
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Movies
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23 Chs

Ch.7 off we go onto adventure

( sorry this took so long school has started to send us school work again and I've had to decompress from how stupid the system they use for it so I made this chapter really long so don't expect me to have a stable update schedule in the future)

Jack broke down and will was just confused but he kinda just ignored me and while was entrapped of how Jack was so... so charming? No not that um he had a aura I would say I mean he was a lucky fucker but he had the aura that could entrap you it's probably why people have watched him escape without doing everything

But we eventually got to the horrible stinky Tortuga I kept on the ship to protect it there was no way I was going onto Tortuga every time I have someone started a fight with me literally I was invisible and flying and someone fell off a roof and hit me and started a fight with a invisible person

So no I would never put my foot in Tortuga and eventually jack came back with a somewhat good crew well his friend Gibs came back with a somewhat good crew and with Jack's inspection of them I could see the 'pirate' as people in this world would describe he was basically being cheeky and I got to say he was great at it it got Jack all fired up it was hilarious

By now I think Barbarossa should be setting up his dinner with Elizabeth I have no idea why she said she was miss Turner but that's her own fault for being retarded like seriously and then she would encounter the skeleton crew of the black Pearl now that was curious to me so once I encountered one of them I planned on experimenting on him

Anyway back to Jack starting his adventure with his new crew we sailed towards the black Pearl and then we got to the absolutely horrible storm like seriously Jack must have horrible luck sometimes I've never had to deal with such a storm probably because with supernatural intelligence I can see when one will form so I avoid it but this one came out of nowhere and I couldn't sense any magic in it

Which means this world has horrible weather literally they have storms that don't so any signs of forming then just appear which is fucking stupid but magic is real so I shouldn't be complaining I mean I've been avoiding the whole am I actually in a story crisis cause no no I'll stop there

Continuing on we eventually got out of the storm which I didn't participate in since I didn't have to plus it's like nobody can see you when there fighting for your life so I stayed in the captains cabin somewhat comfortable

Now we then found a horrible wreckage caused by the black Pearl and the bird of the mute said "dead men tell no tales" very very weird but once again magic existed so I kinda ignored it magic exists so a bird can be more intelligent than its brothers and sisters nothing wrong there nothing at all

Then Will learned Jack captained the black Pearl but was mutinied against by his crew and left on an island but somehow escaped and how he escaped the island by using turtles which was bullshit but I didn't say anything now Gibs told Will this right outside the cave where Barbarossa and his crew were going to sacrifice Elizabeth swan well try to but still

Now Jack then told his Merry crew to lower the anchor and prepare a boat for him Will and me which was surprising but he was probably thinking up something cause he would never invite me with him but I ignored that and came with him cause why not

So we quietly sailed into the large dark cave which pulsed evil dark magic once again I'm gonna remind you there's dark magic and evil dark magic so just remember that ok cause I don't want you to think me using that is me doing evil stuff or whatever I've had enough prejudice from others so shut

Anyway by now Elizabeth should be realising how stupid she was for saying she was a Turner and how she can't escape because she's surrounded by undead pirates very ruthless undead pirates anyway jack rowed down into the cave while Will held a lantern on a stick

Then Will asked jack "what code is Gibs to keep to if the worst should happen" jack replied saying "pirates code. Any man who falls behind is left behind" Will was sickens then he said "No heroes among thieves eh?" Jack then replied once again "you know for having such a bleak outlook on pirates, you're well on your way to becoming one." Will was once again silent and Jack continued "sprung a man from jail commandeered a ship of the fleet sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga and your completely obsessed with treasure"

We then landed we'll hit the land and got off out little boat Will then replied to Jack "that's not true I am not obsessed with treasure" we then went up a little outcrop and jack said to Will " not all treasure is silver and gold mate" then we saw Barbarossa who shouted

"Gentlemen the time has come" his crew cheered and he continued "our salvation is nigh" they cheered again "our torment is near an end" Will then whispered "Elizabeth" Barbosa went on " for ten years we've been tested and tried and each man here has proved his metal a hundred times over and a hundred times again" they cheered and Barbosa continued "punished we were the lot of us disproportionate to our crimes here it is the cursed treasure of Cortes himself every last piece that went astray we have returned save for this"

He pointed his finger towards the gold medallion around Elizabeth's neck and Will quietly but panickaly said "Jack" and he tried to move but jack held him and said "not yet" but his movement caused some gold to slide down and alert Barbosa's monkey but I didn't say anything but Jack continued on "we wait for the opportune moment"

He then walked back down to the area we got of on our boat and Will asked "when's that when it's if greatest profit to you" jack froze for a second but turned to Will and asked back "May I ask you something have I ever given you reason not to trust me do us a favour I know it's difficult for you but please stay here and try not to do anything stupid" he then turned to me and said "same goes for you savy?" He then walked back to his outcrop

Then Will turned to me well where I was I was already gone I had used my light magic to make myself invisible by bending light around me and I then silently walked back to the outcrop while Will slowly calmed down I got there quickly enough to hear Barbosa continue his speech "who among us have paid the blood sacrifice owed to the heathen gods" his crew shouted "I!" And Barbosa continued "and who's blood has yet to be paid" the crew then pointed at Elizabeth and shouted "Hers!"

Barbosa continued on "you know the first thing I'm going to do after the curse is lifted?" His crew laughed and Barbosa said "eat a while bushel of apples" he then blended Elizabeths head over the gold and held onto his knife and his crew started chanting "blood blood blood" over and over

This made the room well the cursed gold react they started pulsing there evil dark magic quicker in tune with the undead crews chanting and Barbosa continued once again with his speech "begun by blood by blood undone" then I saw and heard Will sneak up on Jack and say "sorry Jack I'm not going to be your leverage" he then went of into on of the many coward caves so I watched the continuing show

Then Barbosa cut Elizabeth's hand and she asked "that's it?" And Barbosa smiled "waste not" he then grabbed the medallion and put it in her hands rubbed it around a bit and dropped it Barbosa then closed his eyes and waited and so did everyone else then the cursed gold slowed down there pulses then one pirate asked "did it work?" Then another said "I don't feel no different" and the gym next to him asked "how do we tell" and Barbosa then shot him

Then everyone well the still undead crew panicked and Barbosa then asked Elizabeth " you maid your farther what was his name. Was your farther William Turner" Elizabeth smiled and said "No" and Barbosa asked "where's his child that sailed from England eight years ago the child who's veins flow the blood of William Turner where!?" Elizabeth didn't reply and Barbosa then slapped her hard and she fell down next to the cave river

Then everyone shouted at the people who brought her and Will then saved Elizabeth and then the crew started getting angry at Barbosa and everyone started pulling out their swords and guns then one pirate suggested to cut her throat then Barbosa noticed that his monkey was pointing at the exit and he realised that she had escaped and he shouted "The medallion she's taken it get after her you reckless pack of ingrates"

They all came rushing towards me and the exit so I floated up slowly it was a lot more um mentally straying than the bullshit magic world but I could still do it so they chased after Elizabeth then they saw how the boats we came on had no oars cause jack took them he was then found by the two pirates who brought Elizabeth and he was then surrounded by the whole crew and taken to Barbosa

By now Will and Elizabeth got to the boat and left us while I stayed invisible while jack surprised them with him being alive and he then surprised them again with him knowing who's blood they needed and Will should've realised by now that they needed his blood he did probably anyway I invisibly boarded the black Pearl and stepped into Barbosa's quarters with jack

The ship was calling out to me like a whore literally it was throwing itself all over me I know ships enshrouded by cursed items or actions can gain sentience well semi semi sentience but it was weird so weird I ignored jack and Barbosa's conversation but jack was then thrown into the brig and the black Pearl got closer and closer to the interceptor

And I could see the crew if the interceptor through nearly everything off the ship while they listened to Will and started loading there cannons which nails and forks then they lowered there anchor on the starboard and turned to face the black Pearl then Barbosa orders a hard to port and both ships where facing each other and Will shouted "now" and Barbosa shouted "fire!"

Then a cacophony of fireballs forks and nails I was using my metal magic to turn everything that came my my out of may way I then saw Will go into the depths of the ship to search for the gold medallion while Barbosa ordered to board the interceptor

And then the interceptors main sail got broken in half and trapped will in the depths of the ship then the main fighting started well the main melee to melee and gun to gun fighting started I then saw Jack use a line to ride back to the interceptor it was very interesting to watch if I do say so (go watch it it's) then Barbosa's monkey got the medallion and went back to Barbosa while he was being chased by jack

The black pearls crew cheered and the crew of the interceptor surrendered and they exploded the ship and Barbosa threw Elizabeth into his crew mates hands and she screamed I would've intervened but will did that and he then negotiated Elizabeth's and the crews safety or he would kill himself

Barbosa then betrayed them by sending jack and Elizabeth onto the island where jack was first marooned and he then took Will back to the cursed treasure place they then put the crew into the brig we then sailed back to the cursed treasure place with the undead crew in high spirits cause well they thought they would be free wait no it's called the isla de Muerta just remembered that sorry

And that all took a day and in that time Elizabeth should've been saved by the Royal Navy gotten Norrington to go save Will and came with him while Jack sailed the ship they where on the uh dauntless if I remembered correctly to the Isla de Muerta and while they did that Will heard the tale of bill Turner and how he died

And then we arrived at the Isla of de Muerta and the undead crew decided to kill Turner just in case but while they where doing that the English sent jack in to negotiate with Barbosa they had a nice reunion and jack told them why they shouldn't kill Will and why they should go capture the dauntless but what he wasn't accounting for was them being skeletons who can walk under water

They then attacked the dauntless and while that was happening jack was appraising the treasure and Barbosa then said to Jack "I must admit jack I thought I had you figured but it turns out your a hard man to predict" jack then said "me I'm dishonest and a dishonest man you can trust to be dishonest honestly it's the honest ones you have you have to watch out for because you can never predict if they are going to do something incredibly stupid"

Jack then kicked a nearby pirate into the water and stole his sword which he through to Will who then freed himself and they all fought Will fought three tweedle dumbs while jack fought Barbosa while they where doing that I was bringing out my frozen mince I made myself and some pasta I then made a got made water in it got out some oil and my spices and put them in then I dumped the pasta in I then made a pan which I then dumped the mince in I then broke it up put some salt and pepper on it then waited and waited I then heated up the pasta to make it finish faster and half way through the fight with Barbosa Jack noticed a nice smell of meat with salt

While he was running away from Barbosa he then kicked him down into the moonlight and he said "so what now jack sparrow are we two immortals locked in an epic battle until judgement day and the trumpet sounds" jack then replied saying "or you could surrender" I then popped in and said "don't do that that wouldn't be as entertaining" I then twirled up some pasta covered in tomato sauce put it in my mouth and then I picked up some sauce covered mince and combined it with the pasta

That was when I remembered that supernatural is very good for cooking Barbosa then took advantage of Jack's distraction and slashed at him he then dodged and they continued fighting they would occasionally hear me scooping up my food and eating it Barbosa would later say he could smell it and it made his tummy ache even more than before

Anyway way they continued fighting and eventually Elizabeth arrived and fought with Will by getting a golden pole and piercing it into the 3 pirates that where attacking Will they then got stuck cause they where in there skeleton forms Will then put one of the pirates bombs into the middle pirate and they pushed him into the shadows which turned him back into his human form and the grenade then exploded inside him nice I know

Will then rushed to the alter cut his hand and jack threw him the medallion it not after he cut his hand and smeared his blood on the medallion he had he then shot with his single bullet pistol right at Barbosa's heart who laughed and said "ten years you carry that pistol and now you waste your shot"

Will then said "he didn't waste it" Barbosa then turned to him and Will dropped the medallion into the chest and a pulse of light and dark happened and Barbosa fell over shocked he was dead he knew it I did and jack did he died quickly but not before saying "I feel cold"

Then most of the cursed pirates fighting the British died I then clapped and said "bravo bravo wonderful drama and action" Will and Elizabeth ignored me knowing I was insane since I had somehow lived with out anyone noticing I was on one of there ships jack then got depressed noticing that his friends had escaped I was allowed to go free because I was threatening them with a bomb I had

And that is the end of the first pirates of the Caribbean movie well not really jack then nearly got executed well hanged same thing anyway he was then saved by Will and Elizabeth and was allowed to leave well he fell of the cliff into the water and was then saved by the black pearls new crew the somewhat good crew and the insane one but that's all for today darling see you tomorrow.