
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Movies
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23 Chs

Ch.14 now this is a story all about how my life got flipped up and turned upside down

(Weird choice for a world I know I was gonna choose underground 6 or now you see me but this is more interesting I'm so sorry for the wait)


Pirates of the Caribbean movie series, 5 movies, 5 powers to be given

1.supernatural endurance

2.memory destruction

3.thought detection

4.carbon manipulation

5.bronze generation


I sighed I had gotten good ones even bronze generation could be good if used right and I had supernatural intelligence which was a great power combinator then another screen came up announcing which world I was gonna go to next


World chosen by taking a consumer based vote, world that has been chosen is Kingsman secret device good luck Alex for this one you might not need it


I smiled this would be interesting, very very interesting I wondered how this would go would I be fucked or not I mean I hope this would be fun I mean it's the kingsmen and in my opinion one of the best movies in the world it's great

Anyway with that I found myself in the body of Alex no second name and I was a Russian spy and like this world they had the best spy network in the world because like British it had gotten its spy network upgraded immensely because this world had bullshit spy networks now i was secretly Alex Romanov not a royal just had a rare second name

And I had too say this fucking world was awesome like oh my fucking god anyway. I was a 22 year old Russian spy the best of the best a genius among geniuses and I was sent to infiltrate the kingsmen I was the chosen person to replace Lancelot surprising I know since their the "kingsman" why can't they notice you well as you can tell their not real in the OTL timeline they are the op pls nerf spy agency

Now other nations like Russia and America had theirs upgraded as well and they had larger experience more money and a larger history than Britain and Russia had all of those they had the most of all of them making them the most powerful spy network the "Romanov's" and since I was the best of the best I was sent to infiltrate it

I went to England and then to the kingsmen tailor shop with my handler a member of the kingsmen high council which is why I got in so easily we already had one man in it so with that it was a lot easier then I was in the secret facility and used the egg to arrive at the mansion then I was put in the room filed with beds and showers and toilets all basic and eventually everyone came staggering in and then Eggsy arrived with his commoner attitude and swagger

We were all then briefed by merlin who said "fall in. Ladies and gentlemen. My name is merlin you are about to embark on what is probably the most dangerous job interview in the world. One of you and only one of you will become the next Lancelot. Can anybody tell me what this is" he picked up a green bag and everyone except eggsy put their hands up

The richest and poshest of the group Charlie was chosen and said "Body bag sir" merlin then said "correct Charlie isn't it" Charlie then responded saying "yes sir" and merlin continued "good in a moment you will each collect a body bag. You will write your name on that bag. You will write the details of your next kin on that bag this represents your acknowledgement of the risks that your about to face as well as your agreement to strict confidentiality which incidentally if you break will result in you and your next of kin being in that bag is that understood" no one said anything and merlin finally said "excellent fall out"

He then left the room and we prepared our chosen beds and wrote our names down on the bags i also wrote down the fake sister I had after being adopted Roxane the said "Roxane but call me roxy" to eggsy and he replied with "I'm Eggsy" and she confusedly said "eggy" but Eggsy corrected her saying "No Eggsy"

Charlie then stepped in and said " eggy? And where did they dig you up" Roxy then said "you know where not allowed to discuss who proposed us" one if Charlie's friends stepped in and said "no need to bite his head off Charlie's only making conversation right Charlie" Charlie hmmd and his friends Digby introduced himself and then introduced his friend Rufus

Rufus then asked Eggsy "So Eggy are you Oxford or Cambridge" I then sighed loudly but they ignored me and Eggsy replied saying "neither" Digby then asked "Saint Andrews? Durham?" Rufus then continued and Said "No wait I think we may have met did you serve me at the McDonald's in Winchester service station"

Eggsy then said "No but if I had I'd given you an extra helping of secret sauce" I chuckled at that and ignored the posh group staring daggers at me and Charlie said "it's definitely Saint Andrews" the group then snickered and Roxy said "just ignore them"

And then a woman came up and gave Eggsy a pen he said "cheers" then Roxy asked "Amelia isn't it" the girl nodded and Roxy said "Amelia, Eggsy" Amelia then said "hi, Eggsy" and they shook hands Amelia then muttered "Don't take any notice of those guys" and Roxy intervened saying "that's what I told him" he then looked at the bag and Roxy said "it's just scare tactics classic army technique no ones gonna die" Eggsy then said "shame" after looking at Charlie's group

We then all got dressed in our pyjamas and went to bed and once we all went to bed the water started rising I instantly got up hearing it swish around and rushed to the toilets shouting "Wake up! Waters rising!" That got everybody up and everyone except Eggsy went towards the toilets while he went towards the door while he was doing that everyone was getting free air from the toilets me and him then swam towards the mirror I waved my hands towards it and he started punching it until it broke and we all dropped to the floor

Merlin then appeared and said "congratulations on completing your first task Alex Charlie Roxy well done for those of you who are still confused if you can get a breathing tube around a U-bend of a toilet you have an unlimited air supply simply physics worth remembering Alex Eggsy well done for spotting that was a two way mirror"

Charlie then said "he's probably seen enough of them" everyone except me Roxy Amelia and Eggsy smiled at that merlin then said "yeah you can all wipe those smirks off your faces because as far as I'm concerned every single one of you had failed you all forgot the most important thing teamwork" merlin then pointed to the dead body laying in the room we just escaped from nice

We where then given actual rooms to sleep in well not really we slept in the same room but with commodities and we were given clothes for tomorrow's training we weren't given any idea of what it was then after sleeping for a day we were moved to the outside and merlin met us starting a speech "As some of you will have learned last night teamwork is paramount here at kingsman. We're here to enhance your skills, test you to the limit which is why you're gonna pick up a puppy wherever you go your dog goes you will care for it you will teach it and by the time it's fully trained so will you be those if you who are still here that is. Do you understand.... choose your puppy"

We all walked forward and I quickly chose the German Shepard because their adorable and one of the strongest and healthiest dogs out their and because I've always wanted one now in the movie Charlie chooses it but since I got it first he chose the small one at the top a Sheba

Then we did training with our dogs running them with a backpack and a gun Eggsy was all the way at the back since his dog wanted to chill and not run since lazy :) then we all went back to our rooms and Eggsy went to Galahad (Harry) to see how he was holding up anyway after training we all went to sleep and Eggsy got water poured all over him by Charlie's gang while they were arguing I said "wow Charlie to be honest I thought you'd be better than that I mean I know your a horrible person but you've got the whole rich kid sentiment so I thought you'd just go uh poor people don't want to interact with you but it seems your way more pettier than I thought"

With that Charlie froze and kinda seemed to have a epiphany like he had gotten the insight into the world Dao he then slowly ignored the happenings of the argument while his friends kept on saying it was just a joke then tomorrow he had me and Eggsy as his groups target great I know then we had a written test we're Charlie was actually surprised Eggsy passed

Then a sniper test were Eggsy and Charlie continued to argue and Eggsy continued to show he was good at this by now Valentine should be securing the Swedish princess for her protection and killing her guards because protection and pointy legs

Then we were given the test results letting us know which six people would be going onto the final tests to replace Lancelot then Eggsy showed Merlin and Galahad Valentines announcement then after sleeping we had the plane test once it opened I went to the front and once the blue light turned green I jumped shouting cheer like Charlie's group (I would love to skydive) then Eggsy jumped and then Roxy

We then all flew down and all flew near each other on our way down then merlin chipped in and said "my my you're all very cheerful did you really think it was gonna be that straightforward any idiot can read a heads-up display. A kingsman agent needs to be able to solve problems under pressure like what to do when one of your group has no parachute (chuckles)"

Everyone then started swearing but I piped in and said "Everyone shut it just grab someone and one of you pull your parachute if they didn't have it pull yours" then Rufus the cunt pulled his chute then everyone went in a circle and pulled their chute one by one until it was me Charlie Eggsy and Roxy left Charlie did it then me and Eggsy and Roxy were left they then locked legs and fell to the ground together and then one of them pulled the parachute and they hit the ground hard but made a new record

Then the thee stooges of Charlie's group were disqualified and left the kingsmen school and then merlin dismissed us but Eggsy complained since he was the one chosen but merlin then pulled his chute and he fell to the ground with a smile on his face then we all went back to our adorable doggies my dog was called Bob and he was a male and I do have to say he was the best doggie out of the remaining four because he is the king *cough*

Anyway I'll stop complementing my king of a dog and get to the shit right now Galahad should be having a McDonalds dinner with Valentine and was plugged with a nano tracker he then met with the big boss old man Roxy's grandfather then me and the remaining four sat in our room and watched tv seeing how everyone wanted Valentines free SIM cards then merlin came in and we all stood up but he said

"At ease" and we all sat back down "so you thought we were done for the day huh" he then gave us folders "well we're not" Roxy looked at the info docks we were given and asked "A party" and merlin replied "Tonight in London" Charlie then asked "who's this" and held up a picture of a girl merlin then said "your target your mission is to use your NLP training to win over the individual in the photograph in your envelope and when I say "win over" I do mean in the biblical sense"

Eggsy then said "easy posh girls love a bit of rough" Charlie then replied with "we'll see about that, yeah" I sighed and Roxy said "We certainly will" now before this I was known as the quite serious and sarcastic person who passed literally every test with perfect scores now they didn't know that but they did know that I was good but anti social so when we went to the party I quickly went towards the girl and shocked the 3 since in a couple seconds I had her charmed and they quickly sat next to me and tried to get her away from the other and me then we drank the drugged wine and all collapsed unconscious

I had to use my supernatural intelligence to knock myself out by the way supernatural endurance completely stops drugs of any kind effecting me then I found myself tied on a train track in front of of man who noticing my silence told me this "This knife can save your life eh" then a train horn sounded down the tunnel I turned my head in fake panic but looked back to him he continued "My employers got two questions for you Eggsy what the fuck is kingsman and who's Harry hart"

I replied saying "well Harry hart sounds like a dick so he's probably one and kingsman sounds like one of those edgy teenager organisations doing rp or something like that I've seen kids do it before and it was extreme cringe not gonna lie" then the man said "oh Alex I just killed three of your friends who gave me the same bullshit answer" the train got closer and he said "hey Alex is kingsman worth dying for"

I then looked at him and said "Bruh you stupid like I'm 22 the fuck I'm gonna know about a edgy sounding organisation" the train got closer until it ran over me the floor off course went into the ground before I was squashed and in front of me was my handler he said "congratulations you've passed"

I then asked "how's the others done" he smiled and said "Roxy and Eggsy passed with flying colours Charlie's next want to watch" I said "yeah" met up with Roxy and Eggsy then hugged and watched Charlie shit himself and spill every secret kingsman had then he shat himself more knowing it was a kingsman test

Then merlin turned on his chair and said Galahad,Lamorak,Percival congratulations your candidates have reached the final stage of the testing process.As tradition allows you now have 24 hours to spend with them Eggsy you should know your farther reached this point. From now on there are no safety nets understood" me Roxy and Eggsy nodded our heads and merlin said "good dismissed" we all then had a day spent with our kingsmen my handler was Lamorak

We then went to kingsman were I got the suit and shoes not the bulletproof ones just as normal nice one then I met with Lamorak back at the kingsman mansion and was given a gun he told me to shoot my dog I waited for a second and shot right after Roxy did I shot it in the tail like right at the edge it was a blank I knew this Bob was fine but I was told I was just a second after Roxy so I wasn't going to be the next Lancelot we off course had planned for this my handler Lamorak was old 89 years old so we killed his family who he didn't like and gave him a heart attack

By the way he knew about us killing his family he even did it himself he had a big fuck of grudge so he got a heart attack and I was given his position the new Lamorak a kingsman agent I then had a nice calm celebration with Roxy with some tea and biscuits it was pretty nice we talked for a bit but after that we heard of Galahad's death I had that church fight recorded by the way it was fucking awesome 10/10 would recommend

Then Arthur had a nice conversation with Eggsy revealing his in with Valentine then Eggsy switched the win and Arthur poisoned himself we knew this so once Eggsy came on the egg we met him their he showed us the phone and merlin verified it making Roxy put down the gun merlin then said "Arthur's phone is receiving constant update texts about getting to safety we don't have a lot of time" Eggsy then asked "what are you gonna do"

Merlin looked at him and said "Question is what are we gonna do god knows who's in valentines pocket and who's not we have no choice we're gonna have to deal with this ourselves follow me" we all followed Merlin and got in a jet and went to save the world from a insane genius wonderful isn't it ha.


I'm so so so sorry this took this long I for some reason couldn't find the time or effort to do this so I did an extra long chapter I'm so so sorry this took so long

And sorry for the bad quality I wrote this over a couple days and I finished the matter half in a day so it's quality is pretty shit in my opinion