
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Movies
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23 Chs

Ch.3 im horrible at making titles and I have two cats sleeping on me which is nice

*Crash* I jumped up now what happened well a German force was here and a German shot a panzerfaust at a jeep exploding it this was a great way to wake up I would say and then I could hear planes screech through the sky now this made me go oh oh mode.

So I ran outside which was a good idea because a German bomber had just dropped a bomb right behind my tent which threw me to the ground I then got up picked up a lee Enfield from the ground then aimed at the plane that flew over me and shot I then boosted it with my metal and air magic I made it go fast enough to hit it I then split the bullet into tiny metal bullets it then smashed into hit and hit its fuel storage which made it explode.

I then sensed around with my metal and water sense and my face turned grey cause I could sense a force of about 13,000 German troops coming to attack our base they had 3 old panzer 3's so I quickly took control of them and made them shoot at there friends then a couple of the Germans through their anti-tank grenades at them which destroyed them.

Now the Germans didn't have their tanks but they still had a force of 15 planes which where currently being hunted down by the aircraft we had now our supporting carrier ship had left to support the British landing at gold post so we only had 4 planes so I quickly took control of there planes and made them suicide themselves into the German force then I created a water board and flew towards them.

Once I arrived I nearly got shot cause it was pretty obvious I was a good mage since I was flying so I took control of there blood with water and blood magic now this basically destroyed them since seeing there German friends die by getting their blood pulled out of the, was pretty demoralising and when I then used it to kill them they retreated but I didn't let them.

So I summoned a large square of water and suffocated the rest of the soldiers until they became unconscious then I put all of it back in the dead German body Ives I took it from now my friends were shocked cause we where surprise attacked and we still destroyed the whole attacking force well I did.

But with my reveal of blood magic I got a new title "fucking vampire bitch" well that's what a single conscious German said but the title I actually got was "Dracula" bad title I know but with my reveal of blood magic some retards actually thought I was a vampire stupid I know but I was in a magic ww2 bullshit world.

Anyway we then rebuilt the damaged base put the somewhat alive Germans in a makeshift prison then cleared up the tank and plane wrecks and then the old general man got 3,200 of us to go help the British attack on gold post cause they were still dealing with some zealous remament as so we took some cars and zoomed off now this 3,200 group brought 3 of the 12 mages from base including me so we would probably take care of it easily.

Now once we got there we could hear the fire of guns so we zoomed straight towards it and saw a squad of a couple Germans shooting at the attacking British force so me and the 2 other mages suffocated them with air magic then we met up with the British and they ordered us to go attack the nearby village nice I know.

So we once again zoomed off and when we arrived a panzer 3 burst down the street straight towards us so I crushed it with metal magic and then we quickly met up with the attacking British force and a commander came up to us and said.

"Finally you fucks took a while" he them pointed down the road where Germans were suppressing his force and said "Those German fucks are firing so much we can't attack and I've sent some squads too flank them but they got caught by the patrolling soldiers and tanks so they can't help so mages do your thing and fuck them over".

Me and the other two quickly ran down and through wind bullets and fire balls down the street causing a explosion with that all of us charged but then and line of flame came down the street which I dispatched with ease and once the smoke cleared I could see and woman spewing fire in our direction while and man through water spears at us.

Now they where normal mages not cool ones like me so I diapered there magic and suffocated them now while I was doing this the force I was with killed the remaining Germans then we split up to help the British who tried to flank the Germans we just crushed I quickly zoomed to the street were I could hear a tank and once I crossed a corner I could see the beautiful u protected rear of the panzer 3 and I quickly pierced her backside with a water spear and it quickly died with a nice explosion courtesy of the mage who came with me.

Now we then the stop of gunfire form behind us meant that the Germans were either dead or they killed the British and American force that tried to kill them but they probably did so we quickly ran towards there area and saw them patching up some wounds and stealing the Germans ammunition and weapons now we then had to set up a radio.

Which we did and then we reported our success and that meant the people at gold beach could come and reinforce the town we where in and that meant we could use the houses for actual shelter and food plus good beds.

So we just got the German bodies piled up and moved the tank wrecks into blockades at the edges of the town now we then waited while the whole British force that attacked gold beach came to set up a base here so we just asked the french citizens if they wanted to set up a party for getting liberated form German rule and they gladly accepted.

Now the french where treated badly which was obvious so they brought the whole town well who was left to party and it was a good one wine beer steak meet fruit it was actually quite nice to relax after all the shit I'd done.

So a hour later the British found there forces partying with the french and they joined in then a hour later they started to get to work of setting up defences and radio towers and logistical offices now I was then sent back with the two mages I came with to go back to Omaha to go help clean up at Utah beach cause there where two German divisions protecting the Brittany area.

So we once again zoomed to our destination stocked up at Omaha base which was being reinforced and aircraft were actually patrolling the area so we got some food and bombs and then left to Utah once we arrived we could see a whole column of German panzers attacking the American force of tanks and infantry they got through the defences of the beach easily.

But fighting a professional and full panzer division reinforced with and mechanised infantry division was hard so they were slowly getting pushed back but we arrived so I quickly took control of the German panzers and started to fire on the mechanised and the other panzers.

This caused confusion obviously but unlike when I did this at Omaha the infantry didn't instantly react but the 4 mages there fired at the tanks exploding a couple before I shot at them with the tanks which made them burst into blood then I crunched the mechanised with metal magic and then sucked the Germans for all there blood and done we won.

Now the American division looked at me and one of whispered "the .. vampire.." I then said "cool now go steal all there shit your probably gonna need it and start setting up your base already if you quite literally walk into the french town nearby they'll welcome you with open arms".

This caused them to get to work and I just sat i the car and watched then they moved to the nearby village and had a small beer party ten they radioed to Hq and explained they got to the village and where setting up there HQ do for the area they then sent us to go to the surrounding villages to tell the villages they where being freed.

So we quickly did this and in a couple hours we had gotten the whole of Brittany and Normandy under allied control this was going extremely well in HQs opinion now after the whole day I went to my tent and went to sleep cause today was kinda tiring.

And once I woke up the whole of the allied force would know of the "vampires" great actions against the evil german forces and so would the Germans cause they kinda noticed the attacking of Normandy and Brittany it was pretty obvious but they also heard of the "vampire" which would by himself make whole German divisions surrender well in the future anyway good night you'll learn more tomorrow boy.

(Why are people putting this in their library this story sucks and the grammar is even worse are you guys starved for sub par stories huh but it's nice to see people actually reading this horrible story)