
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Bonds of Strength

The journey to Rivenbrook was long and arduous. The squadron of skilled soldiers, led by General Elara Stormheart, rode together on horseback, their steeds galloping through forests and across open plains. As they traveled, the members of the squadron engaged in lively conversations, getting to know each other better and discussing their skills, classes, strengths, and weaknesses.

Captain Whitewood, riding alongside General Stormheart, began the discussion. "Our success on this mission will depend on our ability to work together as a cohesive unit. We must understand each other's strengths and support one another."

Ava, the mercenary, chimed in. "yeahhh, We need to know each other's abilities and how we can complement them."

General Stormheart nodded in agreement. "Each of you possesses unique skills that will be invaluable in our mission. Captain Whitewood and Roland are knights, skilled in close combat. Ava is a mercenary, agile yet deadly with an axe. Theron is an archer, with exceptional accuracy and stealth. And Marcus, also a knight, is a strong and sturdy frontline protector."

Roland, the newest addition to the squadron, spoke up. "I may be new to the team, but I promise to give my all for the success of this mission. My skills lie in defense and protection."

Luke, who had insisted on joining the mission for his personal quest of revenge, was eager to prove himself. "I may not be a seasoned soldier like you all, but I can handle myself in a fight. I've trained hard to become a strong and skilled adventurer."

Theron, the quiet and observant archer, frowned. "I guess we don't have a choice since you're already here. We'll watch each other's backs, no matter what."

Marcus, the veteran knight, offered his insights. "As the leader of the advanced infantry, I will ensure that our formation remains strong and impenetrable. My shield will protect us from any harm."

General Stormheart's eyes glowed with pride as she addressed her team. "Together, we are a force to be reckoned with. Our diversity in skills and classes will be our greatest advantage. As a paladin, I can heal and provide support when needed, but I also wield my sword with strength and honor."

Ava grinned mischievously. "And don't forget, you also have a commanding presence that strikes fear into the hearts of our enemies."

Laughter filled the air as the team bonded over their shared camaraderie. That night as they camped they all took solace in the fact that though the challenges that lay ahead were great, but their trust in each other's skills fortified their spirits.


The morning sun bathed the campsite as the squadron prepared to resume their journey. Theron, the cautious and observant archer, furrowed his brows as he watched Luke, the determined young adventurer, double-checking his gear. He couldn't help but feel skeptical about allowing a child to accompany them on such a dangerous mission.

"Are you sure about this, General?" Theron voiced his concern to Elara, approaching her as she inspected her own equipment.

General Stormheart looked thoughtful for a moment before responding. "I understand your concerns, Theron. But Luke is resolute in his decision, and we cannot ignore his desire for justice. He wishes to avenge his family, and in some ways, he has already proven himself capable."

Theron crossed his arms, still unsure. "But a mission like this is no place for a child. It's fraught with peril at every turn."

Captain Whitewood, who had been listening to their conversation, spoke up. "Theron, I share your concerns, but Luke has chosen this path. We cannot stand in his way. Besides, he has been training hard apparently , and he has a strong will."

Marcus, the experienced knight, joined the discussion, his voice steady and wise. "lord Theron, I understand your worries, but men are forged through adversity. The boy has a fire in him, a desire to be strong and protect what's important to him. Sometimes, it's through brushes with death that a man is given the chance to become his best version."

Theron hesitated, considering Marcus's words. "I suppose you have a point. But if anything happens to him..."

General Stormheart placed a reassuring hand on Theron's shoulder. "We will protect him as we would any other member of our team. And Luke is not without skills; he has trained hard to become a capable adventurer."

Luke, who had overheard some of the conversation, approached the group, determination in his eyes. "I won't hold you back, I promise. I'll do whatever it takes to prove myself."

Ava, the mercenary, smiled at the young adventurer's determination. "We believe in you, boy. Just stick close to us, and we'll make sure you stay safe."

With a nod, Theron relented. "Alright, but I'll be keeping an eye on you, Luke. Your safety is important to all of us, it would leave a bad taste in my mouth if we lost such a young soul to the battlefield."

Luke beamed, grateful for the chance to prove himself to the team. "Thank you, Theron. I won't let you down."

As they set out on the next leg of their journey, Luke rode alongside Roland, eager to learn from the more experienced knight. Roland, though initially hesitant about Luke joining, found himself bonding with the young adventurer. He shared stories of his own early days as a knight, finding common ground in their shared aspirations.

As the squadron continued their journey through the treacherous terrain, Theron, the keen-eyed archer, noticed a movement in the bushes nearby. He raised a hand, signaling for the team to halt.

"Everyone, stay alert," Theron whispered, reaching for an arrow from his quiver. "We have some unwelcome guests."

Luke's heart quickened, and he gripped his sword tightly. He had faced goblins before, but the green goblins they encountered now looked different from the blue frost goblins he had fought in the past. These creatures were smaller, looked more agile, and their glowing green eyes seemed to carry a malevolent gleam.

Theron, knowing that Luke was still relatively new to such encounters, saw an opportunity for the young adventurer to showcase his skills. "Luke, this might be a good chance for you to practice. Take on those two goblins over there."

Luke swallowed hard but nodded, trying to steady his nerves. He reminded himself of his training and the encouragement he had received from his comrades. He drew his sword, ready to face the challenge.

The goblins lunged at Luke with surprising speed, but he reacted swiftly, parrying their strikes with well-timed dagger blocks and utilizing his small shield for added defense. His movements were fluid and precise, a testament to the training he had undergone. Despite the initial shock of facing unfamiliar foes, Luke quickly adapted to their tactics.

He decided to test his new skill—the Ice Fang Dagger. With a swift and skillful motion, Luke landed a critical blow that activated the dagger's skill -[FREEZE STRIKE]-, freezing the goblin and turning it into an ice sculpture.

Emboldened by his success, Luke continued to engage the goblins, skillfully wielding his ice fang dagger and small shield in tandem. His dagger strikes were swift and precise, exploiting the enemies' weaknesses, while his small shield provided a formidable defense against their attacks.

Theron watched with a keen eye, impressed by Luke's growth. The young adventurer had come a long way since their journey began, and it was evident that he had honed his skills. "Well done, Luke!" Theron called out, providing encouragement.

As the skirmish reached its climax, Luke's determination surged. With a final flurry of strikes, he swiftly defeated both goblins, leaving them incapacitated on the ground.

The rest of the squadron approached, their faces displaying admiration and pride for their young comrade. Captain Whitewood patted Luke's shoulder, a smile playing on her lips. "You did great out there, Luke. Your skill with that ice fang dagger and shield is truly impressive."

Ava grinned, clapping her hands. "You're really coming into your own, kid. Keep it up!"

General Stormheart stepped forward, her eyes shining with pride. "You've proven yourself, Luke. Your determination and prowess in battle are commendable."

Theron, the initial skeptic, now marveled at Luke's prowess. "That ice fang dagger of yours, combined with your small shield skills, is quite the combination. With skills like that, you might not even need our protection."

Luke blushed, humbled by the praise from his fellow squadron members. He realized that he had grown stronger and more capable with each passing challenge. Being part of this experienced team had pushed him to become better, and he knew that he still had much to learn.

"Thank you, everyone," Luke said, feeling a surge of gratitude.

Theron placed a hand on Luke's shoulder, offering an encouraging smile. "You will definitely become quite the adventurer, Luke. Keep pushing forward, and you'll continue to surprise even yourself."

With newfound confidence and camaraderie, the squadron continued their journey to Rivenbrook. Luke knew that the road ahead would be arduous, but he was no longer afraid. He had proven himself on the battlefield and had earned the trust and respect of his fellow adventurers. With their support, he felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited him and to play his part in bringing justice to the lawless town of Rivenbrook.