
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Movies
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23 Chs

Ch.12 so sorry this took so long I got incredibly burnt out after losing my love for pirates

Yeah thankfully this is the second last episode in the pirate of the Caribbean saga so comment what world you want him to go to next

Today was the day Jack was in England I had planned my arrival to co inside with his so I wouldn't have to waste my mana powering a spell half way across the world anyway I also came here to control the king by making him a loyal slave to me so I basically controlled the whole British empire now I also got major political nobles and military commanders just to be safe

Off course there was a couple problems one I looked like a 25 year old even though I should look like a 46 year of so I had to get rid of my youthful appearance and look like a sad old man well a energetic sad old man but still anyway continuing on I also gave the king a radio like my boys in the Caribbean so I could contact him there was no way I was gonna waste mana on a telepathic link

So after I did all that I gave him some general orders like introduce multiple orders for factories technology etc. Normal stuff any smart SI would do this but I had supernatural intelligence so I went super efficiency mode with the orders making them go into full effect in a couple days great I know

Now with that done I started to follow jack secretly off course seeing him save Gibbs and then be captured by the British army and then sent to meet the king jack then met Barbosa and he then escaped masterfully if I might add off course he had some problems at the end of the plan but still he escaped

By now I had stopped following him and I had started to procure some buildings in the city if London on the outsides and insides I then grabbed some of my men that had followed me and put them inside and gave them money and then ordered them to start the medicine plan which like it said involved medicine and me selling it

And I would use the buildings as bases for my new spy network in Britain I would expand in the future quickly as well since I already had a basic network in Europe and I just needed a base and some centralisation and decentralisation anyway I then followed jack to the bar where he had a drink with his dad he then met his ex who he had left for reasons unknown

She was probably crazy since she is Blackbeard's daughter anyway he then had a fight with her which was a great reunion for the two I think then they had a nice conversation while they fought the kings guard and he was then kidnapped because his ex was a crazy bitch and Blackbeard's daughter

Anyway he was then escorted to the queens Anns revenge the magic ship which was pretty cool since it was basically emitting wind water earth fire and dark magic somehow I ignored the bullshit magic ship knowing it would confuse me even more if I got answers and then the death mage and then the zombie officer I just uhhh I'm confused but carrying on jack spent the days on queen annes revenge being a normal pirate

Doing chores and being treated like a normal office worker jack eventually started a mutiny and got magicked by Blackbeard since he has a sword which obviously had enough power to control a ship because yes even though it wasn't a artefact or a enchanted artefact like what is Blackbeard such a asshole he can do magic like fucking what

Anyway continuing on Blackbeard then killed one person instead off everyone involved in the mutiny by flamethrower cause his ship has a magic flamethrower because he be Blackbeard then he had a nice conversation with Blackbeard the he did a stupid and said his daughter isn't cool

Then he had a date with her on the ship and he wasn't attacked for it because Blackbeard found it entertains yep he saw the whole thing and thought it was the funniest shit in the world but he didn't really like jack dancing with his daughter he then smiled at her manipulating him into helping her she then showed him the famous ships in the bottle

They then arrived at whitecap bay where they sent out a boat of men into the water after landing then they went up to the nearby tower and lit it up it used whale oil so it shined brightly on the boat in the water then the mermaids came who where fucking shitting out evil dark magic like diarrhea then they attacked slowly killing the occupants of the boat

Then the other small boats started dropping bombs driving the mermaids crazy they got so crazy Blackbeard moved his ships into them firing his flamethrower straight at them driving them to land they then attacked the crew killing more and more then more came and more and more that's when jack destroyed the tower that was attracting them they then captured a mermaid and sailed for protected cove

Anyway in like 7 hours Barbosa would arrive and would lose his ship to mermaids and then had to travel by foot to the fountain of youth with that out of the way jack arrived at protected cove and jacks then used his magic compass to find pond de Leon's ship they revealed through a jungle carrying the mermaid

Eventually the clergymen simped for the mermaid by letting her out if her prison because "sHE NeEDs AiR" like what she a fucking mermaid I know they can live underwater she was just quite good at faking it like man that guy was love sick as hell he opened it for her and that caused her to get free eventually

But before that happened jacks jumped off a cliff but bit after shooting at his ex a couple times because her farther gambled with her life then he jumped off the cliff because doll goes i go is a good sense of actually jumping off a cliff anyway he then found ponds de Leon's ship and then met Barbosa where they had a nice friendly conversation

Then they found the chalices well the box for the chalices and with that they figured out that the Spanish where ahead of them so they looked at the map in the skeletons hand and found out where they where camping they then went to their camp and Barbosa and jack tried to get the chalices

They then got them but where captured on their way out then they had a nice conversation about how Barbosa was attacked and defeated by Blackbeard then jack escaped by climbing up the tree he was tied to making a big enough distraction for Barbosa's crew to come and save him and get the chalices

Anyway while they where doing that Blackbeard had started to torture or figure what kind of torture they would do to the mermaid to get a tear from her they then figured out she had a fancy for the clergymen who was then 'killed' in front of her they off course eventually got a tear but back to jack

He has just made a plan with Barbosa who gave him the chalices he then made off with Gibbs and a pig who had the chalices on it he then made a deal with Blackbeard who accepted it he got the compass and Gibbs freedom he then followed on the path and saw water going up which then revealed the location of the fountain lucky of him I know

They then went inside and jack banged the two cups together he then did some stuff but while he was trying to get into the fountain I was trying to watch him get in since the fountain was going "nuh uh uh you magic eye that don't mean good" so I had to persuade it by telling it I was just watching jack which i was and since it was a lie detector it knew I was telling the truth so it let me follow him into the fountain of youth which was soothed in not evil dark magic and life magic

Then Barbosa appeared and started a fight with Blackbeard's crew well not before jack asked why they where fighting when it was Barbosa and Blackbeard who had the grudge against each other the two crews didn't even know each other then they fought

And then jack had a fight with his ex and scrum fighting over the chalices this continued in for a while until the Spanish appeared the legendary Pokemon who then rolled over them since they where a higher level then both of them combined plus it wasn't tired from a fight

Anyway with that joke out of the way they destroyed the fountain since "only god can grant eternal life" he then stepped on the chalices as threw them behind them then Barbosa pierced through Blackbeard's chest with his poisoned sword which Angelica then touched poisoning herself which then promoted jacks to try and get the chalices

Then the Spanish destroyed the fountain fully and the mermaid gave jack the chalices which he filled up and put the tear in then he handed the drinks to Blackbeard and Angelica he then bamboozled them by switching the cups around and making Blackbeard drink the one that takes life he was then eaten by the fountain and Angelica was given his life force saving her from the poison and giving her a extra hundred years nice I know

Then she was tied up and put on a island next to a trade route she tried her best but she failed to get jacks boat by being a thot she then shot at him at basically point blank range and missed anyway while jack was doing that Barbosa was sailing the queen annes revenge with the magic sword

And that sword I had just made well I had copied and refined the enchantment on the word and put it on my saber and then attuned it to ships like Blackbeard's sword which Barbosa now has then with that the winners of the fountain debacle sailed off since it's a pirates life for me (even though I'm technically not a pirate I'm called one)

(And next chapter will explain some of the fallout of destroying the fucking fountain of youth and sorry for taking so long I had lost a lot of my interest in the pirates of the Caribbean which is why it took soo long and I was figuring some stuff out for the story so sorry again)