
✠ The Vision ✠

"Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!"

- Revelations 5:12 -

I woke up standing in the middle of this white circular marble hall graced by the grandiose lights of the sky. Clouds fill the hall's corners and every base of the beams supporting the grandiose dome ceiling. From outside the hall, I saw a sea of clouds illuminated by the bright serene lights from the nearby colossal stars twice bigger than Earth or more, peaking from every curtain of clouds, basking its beauty for my eyes to see. Then there before me, he stand, proudly, as the lights of the stars envelope him forming a halo to signify his holy presence. From the clouds sprouted winged men and women and children gracefully flying and singing to glorify the beauty of this world. It was serene and holy, that it felt enlightening, as if the dark void within me was suddenly filled with light. I felt the hall tremble as the presence spoke, "Go forth thy son and with a strong heart, for thou shalt bear the weight of thy children's sins. Cleanse them of their past and pave forth a new light and dawn and life, for thou art my chosen as the Sacrificial King, Sol." as if thunders whispering against my ears, I felt the deafening strength of his voice and the hall crumbled and fall, as I also do towards the unknown.