
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Movies
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23 Chs

Ch.4 gotta go fast gotta go faster faster

*4 months past*

Godamm we rolled over them like seriously we quite literally rolled over the Germans I mean it took four months of battle but we retook the whole of France now all we had to do was retake some parts of the Maginot where some remaining zealous German divisions where hiding out now the whole war was going well the Japanese where getting pushed back to land all there islands in the pacific ha been retaken.

And in a couple days the american would drop a magical nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and the other city uhh uhh Nagasaki yeah Nagasaki so that was going well oh and the axis presence in Africa was gone they'd been kicked out like 1 month ago oh and Italy had switched sides which was also nice and the Soviet's are running down any German forces in the Eastern European front.

Plus they were already busting down the doors of the axis member's in the Balkans plus they had retaken all of Poland and where currently fighting the remaining zealous German divisions in mainland Germany and where aiming for Berlin and so were we also trying to get there before them so the whole allied command had set up 3 commando teams.

1 from America 1 from the commonwealth of Britain and one from the exiled governments I was obviously in the American one cause I had invented 4 new styles of magic plus i was their best mages they had and I was arguably the best mage in the world so we were sent to go take over Berlin and meet with the soviet force that was probably gonna be there since well it's gonna take time to stealthy get to Berlin.

And we had 3 commando groups going and while the allies would be invading into mainland Germany as well to get into mainland Germany and distract them while we went to Berlin on our favourite rocket ship so we got our shit packed up and on our way we went well the American group went second the exiled governments like the Netherlands Belgium and Czechoslovakia went first and all 3 groups where we would meet up and then kill hitler and major German command groups.

Now like a week in we where sent off now the group I was in had Mike and Ike plus someone who called herself Sarah once again don't know if that is her true name probably isn't if my intelligence is correct and that was it so we drove through Switzerland and then into mainland Germany then we drove straight to good ol Berlin.

That took another week and by now the British commonwealth team should have started there epic gamer journey into Switzerland now once we arrived at Berlin we had to go through a very thorough check cause German paranoia was strong especially with them being pushed back very hard and losing at all fronts and Italy betraying them.

Plus with Japan surrendering and America showing off there two magical nuclear bombs which they used on Japan (obviously) there moral was extremely low and no one still believed in hitler most knew they would lose and that time was near anyway once we got through the checkpoint we drove towards "The drunken ass" a German bar where we would meet up with the exiled governments commandos.

Once we got in we moved to the specified corner and sat down and ordered some beer and waited for 13 minuets until 2 people walked through the door and quickly sat down next to us and then the man said in German "are you the birds who came from the french university to some study in the Berlin museum".

And with that Mike replied in German "yes we want to learn about the history about our glorious leader" the man nodded and got up and paid for our drinks and then we all left outside he said in German "follow us" he then got in the car and the woman who followed him got in as well then we got in our car and followed them.

Then we arrived at a nice small house we then walked inside and we saw guns and explosives and ammo strewn all over the room then a guy came down stairs looked at Mike and held out his hand and in English said "so your the American team leader nice to meet you" Mike then clasped his hand and said in English

"Nice to meet you as well so how long do you think we have to wait for the British to get here and are one of us getting them".

They then walked to the kitchen and my team explored the house and I slept on the couch and I basically did that for 3 days until Mike and Ike went to pick up the British team who had arrived from what the allies radioed in they then came back and we planned our attack the American team would go after the military government officials the British diplomatic officials and the exiles the political officials.

Now that wasn't the plan but it was the basic part of it cause we had only a couple days until the soviets got here so we quickly got our stuff and went to our positions I then created a nice giant ice cube in the sky and then split it into multiple ice spikes and then made more cubes which I then turned into spikes and minuets later I sent them down and then I used metal magic to explode some tanks and cars plus the gas pipes nearby.

Which obviously caused large amounts of chaos which we then used to get into our targeted buildings I then sensed around for people and led my team to them and we then killed them with silenced weapons we went through the whole building in 11 minuets and we gathered lots of information from the building since it's was basically the ministry of war.

And then we planted special bombs created and enhanced by yours truly we then got out of dodge and went back to our commandeered house and went into our nice and secret created by the 3 mages and me and then we waited for a couple days and we shared stories with the other commando groups and then we asked how the exiled government commandos killed hitler and the mage obviously tortured him by bending the water in his body and stabbing him a lot.

And then we heard the rumbling of tanks so we got out and quickly Mike shouted in Russian to the person out on the top of the tank "hello soviets what took you so long we've already killed hitler and we got here first" the Russian then looked at him and sighed then talked to the person below him

He then shouted at Mike in English "so command was telling the truth we'll come on you capitalist dogs we have to secure this area the Germans still have some bombers nearby and some divisions are coming to reinforce Berlin so we need to set up defences".

We followed him and helped set up defences then I heard a familiar screech of a plane zooming down to either straights us or bomb us so I turned on metal sense and sensed 48 planes and 560 tanks plus about 300,000 troops running towards our positions I then used my metal magic to control the planes and suicide bomb them into the troops and I then controlled all the tanks and shot each one destroying them.

By now the Germans who were rushing in started to retreat I then killed 20,000 Germans and pulled out there blood and sent it towards them and they all put down there guns and laid on the ground now when I said to the whole company of soviets and my good allied friends "they have surrendered can you capture them and like put them somewhere".

They slowly got out there shock and I heard some soviet whisper to his friend "you know seeing the 'vampire' in action is way more terrifying than hearing the rumours about him" his friend nodded and they set off to go put the surrendering Germans in a makeshift prison i then said to Mike "well I'm gonna go sleep in our commandeered house wake me up when you need me".

He nodded and I walked off now while I was going to the house I stole some beer and food from a store nice I know and then I finally got to the house plopped into the couch slogged some wine and beer eat some jerky and went to sleep and I would wake to the German reich surrendering and a Cold War which was nice but that'll end this story telling for today good night darling.