
Innocent Eyes 2 , Brinleys Heartache.

Second book , continues Brandon's and Nitikas story and Brandon's baby sister Brinley and her feelings for Jaxson best friend of Brandon's. Is Brinleys feelings for Jaxon real or just a crush. Is Brinley in for a Heartache or a happy ending . Will Jaxson or can Jaxson return her feelings or does he see Brinleys just as, his best friends little sister . Read to find out what happens.

Author_Maggie · Fantasy
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Brandon & Nitika

Jaxson left , Brinley took off to her room and I know now isn't the time to talk to her. She's been tru enough , hell I been thru a lot finding out my baby sisters gas feelings for my best friend and them being together in Paris , and what happened between them. Jaxson did the right thing stopping something before it got started but still my sister got hurt . What can I say to my best friend who's, my brother and my little sister. That I understand, or it's okay don't let it happen again , or forget the fact Brinley and Jaxson kept Paris and what happened from me. If jaxson would of said something anthing , this all could of been avoided. I would not of taken Brinley to his penthouse and let her see. what she saw. I rub my hand over my face , this is so frustrating. Nitika comes up behind me and lays her head on my back I was standing by the window , and wraps her arms around my waste. Brandon you know your sisters a grown woman not the little girl you ser her as , Jaxon did what he thought was best he stopped anything from going farther then it did. He apparently had no idea how Brinley felt for him, I'm sure they both just got caught up in the moment. Turning slowly Brandon faces Nitika placing his arms around her. With Nitikas head tucked under his chin Brandon kisses her head. I know love I know Jaxson did the right thing walking away , and I know Brinley kept her feelings for Jaxson hidden. Brinley got hurt and I kept help think it's my fault for taken her to Jaxsons and not noticing she had a crush on Jaxson . I'm her big brother. don't you think baby I should of noticed something. I smile at Brandon's words, no Brandon. We woman or girls are very good at hiding something that important in our lives. Our first crush,our first kiss ,our first heartbreak. It's a part of us that drive guys crazy , (we both laugh ) . Got that right baby ,Brandon says. The point I'm trying to make is this Brandon , somethings are better kept to ourselves to workout as we see fit. And seeing your reaction to what happened I'm pretty sure that's why Brinley kept her feelings to herself. I never had a brother or a sister Brandon , but as a woman and a girl who grew up with many crushes,( I laugh) on boys in school I know what Brinleys feelings are . Brandon lifts his chin off my head and lifts my face to look at him. You had a lot of crushes? with who ? I need to know if I have any competition out there ! I like it and laugh my ass off ! Are you kidding me ? is that all you heard of what I was saying ? Brandon laugh's with me , no I heard everything you was saying , just that part about crushes caught my attention more .YOU DO KNOW I HAD A LIFE BEFORE YOU BRANDON RIGHT ? I SHOUT, and Brandon replies with . I know but I don't have to like it ! Ohoo says the guy who had a girlfriend for how long ? Brandon kisses my head again ,then my cheek, and my lips. We get lost in a passionate, hot ! tongues exploring each other's mouth kiss ! We pull away from each ,Brandon picks me up and says. I think we need to take this to the bedroom and he throws me over his shoulder and runs up the steps to his room. WAIT ! I shout what about Brinley! I'll talk to her later , right now I'm going to finish what we started earlier ! We reach Brandon's rooms , in record time . Brandon throws me on the bed ,jumps on top of me and starts taken off my cloths. Brandon, Brinley what if she hears us ? Who cares ! I want you, and remember you just said she's a grown woman , hell she even said that. Let her cover her head with a pillow, because I'm taken you here , right now. And our cloths are history and Brandon slowly lines up his hard member ,with my overly wet woman part and thrust into me.