

May finds himself on an island in the East Blue when two strangers wash up ashore. See how May changes the world of One Piece with feather and ink and some good stories from the old world. May won't be a strawhat pirate. I have taken the liberty not to follow the canon to the point.

Syfa_SinOB · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 3 - Escape to the Ocean

The morning started early for May. He was woken up by the sounds of birds chirping in front of his house and just the thought of trying out his newly discovered power made him too giddy to fall back asleep. He jumped up from his bed but immediately scolded himself after. No need to wake up the other two yet. He snuck out of the house and took the pathway to the beach where the morning sun was already greeting him with a beautiful sunrise over the glittering water. He walked into the shallow area and continued walking until he stood in front of the drop, where the real ocean began. 

He pulled out a book from his bag and began reading it "And the ship went out into the High Sea and passed into the West,..." and in the water in front of him appeared a big ship in the deep waters. It had a swan as a figurehead as well as two white sails. It's anchor already set, May made his way back to the house.

"Oi! Ace! Deuce! I have a surprise for you!" he called out.

"Ough. What is it, May? Can't it wait? It's way too early." Deuce grumbled but made his way to the door anyway.

"What surprise? Have you made us some rings as well? Or is it a banquet you secretly prepared for us? Is it food?" Ace's questions didn't stop. Unlike Deuce, Ace woke up full of energy.

"You will see. I don't want to ruin the surprise for you." May answered. 

They made their way down to the beach and as they stepped out of the treeline, they saw the ship in the distance. It's white sails seemingly pink from the sunrise. Deuce's jaw dropped in awe and Ace couldn't contain his excitement. 

"Did you create this? Man that is seriously awesome, do you think we can sail it?" Ace asked.

"Hold on for a second." Deuce cut in. "This ship seems way too big to sail it with three people. No way we can take it to another island by ourselves. Unless your Rings can help, May."

But May just shook his head. "I'm afraid not. I could help a bit with the wind but Nenya is severely limited in controlling the ocean, it is still coming from a devil fruit in the end. Maybe if I find out how to strengthen my connection to my powers it can work. But I'm afraid I'm quite far away from that."

"I say we just try it out." Ace said.

"That's so stupid we could drown." Deuce replied. 

"But I want to get to the Grandline as soon as possible and I can't find it if I'm stuck here."

"So we are supposed to risk it all for you to fulfill your childish dream?" Deuce asked annoyed.

"Yes! I knew you would understand." Ace replied relieved.

"Okay than let's make our way onto the ship." May said.

"Wh...What that wasn't serious..." Deuce tried to argue but gave up as the other two had already made their way further to the ship and didn't seem to listen.

As the three had finally reached the ship they were amazed by how spacious it was on board. It had taken them a while to get here as Deuce and Ace had to go back from the ship on the life boat of the ship to pick up May, as he couldn't swim there.

"So this is our ship. I'll call it the Princess Swan." Ace announced.

"That's such a lame name." Deuce replied. "Why don't you call the Lame Bird if you want the enemies to laugh to death when they hear the ships name."

"Okay than let's take the Princess out on her first ride." May said, completely ignoring Deuce snarky comments.

The three men got to work immediately, setting the sails, pulling the anchor back up and getting to the steering wheel. The wind was weak but with the help of Vilya, the Ring of Air, the sails were billowing. The Princess Swan set out to it's first adventure.

Half an hour into their journey, the mood was great the island was slowly vanishing out of sight behind them and the ocean currents were carrying them away to another destination, hopefully another island. But they rejoiced too soon.

"There are some shadows in the water up ahead." Ace called out from the crows nest. "They continue to both sides as far as I can see." 

But alas Ace warning came too late as a big shock went through the Princess. It seemed like the ship had hit something. May and Deuce ran over to the rail to see what had hit them but nothing was moving in the water. "It's in the front." Ace called out from above.

May and Deuce ran up to Swan climbed on it's head and peered down into the ocean. A dark line was visible from their position continuing to the sides. It seemed like the Princess had hit a rock bottom not even an hour into it's maiden ride. 

"Oh nooo." Deuce groaned. "This is fucking Sixis."

"What is Sixis?" May asked

"This island, it's called Sixis. It's known for its shitty geography. A ring of rocks surrounds this island making it impossible to reach the shore with big ships. And the island itself doesn't have many resources people need. It's an ignored island..."

"That doesn't sound all too nice. But first things first. If we have hit rocks we probably have a leak and we can't fix it. Let's go. We have to get the Life Boat." as May finished the Ships back started going down.

The two of the them ran over to the Life Boat as Ace climbed down from the Crows Nest.