

May finds himself on an island in the East Blue when two strangers wash up ashore. See how May changes the world of One Piece with feather and ink and some good stories from the old world. May won't be a strawhat pirate. I have taken the liberty not to follow the canon to the point.

Syfa_SinOB · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 2 - Home Sweet Home

As Ace entered the house his jaw dropped. He had never seen so many books, in such an unorganized way. The whole room was covered in books. The shelves at the walls were full, there were stacks of books on the floor and even some of the chairs at the book covered table were filled with stacks of books. 

"You must really like reading." Was the only thing that came to Ace mind.

"Yeah. Reading and writing. Sadly most of these are the same book I wrote, I'm just copying the book to train my powers and in the hope somebody wants to have one." he replied.

"Wow you wrote it yourself?" Ace asked bewildered.

"More or less. Yes." 

"What is it about?" 

"It's called Lord of The Rings, it's about a small human who has an ancient weapon he wants to destroy to stop evil. That's more or less the plot. You'd have to read it to completely get it." May said.

"That sounds awesome. I just have to figure out how to get of this island first. You don't happen to have a ship, do you?" Ace asked.

"Nope, but maybe your friend over here knows how to build a proper one." May suggested while gesturing to the unconscious man.

"I doubt it but we will see. I will get down this island somehow."

Ace went to bed early while May stayed up a bit longer. He had finished the Lord of the Rings books a few weeks back and had started on a new series. He was sure the Harry Potter series was gonna be a big hit in this world. As soon as he found a way to distribute the books. 

A few days later.

The unconscious man had woken up the next morning and had introduced himself as Deuce. Ace and Deuce had tried to build a ship in the following days, which was met with frustration as they had no real experience. May had spent most of the time writing his book but came out sometimes to read to the two.

He had started to read the first LOTR to them. They had reached the point where Bilbo had left and Gandalf and Frodo inspected the ring.

"It is only two lines of a verse long known in Elven-lore:

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,

Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,

One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne

In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them,

One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.'"

As May finished the sentence something weird started happening 20 circles out of light appeared before his eyes and as the light died down 20 rings plummeted down on the ground. The noise making the Ace and Deuce turn around.

"Where did those come from?" Deuce asked.

May was unsure how to answer. He scratched his head and replied. "Well I guess out of the book."

"What do you mean out of the book?" Deuce asked again. May had noticed in the last few days that where Ace was super trusting, Deuce was still not sure if May had good intentions.

"Well you see, I ate this fruit and then I was able to copy books and now when I read the scene the rings came to life so I guess that must be the devilfruit." May replied and knelt down to gather all the rings. He was hesitant at first because he remembered what effect the ring had on people but as he picked it up no such thing happened. 'It must be because I summoned them. They recognize me as their maker.' he thought.

He put the One Ring on his finger and he felt himself becoming... More, for the lack of words he had to describe it. It felt like his connection to his powers had grown but he couldn't really explain how. Next he put the three beautiful elven rings on Vilya the Ring of Air, Nenya the Ring of Water and Narya the Ring of Fire. He felt their power flowing through him being reinforced by the One Ring. But he also felt like this wasn't the rings full power. Something was holding it back. But that didn't matter right now.

"I guess that can't help us getting of this island for now, can it now?" Deuce asked, sounding a bit pissed. 

"That sounds like an awesome ability!" Ace yelled out, seemingly the exact opposite of Deuce. "So what do they do?" he asked.

"Well this one," May showed him the One Ring "makes my abilities stronger. This here is Vilya, the Ring of Air, it let's me heal people and have minor control over air. This here is Nenya, the Ring of Water, it gives the ability to protect an area from malicious action and minor control over water. And this badboy is Narya, the Ring of Fire, it shelters me from time and gives me control over fire. These seven," he picked out the dwarven rings "increase your natural affinity to metals. They could be a good fit for a sword fighter. And these nine make your body more powerful and can make your devil fruit abilities stronger but they also bind the wearer to me."

"That's sooo cool!" Ace exclaimed.

"Yes actually it does." May agreed. "And I have an Idea how we can get away from this island. I will show you tomorrow."