
✠ Enter the Sun King ✠

Seoul, South Korea; January 2030

An APC truck and military convoy ventures within the devastated streets of Seoul, South Korea, finding refugees or strays that may need help. Leading the search and rescue operation is a motorcycle ridden by a slender figure riding south as it scours the area for any unwanted presences. "This is Alpha-Kilo, over." The Motor cyclist received a call from the transceiver mounted on the handle bar. "This is YoonA, I'm at point 3-2, at the intersection in Gangnam District." YoonA answered as she watch the surroundings of the once booming commercial district. It felt nostalgic, in a sad way, as YoonA recognizes and familiarizes every nook and cranny of the street and every building. Something seems odd and the air doesn't feel right, YoonA noted this as she becomes wary, reaching out for a bracelet she wore on her right wrist and touching a circular silver amulet with a fish carved in the middle and embedded with a Topaz gemstones at its eyes. YoonA stepped out from her motor bike and walked a few steps towards the middle of the intersection, trying to identify the source of the uneasy feeling. As she heads to the middle of the intersection, she felt the tingly sensation turning into pressure and noticed that it actually leads to an area further south, which to her knowledge is not included in their search area. The sky is as dark as ever with lightning and thunder occasionally appearing and disturbing the ominous peacefulness of the world. "YoonA to Alpha-Kilo. I am sensing something... odd. Do you sense it too?" YoonA reached for her transceiver and communicated. "Negative, Miss YoonA, You may ask Miss Sooyoung if she sense the same." YoonA heard from the transceiver. "This is odd, it doesn't feel right but it doesn't feel malicious as well." She thought long before riding her motorcycle again and talks to the transceiver, "I'll continue further south, meet me at the coordinates that I'll give." She said before turning on the motorcycle and continued on.

Somewhere not far, a commotion has ensued as a young woman runs outside an abandoned infrastructure towards the main road and not long from the same infrastructure, a group of five large red-skinned sickle demons, the Se'irims or Goat Demons with scarlet, predatory eyes emerged running after her. She kept running as fast as she can while the Se'irims advance towards her, their speed evidently superior than her. "HELP!!! HELP MEE!! " She cried and cried as she ran vehemently, in fear for her life. The Demons cried distorted bleats, scurrying towards her while aiming their long scythes. One of the demons managed to reach her enough as it, violently, swings its long scythe and took out the young woman's left ankle dismembering the foot and splashing warm crimson blood to the floor. The girl cried in pain as she fell off balance, face first towards the dirt of the road smearing against the moldy surfacing. The demons did not stop there and two more appeared from both her sides and stomped on both her upper limbs crushing her forearms on the process. The woman cried in despair as the Sei'rims release laughs of triumph over their prey. One of them stepped on the crying lady's body holding her in place, blood still flowing from her severed ankle. The girl cried and cried, calling for pity and salvation from her torment.

The Demons decided to let the torture endure longer and they watched in amusement, with one of them even holding its long erected genitalia and started playing with it. As the lady cry in despair, her voice weakening from her wails, her head falling to the ground as she felt weaker and weaker. Deciding that they had enough fun, the Se'irims moved closer to their victim and her dying state, the demons finally stomped on her head and squashed it like a vermin and letting its organs scatter with blood. "Bastards." An angry, almost growling, voice overcame the demons' bleatings and called its attention. The demons looked behind them and saw another young lady approaching them, walking briskly towards them. The Goat demons looked at one another as if communicating and armed their scythes. "I'll kill all of you... you, God-damned beasts!!" The lady cried as she started running towards the monsters. The girl pulled her pendant away and muttered a chant, "Give me power so I can quell the evil before me, Eligor, Great Duke of Hell, ruling 60 legions of demons!!" As the girl dashes forth, a summoning glyph of Solomon appeared from the ground and a loud neigh was heard in the air. The ground cracked and crumbled as from it came out a demon knight atop its horse galloping beside the girl. The knight reached out to the girl and the girl reached out as well and once both hands held each other, the demon knight turned to light and slithered towards the girl as she holds out her arm and from the light came out an ebony great sword that burns an angry red light along its large blade. The whole weapon's length exceeds the tall girl's physique yet she wields it nonchalantly as if she's been proficient with the weapon all along.

The Goat Demons were surprised for a bit yet still continued charging forth towards the girl. The girl readied the weapon, lowering the blade as she charges forth. One of the demons leaped towards the girl, its scythe ready to slash but the girl catapulted towards it and countered with a vertical slash which cut the demon's body into two and ending the demon's life. The girl fell in between the two demons and even before the enemies react, the girl did another upward slash creating a deep long fatal cut diagonally on the demon from her left and killed it. The other Se'irim did a downward slash but the girl was able to block it with the massive sword and using the back of her forearm as support to counter the pressure of the demon's force. Letting the force of the enemy push the weapon, the girl pushed the handle forward letting the weapon slide along her blade and the girl hopped to the side and with a quick turn slashed the demon into two diagonally. She huffed after killing the three Se'irims successively and looked towards the remaining two Se'irims charging towards her. She stared at the incoming adversaries and readied to attack when two successive harpoon arrows made of light passed through her and hit the demons killing them at once. The girl sighed and looked behind, acknowledging YoonA's presence as she disarms her weapon, an ornamented silver harpoon gun which turned to light and slithered to her amulet bracelet towards the topaz. The girl nodded to YoonA as she approaches the human corpse while YoonA rested against her motorcycle. "I was too late... She died before I can ever reach her." The girl said. "It wasn't in your control, Sooyoung." YoonA answered, as she suddenly was distracted by a strange tremble, intensifying by the minute. Sooyoung also felt the same and looked around. "What... is... happening...?" Sooyoung asked as she arms Eligor. "It seems to be coming from there." YoonA pointed further down the road as she calls forth her weapon. "By the abiding pact I summon thee, give me strength to vanquish evil, Forneus, Great Marquis of Hell, with twenty-nine legions of demons under your banner." Her bracelet glowed a blue light as the sign of Solomon appeared on the ground beneath her and from behind her sprouted a geyser of water and from it emerged a colossal whale-like demon that swam along the air and encircled YoonA as she walks forth and upon approaching her, swiftly, transformed into a silver ornamental harpoon gun. YoonA readied her weapon as she saw a crumbling building from not very far. "Let's go." Sooyoung said as she heads forth. YoonA reached for her transceiver, "This is YoonA, don't come to sector 3-5, we have malicious activity, some demons were killed. be cautious." YoonA said before leaving her motorcycle and followed Sooyoung.

As Sooyoung and YoonA approach the crumbling building, a powerful shock wave emerged from inside, powerfully, blowing up the building. "Hold on!!" Sooyoung said as she struck the ground with Eligor and an invisible barrier was created shielding them from the catapulted debris. The force was powerful though that it rendered them unbalanced but as they combat the force, they saw two figures falling from the building. Then a monstrous growl echoed throughout the city as another force emerged from where they fell. Sooyoung and YoonA looked at each other. "That sound doesn't seem normal." Sooyoung said as she and YoonA stand up to look at the collection of dust and smoke. "This feeling... the malice is strong." YoonA said, "This ain't a normal demon. Be careful." She followed. The two saw a strange occurrence along the dusty smoke, seems like a forming spiral gale as from it catapulted a large figure along with a powerful growl passing by them and crashing to a wall of a nearby infrastructure. Sooyoung and YoonA were surprised and they followed the figure while analyzing its presence and feature. The figure regained stature as it stands up towering over the two girls growling and snorting powerfully. "Isn't that a demon champion?" Sooyoung muttered, YoonA nodding all along. "Yes, that is Beremuel, the sadistic." They heard a voice from behind and at once noticed familiarity, as it is a human voice, they turned around as soon as the voice stopped. "Y-you're human..." YoonA gasped.

Emerging from within the cloud of dusts and dirt is a young man, hooded and robed in a worn out cloak, fixing the bandages from his left forearm. "Who are you!?" Sooyoung demanded readying her blade. "You are certainly not human!!" She followed. "Indeed. I am not purely human. I am... something else." the figure said. "Now, if you don't want to be involved, I suggest you get away now. Beremuel's readying." The man said pointing at the demon as it's muscular red skin releases fumes of smoke as it sharpens its scissor like hand by scratching it against another. The cloaked man stood straight as if preparing. Sooyoung and YoonA stepped back, their weapons armed, seeing the demon preparing to attack its prey. "Hey!" Sooyoung and YoonA looked at the man as he lowered his stance. "You guys are from Opus Dei right? Goetian Knight?" He asked. Sooyoung and YoonA looked at each other, "Yeah, how'd you know?" YoonA answered. The guy remained silent as the demon's cry overwhelmed their conversation and then both him and the demon charged towards each other, "Is he crazy!? That's a Demon Champion!!" Sooyoung called as she gestured YoonA that they join the fray. As they prepare to charge as well, both Sooyoung and YoonA felt something... divine. It stopped them in their tracks, this weird feeling that felt like lifting them up of their worries, as if all of the strains in their bodies are being remedied by this strange aura. Then they saw the guy reveal his left hand as he ducks the incoming furious swipe from the demon champion. One thing strange that they noticed is the glowing forearm being enveloped by an aura of white light and three halo encircling his wrist, his forearm and his elbow. It was strange for the two as the wind became pure and clean, that each touch of the once cold winds became warm and soothing. "What is this!?" Sooyoung cried as both her and YoonA witness the guy before them.

The mysterious guy accumulated wind pressure and shaping it into a small rotating globe in his left open palm and as he duck, he slip past the incoming arm and countered with a palm thrust firing the accumulated wind pressure into a concentrated pressure blast that disintegrated the whole middle right chest of the demon, all in a consecutive motion, and the man hopped away, now revealing his right arm and clenched fist being enveloped by a sharper shade of white light which he pulled to his right lower abdomen and with a stance, the right fist fired a blast of reddish burning winds and finally, erased the demon's existence. Sooyoung and YoonA stood shocked by what happened and failed to respond immediately as the guy looks at them. "J-just who are you?" Sooyoung said, more like demanded.

"That feeling... you are not just any being. This isn't a feel of an Angelic Holiness, this is purer." YoonA followed. The man stood there addressing their presence but took time to answer. Slowly, the man reached for his hood and removed it, revealing his messed up mohawk and a serene smile something opposite of how fierce he acted earlier. "I'm Sol, the Sun King." He said.