
✠ Age of the End Times ✠

"There will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever will be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake, those days will be shortened." - Matthews 24:21-22 -

The age of the end-times has come and the trumpets were blown one after the other as the sign of its coming, scouring the clear sky and reaching all ears. Ominous events and catastrophes as what has been foretold is being realized. The hour of revelation is still unripe and the seven seals of the mortal world are still intact, yet an occurrence like no other in hundreds of decades has occurred. The current year is 2030 and the prospering world of men is now beginning to see chaos. Dubbed as the "Coming of the End", the Earth's holy barrier was broken, oddly enough, and from the fiery Earth, came forth the Burning Legion. It started in Jerusalem, in April of 2027, during the course of the Holy Week, the first of the seven Legions ascended and the start of the apocalyptic war ensued. Not long came and on November the 2nd of the same year, the second Legion ascended in war torn Syria, creating a gigantic hellhole in the dessert of the middle east and taking the warring forces the Western Alliance, Muslim Jihadists and Russian forces by surprise. The battle was long and harsh, as the army of men joined together, finally forming the Global Coalition of Strategic Defense Force, to quell the fiery darkness that came from beneath the Earth, utilizing the best of their modern weapons against the army of the darkness. The army fought bravely but is still in a losing battle, and to add to the chaos, in December 25th of 2028, the Third Legion ascended in Paris, France from the underground labyrinth and caused chaos in the country, completely crippling the army and dividing their numbers. Thus, the population of men were further reduced to less than half as millions were killed in the war or most died in captivity and enslaved by the demonic forces of the legion. Apocalypse has consumed the world.

Yet when all hopes seem lost, the Catholic Ministry of Roma led by then Pope Benedictus IV, introduced and deployed the Catholic Crusade Army, "The Workers" from their undercover organization known as Opus Dei governed by the Catholic high ministry and headed by their elite crusade knights called the Goetian Knights or the Knights of Solomon the King. "The time of the coming end is here, but with faith to our one God, we will endure. Behold, our battle for survival is also our battle for faith." Pope Benedictus IV announced as from the St. Peter's Basilica came out the white crusade army led by the 9 Major Goetian Knights wearing gold and red robes.The Goetian Knights and the Workers led the war of humanity to a stalemate and saved many lives from the hands of the Burning Legion. Many cities were destroyed and homes vanished, the remaining free population stayed within the confines of a few underground vaults. 

There are six main sanctuary vaults in the world, the largest being in the snowy mountain range of Russia, called the Vault of Life; In the Nanling Mountains in Southern China; Mt. Fuji in Japan; the islands of Batanes, Philippines; Edinburgh Castle in Scotland, it is where the remaining population of the European countries took refuge and built their defense and underground vaults; and under St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. The Catholic Ministry of Roma also dispatched their Battle Priests, the Exorcists and Goetian Knights to every prominent cathedral in the world and converted it to a refuge site and defense fortress for those that weren't able to take refuge in the major vaults. For now in an unexpected turn of events, the war has halted, the demonic horde stopped advancing. No one knew what will occur, only time will tell...