
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Unleashed Fury

The air hung heavy with tension as the squadron, led by General Elara Stormheart, stood at the entrance of Rivenbrook. The very air seemed to thicken with the weight of the impending confrontation. Luke, his young face twisted into a mask of fury and disgust, stared with unbridled hatred at the man before him, Vice—the mastermind behind the massacre that had forever scarred his past.

Roland, perceptive as ever, caught the look on Luke's face and felt a knot tighten in his stomach. He knew Luke was on the brink of losing control, and he had to intervene before things escalated further. He stepped closer to Luke, placing a calming hand on his shoulder and attempting to speak reason to him. But the storm within Luke's heart was too fierce, his anger too overwhelming, and Roland's attempts to pacify him went unnoticed.

Luke's voice, laden with a fury that seemed to come from the depths of his very soul, rang out, cutting through the heavy silence. "You... you're the one who did it, aren't you? You're the one who slaughtered my town!"

Vice, a sinister grin tugging at the corner of his lips, met Luke's gaze with a cold and mocking stare. "Well, well, it seems the little puppy survived one of my raids huh."

The words struck Luke like a blow, and a mixture of disbelief, rage, and pain contorted his features. His voice trembled with raw emotion as he shouted, "You took everything from me! My family!, my home!"

Vice's smug satisfaction only fueled Luke's fury, and his control shattered like glass. In an instant, he was charging forward, his entire being consumed by a burning desire for vengeance. His vision was red, his world narrowed to a single target—the man who had caused him so much suffering.

But two figures who had been watching this unfolding scene with a watchful eye were quicker to react. General Elara Stormheart and Captain Whitewood, their combat-honed instincts sharp and ready, moved in tandem. With a swift grace, they intercepted Luke's impulsive rush, their combined strength halting him in his tracks.

"Luke, no!" Captain Whitewood's voice was firm and commanding, her grip on his arm unyielding. "This is not the way. You can't let your anger control you."

General Stormheart's voice, resonant with authority, joined Captain Whitewood's plea. "we understand your pain, but we must remain focused. Our mission is to bring these criminals to justice, not lose ourselves in a fit of rage."

Breathing heavily, Luke struggled against their grip, his chest heaving with the effort to break free. His eyes, still ablaze with fury, locked onto Vice, who watched the scene unfold with a twisted amusement.

Vice's voice dripped with mockery as he addressed Luke. "You want revenge, boy? You think you can judge me with your narrow view of the world?"

Luke's anger, once a raging fire, seemed to waver as Vice's words cut through his righteous fury. His grip on his dagger tightened, his knuckles white with tension. " I don't care about any of that, I just want your head in my hands!."

Vice's laughter echoed through the air, a chilling sound that seemed to seep into every crevice of the night. "Oh, how quaint. The little puppy has teeth, after all."

The tension hung thick in the air, a volatile mixture of anger, hatred, and determination. General Stormheart's gaze remained unwavering as she addressed the squadron. "Enough. We are not here to exchange words. We are here to bring justice to those who have wronged the innocent."

With a firm nod, she issued her orders. "Charge! Those who surrender, take them captive. But show no mercy to those who resist."

The squadron sprang into action, each member unleashing their skills, their determination a driving force that pushed them forward. Blades clashed, spells crackled, and arrows flew as the battle erupted in a whirlwind of chaos and conflict. The bandits, taken aback by the squadron's fierce assault, fought back with a desperate ferocity.


Captain Whitewood and Ava, a formidable duo within the squadron, stood side by side in the harsh light of day, their eyes locked onto the corrupted Captain Garret who exuded an air of arrogance and malevolence. The sun beat down upon the battlefield, casting long shadows as the trio faced off, a palpable tension hanging in the air.

Captain Whitewood's grip tightened around her massive shield, her battle-worn armor glinting in the sunlight. Beside her, Ava twirled her mighty axe, a determined glint in her eyes. Without a word, the battle commenced, and the clash of steel reverberated under the clear sky.

Captain Garret lunged forward, his sword gleaming in the sunlight as he aimed a swift strike at Captain Whitewood. Her shield, a formidable defense, intercepted the blow with a resounding clang. The force of the impact jolted through her arm, but she stood her ground, undeterred.

As Garret pressed his attack, Ava moved with fluid grace, her axe a deadly extension of her will. The blade of her weapon met Garret's sword in a dazzling display of skill and strength. Each swing of Ava's axe carried raw power, her movements a harmonious blend of brute force and finesse.

Garret's mocking laughter echoed across the battlefield as he taunted Captain Whitewood. "A one-armed knight and a barbarian? Pathetic! Can you even put up a decent fight with that stump of an arm?"

Captain Whitewood's gaze remained steady, her determination unyielding. With a fierce battle cry, she swung her shield in a sweeping arc, forcing Garret to step back. "I've faced worse odds before. Don't underestimate me."

Ava's relentless assault continued, her axe cleaving through the air with deadly precision. She shifted seamlessly between powerful overhead strikes and quick, sweeping slashes, her movements a dance of calculated brutality. Garret was pushed onto the defensive, his skill and strength tested to their limits.

A realization seemed to dawn upon Captain Garret, a desperate glint entering his eyes. He took a step back, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "You think you have me figured out? Allow me to enlighten you!."

In a swift motion, Garret ripped his shirt off his body revealing a cracked rock tattoo on his shoulder as a dark aura enveloped him. The air crackled with an unsettling energy as Garret's form shimmered with an ominous glow. It was a power granted by Vice—a power that drew strength from his own life force, an unholy skill called -[blood buff]- that surged through his veins.

Captain Whitewood's expression remained resolute, her gaze unwavering. "Last time, I was caught off guard. But not this time."

In an instant, a surge of energy coursed through Captain Whitewood's veins as she activated her own skill, -[Battlefield Valor]-." Her serene aura blazed with determination, the very essence of the battlefield responding to her call, granting her a supernatural edge that doubled her strength, speed, and prowess.

Beside her, Ava's eyes blazed with an intense fervor as her own skill, -[Berserk]- took hold. Her movements became a blur of motion as the frenzied state unleashed her hidden potential, bolstering her already impressive might.

With newfound strength, Captain Whitewood charged forward, her shield gleaming brightly. Ava's attacks intensified, each swing of her axe sending shockwaves through the air. Their movements flowed in perfect harmony as they pressed Garret, overwhelming him with their combined power.

Garret's smug demeanor faltered as he struggled to keep up with their ferocious assault. The battlefield became a maelstrom of clashing weapons and crackling energy. But he was not one to be defeated easily.

With a guttural growl, Garret channeled the last of his power into a devastating strike, his sword pulsating with the dark energy of his [blood buff]. The blade surged toward Captain Whitewood, who raised her shield to intercept it. The impact was fierce, but her determination held firm.

And then, in a final, awe-inspiring display of strength and unity, Captain Whitewood and Ava launched their counterattack. Captain Whitewood's shield crashed into Garret with incredible force, sending him stumbling backward. As he faltered, Ava's axe swung downward with unstoppable momentum, the -[Path Cleaver]- skill augmenting her blow.

The collision was cataclysmic, a shockwave rippling outward as their combined might struck true. Garret's defiant laughter was silenced as his body was cleaved in two, his life force extinguished in a burst of dark energy.

As the echoes of their victorious clash began to fade, Captain Whitewood and Ava exchanged a weary but satisfied glance. Breathing heavily, Whitewood leaned on her shield for support, a mixture of exhaustion and relief visible in her eyes.

"Perhaps now, the spirits of Kael and the adventurers who sacrificed themselves for us will find some measure of peace," Captain Whitewood mused, her voice laced with a solemn reverence.

Ava's lips curved into a wry grin, a glint of mischief dancing in her eyes. "And I'm sure Kael's spirit is doing a little victory dance somewhere. He always did love a bloody battle like this."

Whitewood chuckled, a genuine warmth spreading across her face. "You're probably right. He would have reveled in this."

Their shared laughter carried a sense of camaraderie, a bond forged in the crucible of battle. With a nod, they turned to rejoin their fellow squadron members, who were locked in fierce combat against the remaining corrupted guards and bandits.