
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Movies
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23 Chs

Ch.6 OcEan MaN TakE mE By tHE HAnDs

Now I quickly got to the port area well the port area that lead into the town and on the way I saw jack sparrow the absolute cunt now with that you should know that I don't like him a and I don't he's tried to steal from me multiple times and he is very very crafty and lucky at times but supernatural intelligence put a stop to that

Anyway I followed him and saw him interact with the two tweedle dumbs and then encounter Elizabeth swan and her entourage he then escaped to good ol turners blacksmithing shop now I didn't go on their cause that was a horrible idea so I just listened (if you got Disney plus what he the whole pirates of the Caribbean series it's great or just pirate it)

And minuets later the good British army or police came over and fbi'd in arresting jack and putting him in prison and now I had to wait about 5 hours until night when the black Pearl arrives so I got myself prepared loaded my guns not the guns guns the musket guns I had pistols but with gunpowder a lot more gunpowder

Got my swords sharpened hat prim and proper checked my grenades and then got some food and waited and waited and waited it was immensely boring and then I could feel it the black Pearl was here I bet you that ship is magic it's literally pulsing dark magic announcing it's arrival

That's probably why will and Elizabeth reacted to it and everyone else and by everyone else I mean everyone else I was in a bar at the time and everyone stopped the boisterous aura of the bar turned dark and moody and they all turned towards the pulse of darkness

I then quickly ran out the bar and ran to the hills so I could watch it all go down and when I got there the Pearl started firing and the mist dispersed revealing the dark presence of the Pearl and it's passengers they then ran into the town and went to town so to speak they killed stole and repeat and halfway through the attack I could see about 8 men run to the governors mansion

Where I sensed a small but powerful dark presence probably the medallion they quickly arrived and kicked down the door well they didn't do that it was a figure of speech someone opened the door and got murdered they than ran through the house stealing and killing along the way

And a couple minuets later they emerged with the houses riches and Elizabeth and I had to say why was will so obsessed with her she was hot yes but why did he go to such lengths to save her was he love struck probably and a simp definitely a simp

When the pirates emerged I started to walk down the hill I sat on I slowly walked down the hill and once I arrived to the town a pirate ran at me and while I was wearing nice non piratey clothes he should know that someone who casually walks past pirates killing people isn't someone you should try and attack or offend

So with killer instinct and supernatural intelligence I kicked him in the chest and he fell to the ground hard and then I kept on walking and when I did that he didn't chase after me there is no way you should chase after a guy who kicked you quite skilfully to the ground and walked away even though you tried to kill him

So I continued walking towards the port and once I arrived I quickly stole... borrowed a little dingy and rode towards the black Pearl which oozed darkness magic darkness you see in magic there's darkness like shadows and shit and then darkness like evil darkness which is used in curses and I haven't practised that much with it

Anyway I then arrived at the back of the Pearl I quickly climbed up and saw him Barbarossa the evil skeleton pirate captain I then walked up to him and said "so what's a fellow pirate captain raiding port royal" he then pulled out his sword and turned to me and he then pointed it at me

I then looked at his hat and said "how did you get such a glorious hat" and that statement was true he had a great hat in my opinion he then looked at me had a epiphany put his sword back in his sheath and smiled and said "hello Alex what are you doing at port royal"

I then smiled back and said "well I was having a vacation of sorts and wanted to visit port royal cause I was bored" with that Barbarossa nodded and while we where having are nice conversation the crew on board looked at me like I was stupid rightfully so

Anyway me and Barbarossa then had a nice conversation about are pirate adventures until good ol Elizabeth swan came on board and the crew circled her then she got smacked by the big black dude sorry if that hurts your feelings but I don't know his name and then he got his hand held by Barbarossa and he went on about the codex and parley

I then said to Elizabeth "wait aren't you that lady that fell of the cliffs into the water because you have bad dressing sense" when I said that everyone looked at me and the ignored me and Elizabeth went on to negotiate with Barbarossa ending his hostilities with port royal I then left the ship and while Barbarossa sailed off I waved and left to find jack well the bridge jack would hide under when he escaped

That took 7 hours off waiting it took so long I got some beer while I was waiting then I heard the shuffling of two not sneaky people and will said "where gonna steal a ship" after a pause will saw jack look at the dauntless and said "that ship" jack replied to his stupid question with "commandeer where gonna commandeer that ship nautical term" after a pause jack continued "one question about your business, boy, or there's no use going. This girl. How far are you willing to go to save her"

Will then replied saying "I'd die for her" jack then turned to the ships and said "oh good no worries then." Jack and will then snuck into a small boat and went under water while I watched and eventually they reached the dauntless and stole it evicting it's crew who then shouted at the newly promoted commander on port royal he then got into the fastest ship in the area or so people say

And I was on it as well hiding in the top parts of the ship the sail parts it was quite easy when you have super intelligence and they where focused on will and jack the ship then caught up to the dauntless and boarded it then jack and Turner swung to the interceptor and cut the lines holding both together and sailed off jack did his you have nearly caught jack sparrow

Then the British shot at him and while jack and Turner where having a very heart warming conversation (49:00) and Turner got angry at jack calling his farther a pirate and started to threaten him jack turned the ships wheal and that moved the main sail and that hit Turner who desperately grabbed into it to not fall into the water jack then said "as long as you're hanging there pay attention. The in,y rules that matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do. For instance you can accept that your farther was a pirate and a good man or you can't. But pirate is in your blood, boy so you'll have to square with that someday. Now me for example I can let you drown but I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by my onesie savy? So"

Jack then turned the wheel and will dropped to the floor jack then continued saying "can you sail under the command of a pirate or can you not" jack then flipped the sword he was holding and will pulled it out if his hand and said "Tortuga" jack then smiled and that's when I said "why do you seem happy to go to Tortuga it sucks ass like seriously someone will quite literally stumble out of a ally way and start a fight with you"

Jack froze and so did Will both turned to me confused and I could see Will starting to remember me from port royal when I went to him to sharpen my swords I could do it myself but I wanted to see his skill and he was good but o onto jack who quietly and slowly said "Al..ex"

I then smiled at him and said "yep it's me Alex!" I could see his face scrunch up with that this would be so fun is what I thought and it would be incredibly fun but that's all for today see ya later darling.