
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Movies
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23 Chs

Ch.11 be thankful that rewatching pirates of the Caribbean made me want to write more

You know plot wise nothing really happened those seven years I mean I met jack Will Elizabeth Barbosa and Elizabeth's son a couple times but that was it anyway seven years had passed since we sailed off into the sunset after the fight with the Flying Dutchman and the British east India trading company and I had come a long way since then

Since well it was seven years I have now expanded my 'business' of pillaging the french Spanish Portuguese and danish ships and by now I have multiple little islands under my control this meant I could get a bigger fleet and I did exactly that and since seven years I have a fleet of 244 ships 244 ships I had more ships than the french and Portuguese combined and if they added the Spanish they had 285 ships 41 more than me

Now this is important because they made a coalition against me because I was literally bankrupting them with how many ships I was plundering and how much they where spending on rebuilding their ships and I had made a deal with the British like a normal person who was thinking of conquering the world since my benefactor sent me this message a couple days ago


I have decided to grant you the action of making this world your base world by that I mean you can basically conquer this whole world and use it for supplies and equipment while being it's emperor thank one of the consumers for suggesting this good luck


Which was nice so I planned and made a deal with the glorious British empire I became the governor off there new colony the Caribbean colony yes the Caribbean colony they gave me the whole Caribbean and by that they meant I had to do conquer the french the Spanish and Portuguese colony's and take it over which I did the thing Is is that I made that deal 5 years ago

And I spent 2 years warring against the Spanish and Portuguese and I won since I had 244 ships and they where fully manned plus I had 37 city's around the Caribbean and they each except my main city had around 100,000 population and my main city bastion had 400,000 people meaning I had 4 million people under my control

Which was a quarter of Frances population since they had 19 million which was still a lot but anyway I completely decimated the Spanish and Portuguese completely taking over the Caribbean and the future Panama Canal area then I took over the french islands they were angry but they didn't really care they only needed them to get to America and they had a little port already basically next to Florida

Which meant they had to focus on the British and Spanish colonies nearby like New Mexico and the thirteen colony's and because if that they just sent me a strong worded letter since they were a world power and that meant they needed to keep up there prestige on the national stage

Anyway with that the English where stumped they didn't expect me to actually do this in two years (2 years out of the 7) they then started to actually look at me and by that I mean as a normal colony governor who was extremely dangerous in the military scene and the thing is they noticed the pirates in the Caribbean weren't attacking me

Which meant that I was going to be a extremely big trading nation to the colonies in the new world since every other colonial powers ships were harrowed with pirates now if your wondering how I did this well I did this because the pirate lords weren't stupid they knew I had 244 ships when I wasn't even a governor and only a pirate

And that I was very very good a military tactics and such plus I was basically allied the British and was quite nice to them so I made them a deal they focus in everyone else except me which they excepted plus it's not like they could actually attack my trade vessels I always had at least two ships escorting them so they focused on everyone else which meant that I could do their jobs for them for money and favours

I obviously did that and in 2 years I could theoretically make Portugal Spain France and the British fight someone for me I could sic them all on one continent and they would theoretically do it (4 out of the 7) plus I was basically becoming the richest colony in the world and the biggest naval power in the new world meaning I had a lot off political weight

Which meant that I could manipulate the British who where becoming stronger from my profits which meant they where more ballsy which meant they started to fund me more since they diplomatically couldn't act against there um "friends" in public so they payed me to do it which I did I just disguised myself and my crews as pirates and we screwed the particular target harder than before

Now this was so annoying for them that they started a coalition against me yep I'm great aren't I now I'll mention why this was a bad idea mostly because I had a very very strong hand in all of my territory and I had expanded to 359 ships of varying types and the coalition had been hounded for multiple years losing ships for years which meant that I had more boats which meant I basically won

I literally just sat until they arrived across the pacific where they were tired and there boats where damaged form the travel I then destroyed them and by the way because of the war the colonies of Spain and France basically just watched because if I stopped trading with them they would absolutely collapse which meant the British colony would roll over them

So I had a stable and growing economy the whole entire time while the Spanish french and Portuguese fucked over there own economy fighting me which meant Britain could and would gain more influence over Europe especially the Mediterranean

Which meant they would focus back on Europe to take back their local influence which meant they asked for a armistice where they basically threw Spain into the gutter by allowing me to take everything they had well not everything I took basically Mexico well half of Mexico and then Venezuela and Colombia splitting the Spanish colonial empire in half

At the time I had 3 years until Blackbeard attacked the Pearl and so i just built up my new territory's for 3 years boring I know but it was profitable I was the pirate of the age a military genius that rose to become the governor of the richest colony in the world and I had the largest navy in the world

Plus with my new population I had a good backbone for my military so I just expanded and built up becoming even more solidified in the new world and nothing else really happened I mean Ferdinand became the king of Spain but that was it

Then three years later Queen Anne attacked the black Pearl making Barbosa eventually go to the English to become a privateer which was cool I guess oh and I observed black beard putting the Pearl into a bottle which was unnerving his sword was bullshit literally the definition of bullshit absolute bullshit

It gave him the power of size manipulation on only ships only ships fucking what like what and it gave him animate object and control object for ships ships like what I mean with that it was understandable why he was bullshit it was very powerful plus he was smart he hadn't attacked me since well I had 359 warships

So he just casually sailed off with the Pearl in a bottle nice I guess I then had to wait 4 years until the quest for the fountain of youth began now this is where the real political big boy moves happened it's where the game started for the kings of the new world

They sought the fountain of youth and they would do anything to get it even though in the movie a fanatical Christian destroyed it which was probably for the good since immortality and being a king just ends in that king being ganked by the surrounding kingdoms or just getting assassinated so tomorrow I'll talk about how I magically stalked the protagonists of the movie and not physically.


Yeah I know short bite me I know political and shirt military conflicts isn't entertaining but I had to set this up so now I can go to the cooler stuff and ignore this kinda stuff a little bit more and just detail it in short bits for the next chapter and I know I'm releasing these slowly which shouldn't be a surprising I'm losing my drive for this and my inspiration for this so sorry for the slow release and the bad grammar and detail