
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Movies
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23 Chs

Ch.13 the fallout of destroying the fountain of youth and me conquering the world

Now you know the guy who destroyed the fountain of youth yeah he was tortured and then executed by the Spanish king because he wanted the fountain of youth and he destroyed it and politically the Spanish dropped immensely in respect and prestige every other nation which where vying for the fountain started to hate them even more than normal

This all started the & I quote wars of Spanish destruction yeah like it says the Spanish where basically destroyed in the new world and the old the British and the french for once actually helped each other (sometimes) during the war anyway with the Spanish's quick defeat I had eaten every but of their colonial possessions the whole of Mexico and their South American possessions

All of which where horribly developed like they didn't even know what a town was or for other than bread and lamb and some apples and shit so with that and me not wanting to involve myself in trying to get the trident of Poseidon since invincible ghosts and a super magic ship which can eat other ships

Anyway with that out if the way I started pouring in money to my new possessions and it took 7 years to get up to my minimum standard which was still pretty good for time but my god it was annoying anyway while I was doing that I started to change the British empire politically and economically he introducing better factories and smithing techniques including agriculture tools and techniques I did this with every avenue of economic profit for the British empire at a whole

Then I did the military reforms which started a bit of a rabble by the military so I had to go control them for it to go through without any trouble then I started introducing better weapons and medicine I continued in with my reforms for 3 years and all I had to do was wait for a while for the empire to become Uber empire

Now with the Spanish out of the way the french and the British started a war which was nice and with most of my basic reforms through the British soundly thrashed them off course they had some casualties but they did great well they thought they did great but in my opinion they did ok

And with that war the British had full control of the new world well full control of the north new world then after recovering for a while they declared war of the Portuguese taking their south new world colonies and giving it to me which I then had to build up which was once again annoying but by now I had full control of the empire and people liked it since well I had from what they knew paved the future for the glorious British empire

Which meant they didn't try to assassinate me a lot only a little which was great anyway with full control over the empire I officially became the emperor of the British empire which shocked everyone on the global scene but then they started scheming the Chinese tried to take back their ports but failed and I got more the french tired to get back their colonies and failed horribly that gave their African colonies

Then I started planning for two years I planned and finally the perfect time arrived the french had a military scandal making the current king Phillip get rid of most of his generals which meant I could invade mainland France which I did they didn't expect it at all and I completely rolled over them but their was a problem everyone in Europe knew that France and Britain held each other back form dominating Europe and with France gone that meant British was the master of Europe

Which meant everyone panicked and started a coalition the Spanish the Germans the Austrians and the Italians tried to remove me from France and failed and failed and failed then I pushed back completely overtaking the Spanish and Portuguese and then with my head way into Germany the small German states sacrificed their own I got Belgium the Netherlands and bordering Germany states then the Italians gave me their whole entire coast and the Austrians broke their empire because of how much money they had to give me for reparations

Then I had to repair and build up my new territory's while literally everyone tried to fuck me over for obvious reasons like who would've thought that takin over the whole of France Spain Portugal and half of Italy would make people hate me like what a surprise then I fainted because going Uber mode on rebellious territory's is tiering and then implementing my reforms was also tiering

It was surprising for me as well and then after my uber mode was over and I had finished my faint everything went back to normal well as normal as it can be their was still rebels terrorists etc. But they where being dealt with so the situation was gonna get better and with most of the troubles in my newish territory's being dealt with I could consolidate my position

In the new world now since I had eliminated literally everyone else form the new world the pirates had no one else to attack and pillage which meant they focused on me knowing I would retaliate which I did the day I destroyed shipwrecks cove the pirates ran to Asia and Africa since I wasn't focusing their I was focusing on fully controlling the new world which was extremely easy to do with no rivals in the area

And in a couple years I and claimed the whole entire new world and had sparsely populated the new world and in a couple years with the magic saturated crops it would be the most populated territory's I owned and one of the richest

Anyway while I was building up I was also causing chaos by assassinating literally every leader of a nation in the world which caused chaos obviously now people noticed it was me and i couldn't stop them from not noticing me since it was pretty obvious like oh no every leader of nation in the world has died except the British one that's suspicious

Now I then started to churn out massive and I mean massive amounts of propaganda to demoralise the people who where against me and once again supernatural intelligence came in for a win they spirits where broken and hopes dashed they even started to hope I would invade them since I was so "great and kind" anyway people couldn't stop me directly now so I in 38 years conquered the world

It sounded great and it was but the problem was that people who where good at their jobs couldn't be everywhere so in some parts of my empire corruption reigned and terrorist organisations popped up frequently I was getting assassination attempts nearly every day even though they never got to me they tried everything to assassinate me but they failed and failed and failed

Plus with them getting captured and then executed because if my supernatural intelligence and good subordinates they barely affected the empire as a whole off course this was a minor issue since the newly conquered people of my empire hadn't eaten my propaganda for years so I had to focus on them and get them up to good enough standards to where they wouldn't collapse into corruption and anarchy without me around

Then I had to deal with religious tensions crime drugs you name it and I had to deal with it now having a empire that spanned the whole entire earth came with perks obviously and having basically the whole of north and South America extremely loyal to me meant I could ask for anything and I would get it which meant I could finally set up a top of the line lab for myself

And in their i made myself long lived stronger faster etc because supernatural intelligence is op as fuck and with that I could go for a month without collapsing which meant I could clean up my empire quicker which meant good for me which meant less stress because fuck I was running a empire which encompassed the whole world and people where dicks and religions existed to purely piss me of by murdering citizens off other religions (don't want to offend anyone here just saying how stressful it was to administrate a whole empire when lots of stupid people existed some who used religion to be mega dicks)

Now it took me 74 years and if you count in the years it took me to conquer the world because stubborn people existed it took me 112 years to get the earth in a state where it wouldn't collapse and was actually expanding in all directions freedom of speech free education free health care you know the good stuff and with a nice expanding economy and expansion happening into the space colony avenue I knew I could leave

So I announced that with me growing old I would let the council govern the empire leading it into prosperity now if your curious the council is what it says it is a council of highly trained ministers who are loyal to me and the empire I off course made sure I could keep them completely loyal to me by using magic so with that done I set off for a while until I found myself back in the void

Where I awaited my rewards and my next journey


Now if your noticing I rushed the end your right I completely lost my inspiration for pirates off the Caribbean so I wanted to finish it quick so I could move on so sorry if you wanted it in depth more and my uploading schedule is absolute shit like oof since I keep having ideas for other stories and this and then I can't pick which to write so sorry for the bad upload schedule and bad chapter