
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Movies
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23 Chs

Ch.5 the end and the beginning

I was quickly woken up in like 8 hours and I was then told that the allied leaders and the soviet leaders would meet up in Berlin with everyone and I mean everyone one a representative of Japan was also there now I won't bore you with the details but in approximately 1 month they would arrive so we had a while to spruce the place up.

Now in one month we had like I said spruced the place up and we then had to stand in a nice and dandy formation for our glorious leaders and in a couple minutes I could hear the zoom of tanks I then used metal sense and sensed a whole battalion of allied and soviet tanks our glorious leaders came out of their nice and fancy tanks and then we did a salute they tipped there hats or heads at us and they then went inside the reichstage.

And they did the politicking and the negotiating and that lasted 3-4 months and while that was happening we well the American divisions went back home and that took a whole month which was extremely boring I was on a boat a military boat which meant boring shit and nothing else so I just slept quite literally and planned for my future.

Cause sorry for not mentioning this earlier was that I had 5 years each world I traveled to yeah traveled which wasn't cool well it was but still that meant I couldn't form major relationships which while annoying it wasn't a major problem but still it was annoying anyway I was sent to America the future world of diabetes.

Now I got a lot of metals and I mean a lot so much I don't want to describe any plus i am quite lazy and I still have to get to the cool magic bullshit things and by that I mean I was officially given the title of "the genius mage" quite nice if my ego was correct.

Now like the real world earth I came from the Cold War had started which wasn't nice for me because that meant I legally had to work for america to save America from the 'communist threat' yeah they called me back into service because of that now that took them 3 years for them to do weird I know but i forced them to make me only train secret service mages nothing else and I would only defend america from what I deemed to be a threat.

Now because of that they tried to go sneaky on me by using fake blackmail kidnappings and threats plus trying to get me to love someone they sent to me secretly of course but every time they tried to do something like that I just laughed in there face and when they got super serious by saying they would make me a fugitive I responded back with saying I would join the soviets if they did that.

That shut them up but they still tried and failed to get me to do more but I was having a nice time training the secret agents and just experimenting with my supernatural intelligence by making shit for america which kinda made them back off oh and I helped them start there space race earlier than before which was cool I guess.

Now I continued to diddle daddle for another two years and now this was my first time being taken from a specific universe and then being put in the void and then looking at the nice void white screen in front of me announcing what power I had gotten next now I'll say what it had specifically because it was my first time.


Hello Alex welcome to the void you will eventually get used to this but I will get to it this is where I announce what new power you will get an what new world you will go to now I'll finally get to the cool stuff alrighty here we go so the power you have got is: killing Intuition (superpower wiki again) and the next world you will go to is: oh uhh huh mmmh k didn't expect this but it'll be fun pirates of the Caribbean whole series surprising I know but you'll be able to do a lot so good luck and bye bye


Now what happens next was luck my 0 time when I went into Alex but I was now in the body of captain Alex yeah captain seems like I was a pirate and I had supernatural intelligence and that meant I could use that to use killing intent to kill ships now all I had to do was wait 2 years cool uhh I'll just get to the good parts.

*2 years later*

You know the pirates of the Caribbean was weird it showed pirates being a normal thing but it was extremely extremely rare in my earth they where either desperate or secretly hired to pirate profitable trade from enemies like how the English employ famous pirates to pirate the Spanish in my earth and the English do this in the pirates of the Caribbean which was surprisingly realistic I mean most of it was considering Disney made it but still.

Any who I with my new power killer instinct and supernatural intelligence did pirates work literally I attack merchant ships drank rum eat great food and got rich and then got a nice bounty and was called the quick not the intelligent or the devious the quick disappointing in my opinion but oh well.

Oh and I had gotten a better ship a nice galleon like the dutchman but since it was slow without his bullshit magic babe or something I did the same thing someone did to the Pearl added roars and used my supernatural intelligence to make sure my ship was 100% effective it had better guns better sailed a better wheal a better everything and that meant op ship please nerf.

Well a op please nerf ship for pirates of the Caribbean i quite literally advance anymore cause I didn't have the resources. Which meant I would have to danger myself even more and while I would probably be fine this world had curses and shit plus mages and witch's which is worrying cause I don't know how to defend myself from curses but carrying on.

I also got a bigger crew cause a galleon is bigger than a frigate but I of course didn't get their immediately I had to pirate through the Caribbean for 1 year and 7 months now i could've gotten it int my first few months here I was distracted being a pirate on the sea was a lot more entertaining than I thought but I encountered a nice Spanish galleon on day and I sailed towards it.

The problem was that it had two flanking frigates but by now my crew had complete trust in me I had turned them into hardened and disciplined pirates so we quickly sped to the right frigate and once we where near the Spanish could see I was a pirate force but it was too late i and a couple others had jumped onto the frigate and started fighting.

Now I knew these convey frigates where newbies they didn't have enough scratches or smell or experience which was obvious from them not attacking us first when we jumped on their frigate and we took that time and shoved it down there throats by killing most of them in those seconds and then we steered it off.

By now my frigate had turned and boarded the other frigate and the galleon was not firing because they were scared of hitting their friends even though they could see that most of them where dead that meant this whole convoy was inexperienced which was great and extremely lucky then he set up a bomb with the gunpowder and his small force jumped into the galleon and took the Dama Muerte (lady death).

I would then go on to establish a fierce reputation for the ship it was called the lady death and it was good at causing it I plundered trade ships conveys and I got larger by then end of the year (2 years) I had a convoy of 3 frigates and the flagship lady death my pirate group was known for our ruthlessness and our immense discipline and efficiency.

Now I told my captains under me that I was going on a trip and with how loyal they where I knew they would keep this group efficient and oily so I quickly set off to port royal in a nice dingy I would then take a passing merchant ship that was heading their I would get there when Jack saved Elizabeth swan and then got chased off by the British guard I knew that because I saw it from the boat.

I would then step into port royal and start the story and I would quickly become a big player in the game of pirates and treasure and I would make some acquaintances on the way of my long and boring journey and that's all for today darling I got stuff to do goodnight.

(Sorry it took so long to get this out it is currently 2 am so expect the tomorrow publishing of the next chapter to be somewhat late like 6 or 7 or 8 pm of more I don't know)