
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Movies
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23 Chs

Ch.15 I am da fighty man (he really isn’t)

You know this jet is quite nice but the robot is kinda ruining the decor anyway while the two idiots got some of that knowledge from merlin who had Lancelot get into a space suit which was wonderful to watch how her face squirmed when she knew she was going into space anyway merlin started to examine Valentines chip that was in people's necks

Here's what he had to say "it seems the implant can emit some kind of counter signal to ensure the wearer remains unaffected by the waves from the same cards" then Eggsy had to bunch in and ruin merlin's spewing of knowledge

"The waves that turn everyone into a psycho killer" merlin replied to that with "Quite. But what he probably didn't tell anyone is it can also super-heat their soft tissue at his command. Valentine selected his chosen few to get the countdown warning, but he had to be sure they didn't blab to the wrong people beforehand"

Eggsy then once again ruined merlins gifting of knowledge to Eggsy with "How does this help us right now " and Merlin replied saying "it doesn't" which was disappointing wanted to go on about he is intelligent and so well spoken and is coolio that was gonna be a joke but he ruined it

Anyway Merlin got up and shouted "Roxy! Here we go!" Roxy put on her fashionable suit and the three stuges went outside to see her off and merlin to explain what she had to do while they were doing that I was drinking the alcohol supply anyway Merlin then said "You're getting in on Arthur's invitation You're gonna need to blend in"

Eggsy shockingly said "I'm supposed to be Arthur?" Merlin quickly explained "His invitation is in his phone give them this" merlin hands Eggsy his phone and continues "Give his real name Chester king" then Eggsy looked at me and said "But what about Alex and you" Merlin then said "I'm the pilot I'm gonna stay here"

Eggsy then looked at me and I said "I've already got an invitation I stole it off Ivan Steel" they nodded knowing my hacking prowess so Eggsy got dressed while I got cleaned up now I'm gonna explain something I didn't explain earlier I had sent all this to the Russian spy agency I worked for so they could prepare for it and prepare they did they had given everyone under Russian protection protection against Valentines SIM cards

Then we arrived at Valentines base were Eggsy said "fuck me" in surprise Eggsy walked out and met the lady in front of us while I followed behind Eggsy pulled out his invitation and the woman said "Mr.king welcome I'm sure give adhered to Valentines strict no weapon policy but if you don't object" she waved the detector stick in front of Eggsy and he replied with "off course"

She waved it up and down and continued "Do you have any luggage" Eggsy then turned around and said "congratulations, Mycroft you've just graduated from my pilot to my valet" with that merlin quietly said "you cheeky.." Eggsy then continued and said "understood good"

I then went through the same process and me and Eggsy were taken to the main party room we then got drinks and Eggsy went to get a laptop and the prime minster of Sweden just so happens to be the one who had one then Eggsy got into the network and was ordered by Merlin to get back to the plane so was I but seconds later guess who appeared

Charlie yep Charlie the fuck he had a knife to Eggsy's throat and said "nice and slow" Eggsy put up his hands and asked "fuck are you doing here?" Charlie replied "well my family were invited obviously now get the fuck up slowly" Charlie grabbed Eggsy and put him to the edge of the second floor rail

And shouted "Valentine I've caught a fucking spy" Valentine stood up and looked at Charlie and Eggsy who just so happened to be taking Charlie with 50,000 volts and he gave Charlie a punch to the face nice I know he then jumped down to the second floor and ran away

Then the alarm sounded and I slowly followed Eggsy who was getting surrounded by the soldiers he then engaged and killed four,five,six,seven,eight,nine... he murdered a lot of people ok and I was slowly following behind getting ignored by the running soldiers who focused on the guy who was shooting the fucking gun

Then I killed the guy behind Eggsy while he fired the gun with no ammo at the guys in front of merlins jet thankfully merlin came through and shot them through the back we all got in and merlin notified us that we couldn't leave we had to kill Valentine he then gave us weapons I took the knives and pistols we opened the door and Eggsy ran off while I saw the large amount of soldiers coming towards Eggsy half of them went off and faced Eggsy while I got the other half's attention

I quickly counted them and saw that their were 56 of them I took out my pistol and single lighter grenade which I armed and threw into the group it exploded and nearly all of them were dead their where eight left i quickly throat punched one and used his body to take the bullets coming towards me

I then threw it forward and shot two times taking the shooters out I then charged again and threw a knife straight into one of the guys eyes killing him 4 were left I quickly blocked two punches coming towards me and pulled the two arms forward heading butting the guy who tried punch me I then leaned backwards dodging a punch I punched back pulled out my gun and shot the head butted guys gut and the guy I just punched I then shot the remaining two who were shocked a single person killed a group of 56 people

Then I saw Eggsy get cornered on my glasses he then had a sudden inspiration and told Merlin to turn on the security implants which then exploded everyone's heads except us Valentine and his girl with the sword legs Eggsy then picked up an gun after getting a promise from the Swedish princess to have sex if he saved the world

With that as a reward he charged back into the main party area and shot at the bullet proof glass that protected Valentine the sword lady then jumped out of the window and landed in front of Eggsy and they had a nice fight until I shot the lady in the chest which ended the super people fight then Eggsy picked up one of the sword lady's legs and threw it into Valentines back which stopped the insanity thing

Which meant Eggsy was gonna go have sex with a Swedish princess while I drank the alcohol located in the party area and started looting the dead people in the party area and gathering information and black mail for specific countries like Sweden

I then started planning the buying of their business since their dead and so is their whole family's so that meant haha stock buy and capitalism go brrr anyway we all then had a nice celebration after it and with that world crisis over I started buying and buying Valentines tech and companies then the world turned to Russia who wasn't affected by the insanity affect

Which was obviously suspicious now I had 9 years until the end of this world so o just had fun with the spy thing going on dangerous mission thwarting plans to take over the world which were a lot more common than I thought like what a random guy somehow becomes a evil guy and tries to take over the world like why

I continued my research as well gotta research and train as much as I can since the powers I have can combine together really well supernatural intelligence and thought detection is bullshit it's basically full precognition so I'm good on that department

Now at the end of my ten years I had dumped all the intel I had gathered in the Russian intelligence agency that I worked for and told my friends Eggsy and Roxy or Lancelot and Galahad that I was always a Russian spy the look on their faces was absolutely hilarious I even took a picture of it then I evaporated in front of them which was fun

Now this concludes this world it was pretty fun not gonna lie.


Cant continue to the other kingsmen movies since I can't find them in Disney plus or Netflix and I found the first kingsmen in Disney plus is yeah

Anyway how was the fight scene with the Mc was it ok I would like someone's opinion on it since this Is the first major detailed fight scene if it's ok then I'll take it