
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Stay focused 

The battlefield seethed with chaos as clashes of steel and bursts of magic echoed in the air. Amidst the maelstrom of combat, Roland's stern voice cut through the din, reprimanding Luke. "keep your emotions in check! A single mistake here could cost you your life."

Luke, his expression a mix of determination and frustration, nodded begrudgingly. He knew Roland was right, but the flames of vengeance that had burned within him still smoldered, threatening to consume his focus.

"Stay by my side," Roland continued, his voice firm but laced with concern. "We fight as a unit, and your safety is paramount."

As they ventured deeper into the battlefield, Luke's keen eyes swept over the bandits who fought with a ferocity that sent shivers down his spine. But something was off—each bandit seemed to exude an eerie, crimson-hued aura, a sinister presence that hung in the air like a foul miasma.

Curiosity piqued, Luke's thoughts turned to his unique skill, -[Appraise]-. With a mental command, he activated the skill, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the nearest bandit. He directed his thoughts to the shadowy presence within him, the mysterious system that had granted him this power.

"Can my Appraise skill work on people?" Luke queried within his mind.

The shadow system's response came swiftly, its voice resonating in his consciousness.


Encouraged by the system's assurance, Luke concentrated on the bandit before him. The world around him seemed to fade as the bandit's details were laid bare before his eyes, as if a shroud had been lifted from the truth.


In an instant, information flooded his mind, and the shadow system chimed in response.

[DING !]





Luke's heart quickened as the system revealed the nature of the crimson aura—it was a buff skill, [Blood Buff], enhancing the bandits' physical attributes. A newfound understanding of the situation dawned upon him, and he knew he had to share this revelation with Roland.

"Roland, they're using a skill—[Blood Buff]!" Luke called out urgently.

Roland, caught off guard by Luke's sudden insight, spared him a surprised glance. "How did you—"

"Later," Luke interrupted, his focus unwavering. "The bandits—each one of them is using it. It enhances their strength, speed, everything!"

Roland's eyes widened with realization. While he was taken aback by Luke's newfound knowledge, he understood that now was not the time for explanations. "Good catch, Luke. Stay vigilant, and watch your surroundings."

With a nod, Luke fell into step beside Roland, his senses heightened as they moved together through the chaotic battlefield. The revelation of the [Blood Buff] skill had heightened their awareness, and they fought with renewed determination.

As they clashed with corrupted guards and bandits, Luke's mind raced, grappling with the implications of what he had discovered. The crimson auras were a testament to the bandits' desperation and Vice's influence. But now that he and Roland were aware of this dangerous skill, they could adjust their tactics accordingly.


The sun blazed overhead as Roland faced down a horde of ten bandits, their menacing glares and bloodied weapons a testament to their malevolent intent. Undeterred, Roland tightened his grip on his massive shield and raised his sword, the weight of his armor a familiar comfort as he prepared for the onslaught.

The first bandit lunged forward, a crude blade aimed at Roland's midsection. With practiced precision, Roland stepped to the side, his shield angling to deflect the blow. The impact reverberated through his arm, but he stood his ground, countering with a swift [shield bash] skill that sent the bandit staggering.

Another foe took advantage of the distraction, launching an overhead strike with a rusted axe. Roland's sword intercepted the blow, the clash of steel ringing in his ears. He pivoted on his heel, using the momentum to deliver a powerful [sword slash] to his attacker's side. The bandit let out a pained grunt, his aura waning as the blow took its toll.

Roland's movements were a dance of calculated defense and calculated offense. He weaved between attacks, his shield deflecting strikes from multiple directions. With a roar, he unleashed a [shield bash] that knocked one bandit off his feet, creating an opening for a [sword slash] that cleaved through another assailant's guard.

His [Soldier's Glory] buff skill surged within him, infusing his muscles with added strength and endurance. As two bandits closed in on him from opposite sides, Roland met their onslaught head-on. He parried a dagger with his shield, the force of the impact rippling through his arm, then spun to deliver a devastating [shield bash] to the second bandit's chest.

But there was no respite as the remaining bandits pressed their advantage. Roland's heart raced as he deflected blow after blow, his armor absorbing the impact of their attacks. He felt the sting of a glancing strike against his side, a reminder of the battle's intensity. Gritting his teeth, he retaliated with a well-timed swing of his sword that ended one bandit's assault.

As the battle wore on, sweat and blood soaked through Roland's armor, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Yet his determination remained unbroken, his eyes locked onto his foes with unwavering focus. With a shout, he summoned his remaining strength, his shield deflecting a mace strike before he delivered a punishing shield bash to the bandit's head.

The battlefield was chaos—a symphony of clashing steel and grunts of exertion. Roland's world narrowed to the fight before him, each movement a calculated response to his opponents' actions. His sword slashed through the air, his shield blocked incoming strikes, and his [Soldier's Glory] skill continued to bolster his resolve.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last bandit fell before Roland's might. His chest heaved as he surveyed the aftermath, the ground littered with defeated foes. Weariness settled in his bones, but a triumphant fire burned within his chest. He had faced overwhelming odds and emerged victorious, a testament to his skill as a knight and his unyielding determination.

As the echoes of battle subsided, Roland's gaze shifted to his fellow squadron members, each locked in their own struggles against the corrupted guards and remaining bandits. With renewed purpose, he joined the fray once more, his shield and sword ready to defend the innocent and bring justice to those who sought to sow chaos.

Witnessing Roland's unwavering tenacity against the bandits, Luke felt a surge of determination. He realized the importance of composure in battle and steeled his resolve to follow Roland's example, channeling his anger into focused resolve. Their eyes locked, a silent exchange of determination passing between them.

Inspired by Roland's resilience, Luke's determination surged within him like a blazing fire. With newfound resolve, he activated his skill... [Shadow Reflection]