
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · Fantasy
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51 Chs

The Whisper of Blood

In the heart of Rivenbrook, a gloomy shroud of tension hung over the hideout of the notorious Rock Bandits. Within the dimly lit chamber, the enigmatic figure known as Vice, the leader of the bandits, sat upon a makeshift throne crafted from stolen riches. Opposite him, the treacherous General Captain Garret stood, anxiety etched across his face.

Garret's voice quivered as he spoke, "Vice, I've received word that a squadron from Valeria's capital city has been dispatched to deal with us. They're led by none other than General Elara Stormheart, the kingdom's renowned paladin."

Vice's eyes gleamed with interest, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and anticipation. "Ah,I think ive heard of her before. It seems we've caught the attention of quite the formidable opponent."

Garret's fear was palpable. "We should consider retreating, Vice. Fleeing to overseas lands. We can rebuild elsewhere."

A scornful chuckle escaped Vice's lips, his eyes narrowing. "Retreat? Run and hide like a coward? You feeble little man."

His voice turned dark and reflective, "I've spent too long hiding from power. Massacring villages was my path to strength, to power."

Garret's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

Vice leaned forward, his gaze intense. "A certain skill was granted to me, a skill that thrives on the suffering of others. A skill that feeds on the [whispers of blood], empowering me with every drop spilled."

Garret's eyes widened in both fear and realization. "You're saying you've been using the lives of the villagers to become stronger?"

Vice's smile was chilling. "Indeed. But it seems that simple carnage no longer sates my thirst. I crave a true test of strength now."

Garret stammered, "What... what are you planning?"

A sinister glint flickered in Vice's eyes. "Rivenbrook will be our battleground, Garret. The arrival of Stormheart's squadron offers the perfect opportunity to unleash this power and demonstrate its true potential. I SHALL CARVE MY NAME INTO THE HISTORY OF THIS DAMN KINGDOM!"

Garret's voice wavered, "But they are skilled, Vice. We might not stand a chance."

Vice's patience wore thin, his hand clenching into a fist. "You underestimate me, Garret. It's time to test just how strong I've become."

Garret's face paled further, and desperation crept into his voice. "I'll... I'll run away if I have to."

Vice's gaze turned deadly cold,with a bloody aura emanating from his being and in an instant, his hand shot out, gripping Garret's throat. The general captain gasped for air, his feet dangling above the floor as Vice held him aloft with unnatural strength.

"Listen well, Garret," Vice hissed, his grip unrelenting. "You chose to join hands with me willingly. Our fates are intertwined. No one leaves my side voluntarily. Death is the only way to sever our ties."

Garret's eyes bulged, and he frantically gestured that he understood. Vice released his grip, and Garret collapsed to the ground, gasping for air.

"Go, and Ready your guards," Vice commanded, his voice a chilling whisper. "Rivenbrook will soon turn into a field of blood"

As Garret stumbled out of the chamber, Vice leaned back in his throne, his mind focused on the impending clash with the Valerian squadron. The [whispers of blood] echoed in his ears, promising power beyond imagination.

Outside the hideout, the air was heavy with the knowledge of the impending storm. As the Rock Bandits prepared for battle, a darkness gathered over Rivenbrook, a darkness that seemed to herald a blood-soaked reckoning.


The Valerian squadron had arrived at the outskirts of Rivenbrook, their determined gazes fixed upon the lawless town. General Elara Stormheart stood at the forefront, her armor gleaming in the fading daylight. Beside her, Captain Whitewood, Ava, Roland, Luke, Marcus, and Theron stood and behind them soldiers from the infantry and magic unit maintained a resolute formation.

"Weapons ready, shields up," General Stormheart commanded, her voice firm yet unwavering. "We will offer them a chance to surrender peacefully. If they refuse, we will put an end to their tyranny with force."

As the squadron prepared to move forward, Captain Whitewood stepped forward, her voice ringing with authority. "Men, we stand here as the embodiment of justice and honor. We face not just a bandit infestation, but a corrupted general who has betrayed his oath!."

Her voice grew more fervent, carrying across the tense atmosphere. "I implore those who serve under Captain Garret to reconsider your allegiance. Stand down, lay down your arms, and surrender with dignity. Your actions have brought shame to the very essence of knighthood!."

Before Captain Whitewood could continue, a chilling voice sliced through the air, originating from the shadows beyond. "Dignity, you say?"

From the darkness emerged a figure, cloaked in shadow and malice. Vice stepped forward, his presence commanding and ominous. "If you desire my surrender, you will have to drag my lifeless corpse to prison."

General Elara's eyes narrowed as she assessed the threat before them. "Vice, the leader of the Rock Bandits. I know of you, you have evaded my eyes long enough."

Captain Whitewood's tone was sharp, edged with anger. "You've led these men astray. Surrender and face restitution!."

Vice's laughter was low and eerie. "restitution? Oh, how naive. The world bends to the strong, Captain Whitewood. I embrace power and feed on it. THE WORLD WILL BEND TO ME"

Ava's voice held a fiery edge. "Your power is nothing but a facade built on the suffering of innocents. I will put an end to you, HERE AND NOW!."

Theron's bow was at the ready, his aim steady. "Your reign of terror stops here, Vice. Surrender now, or face the consequences."

Vice's gaze swept over the squadron, his eyes filled with a mix of disdain and amusement. "Consequences, you say? Let me show you the true extent of my power."

With a sudden, fluid motion, Vice drew a wickedly curved blade from his side. The air around him seemed to crackle with energy, a bloody aura of malevolence enveloping him. And his bandits subordinates.

General Elara's grip tightened on her sword, her resolve unyielding. "Squadron, prepare to engage. We end this."

The clash was imminent, the tension hanging heavy in the air. Vice, the harbinger of darkness, faced off against the Valerian squadron, a beacon of justice and determination.

And as the echoes of their confrontation reverberated through the silent streets of Rivenbrook, the battle for the town's soul began.