water at the thought

"of course not, Poison Ivy is a villain who wants to destroy humanity," Anna said angrily, this fool hacked them for this bs? Sora sighed softly, before papers appeared in his hands, catching their attention

"Fine, how about the phoenix?" Sora asked as he pulled out a paper of a red-haired woman. she was known as the phoenix because The Phoenix was inside her. she once even knocked out Justice Man when she lost control of that power

"Like hell," Anna yelled angrily, Sora was hacking too far into their stuff and was even getting such top-secret heroes?

"Sigh, why so headstrong? you do know I know everything that was in your system, even stuff that was deleted... such as the Thor cloning, the big guy would be mad hearing this. let's see, the parrel world traveling experiment, wow, that didn't end well. destroyed another earth. wow, you guys did many fucked up things." Sora said as he flipped through more papers, Anna's body felt as if was leaving her soul with each paper Sora was going through.

"Whatever, anyways. what did I want to do? oh yeah, I just wanted to flex. but instead of spying on me, let's do this. I will go out to a restaurant. let's talk there, I don't need to tell you where. and please stop putting tracks on my car." Sora said with a smile, and with that, the screen returned to normal,

"..." Ashly pulled out a gun and killed the two workers before they could do anything, she walked to the screen and tried searching and found all of the trackers were in Sora House and Parker's house was disabled.

"What will you do?" Ashly asked calmly, Anna bit her lips slightly, did she have a choice to say no? she could get a read on Sora for herself, so she of course was going.

meanwhile, Sora headed to Parker House, where Aunt May was sitting bored. for someone called Aunt May, she was a bit too beautiful. she was not old as one might expect but was a young woman, seemly in her 20s, but it was clear she was older but one couldn't tell by looking at her. she was physically active, so she couldn't be too old, but Spider-Man who was in his 20s called her aunt

"Morning Aunt May," Sora said with a smile seeing Aunt May open the door, Aunt May was stunned for a moment before smiling. by the time she had some level of a gust, she wanted Sora to come inside, but Sora shook his hand as he pointed at the car

"We are in Japan; you didn't come all this way to do nothing. so let's go explore what Japan has to offer." Sora said with a charming smile, Aunt May was stunned for a moment before smiling and nodding.

while the two left to explore Japan, back in the United States, a pale skin woman with a small heart ship tattoo on the side of her face, ponytails with one side pink and the other blue, while laying lazily in a hideout. suddenly the lights within the hideout flashed, catching her attention, she looked around, and her eyes quickly landed on the screen which now showed one of the most famous people to date. someone going by the name Beam master

"Isn't it the mad woman, Risa?" Sora said with a smile, Risa instantly jumped to her feet and she pulled out her swords from her back. she looked around, waiting for attacks, how did this person know her real name?

"No need to be on guard I'm here to help you get your lover Poison Ivy back," Sora said with a smile, making her eyes widen in shock, before a cheerful smile. the Madwoman was her name because she was crazy, once the clown lover, they had one hell of a toxic relationship, but She moved on and went on to try and improve upon herself. where she found Poison Ivy,

ever since Poison Ivy tried to slaughter a whole city, she was locked up, leaving Poison ivy depressed and alone. since all the other villains were locked up at the moment, she couldn't move to help. if Thanos's attack caused more damage, then many heroes would have been freed, giving her the opening to move, sadly Poison Ivy was in a special prison, other villains were lucky to get out of their prison, but these villains didn't have a good connection with her

"Really? when can we move?" She asked with a bright smile, she didn't question Sora's words, she was too easily trusting.

"Rest your horses, things are not so simple. she is locked in the middle of the ocean; from any land, she can summon planets. because of this, you will need a team of villains. or people you can hire to help." Sora said with a smile, which instantly made Rise lose her energy.

"We need Deadpool, what made you mad was his powers. the least he could do is join you with a nice paycheck." Sora said with a smile, to which Rise frowned hearing Deadpool's name. many years ago, she was captured by the clown who went on to torture... I mean experiment on her, he infuses the blood of someone most people think to be as crazy and his blood

but when Iron bat came to stop this, as a Joke the Clown killed everyone, just wanting to show he was doing all of this to play with Iron Bat. but one of them survived, and that was Risa, she came out of that with a healing capability as good as Deadpool without cancer, although her healing capability was countless times weaker than Deadpool's.

"Second person is Shark man, you need someone who can fight underwater and help you out," Sora said calmly, Shark man as the name said was a man who had the powers of a Shark.

"The 3rd person is Techno, he is already on board to join. I have a computer in which he is, just take him with you all. I will send you all the locations of where to find him." Sora said before thinking for a moment.

"You need someone smart and capable of leading, Bullseye, the man who can turn anything he touches into a weapon, and never misses a shot. bring him, any question?" Sora asked with a smile,

"... yeah, why were you helping us?" She asked with a frown why would nobody help a villain like herself?

"Well, it's awkward, it's simple. I need you, and since it would make you happy, I will help you get your lover back." Sora said as he stood up before the screen

"You are special, I think you forgot that. you just need someone who would show you that, so I will be with you every step of the way until you realize that. you're not Bad, just lost. so after all of this, I will help you follow that dream of yours to become a doctor" Beam Master said before he disappeared, Risa was stunned and stupid for some time, Sora's words had an impact on her, all her life she was abused by her parents, but she managed to run away and planned to make a name for herself as a doctor

but Joker came along, clone came along, he was good with words, manipulative to say the least. he made her feel like for the first time someone cared about her. she ignored his flaws and so many other kinds of stuff. but she was soon forced to open her eyes to see the truth, she was but a chess piece, in the clown's eyes. all that ever mattered was his game with the Iron bat

so, when someone like Sora just said something like this, she was slightly moved. no one other than Ivy ever cared to ask what she cared for, what her dreams were, and so on.

she stood there in deep thought, but quickly realized Sora didn't give her any information about anything, but her phone went off. taking out her phone, the map was opened, showing her the location of everything she needs.

there was even an easy 50 million that she could steal from a villain who was currently located away, that was the pay to have everyone join her. She froze looking at the phone, she was mad, but student, she had a higher IQ than a normal person.

so, what Sora just did was something which shocked her greatly, hacking into his villain's hideout, so smoothly without setting off any alarms, and even hacking her phone which was made by another villain to prevent tracking and stuff from the heroes. this was most likely Techno work, or this Beam Master was smarter than she could imagine.

shaking her head, she put the swords back onto her back and ran off, it was time to save her lover, and maybe shoot Beam Master if he was a total dick.

meanwhile, in a store, Sora looked at his watch, watching Poison Ivy going on do his thing. he smiled slightly; things were indeed going almost perfectly to plan. it was fun to manipulate people, doing things and even leading them towards you, without you not having to do anything personally. this must be what death felt when she controlled Thanos like a puppet.

"This device is so useful, translate everything." Aunt May said with a smile while walking around the store, but she suddenly bumped into Sora, just as she was about to fall, Sora caught her in his arms, stunning Aunt May slightly,

"Are you alright?" Sora asked softly, Aunt May's world seemed to freeze, with how close she and Sora were close to each other's, it was like something one might get out of a picture book, they both looked at each other, their face slowly getting closer and closer.

"Cough," a woman working the store coughed slightly, stunning the two to quickly stop what they were doing. Aunt May held her chest slightly, just what were they about to do, shaking her head slightly, she rushed to the bathroom while Sora watched her leave

'She was about to catch herself? how strong is she?" Sora thought while watching Aunt may leave, when Aunt May was falling, she was not going to fall but instead quickly caught her balance, something which a normal person should normally be able to do. So, Sora planned on copying her to see what was up with her.