
Infinity and Magic (Harry Potter Fanfic)

I had a shitty life, like the rest of the 7 Billion people on this miserable planet. But I was finally achieving my dreams, I was finally getting what I wanted. But what's that in the air? Now I'm in Harry Potter? Why the Hell are my eyes so attractive? Additional Tag: Male MC, AU, Genderbender [I'll also be publishing this on Royalroad] _________________________________________________ Author: This is my second book. The MC's personality will be similar to Gojo from JJK. I Do not own HP or JJK just my own characters. The world is heavily AU, I've a lot of plotlines that might seem a bit chaotic at first but there's a lot of lore that I've made for this AU and i hope the readers enjoy it. The update schedule for the novel is a bit hectic for the time being due to various reasons including me having a Broken hand and one of my relatives being in the Hospital, i hope the readers be a bit lenient considering the circumstances. If you wish to support my work, consider joining my Patreön to do so while receiving Early content. Patrèon.com/Ashara

ASHARA · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Nookey Nookey

*MC's POV*

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Snape. He seemed to be handing me over to someone else. I was saddened immediately thinking that I had been another unwanted child in this life but something seemed to snap inside me as I held onto Snape's robes.

"Not so fast bastard. You go nookie nookie with some women and decide to leave me here. I'll have my child Support!!!" I tried to speak but the only sound that came out of my mouth was of incomprehensible baby talks.

I continued to speak. Completely ignoring the two adults that were arguing.

*3rd POV*

"You too Severus! I expected better from someone like you. Look at the poor child. You get someone pregnant and decide to not even properly care for the child. Look he doesn't even want to let you go. The poor little thing." Madam Pumphrey roared but if someone asked her then she had been speaking in the optimal voice range for the hospital ward.

Severus Snape was extremely confused. Should he try to answer Madam Pumphrey first or should he try to soothe the child which seemed to be clinging onto him for dear life. He finally decided to go for the former.

"I'll explain." He said as Madam Pumphrey took the child.

*2 Hours later*

A couple of hours and a few dozen lies mixed with truths later Severus had finally managed to quell madam Pumphrey.

"So what are you gonna do about the child." She asked while pointing at the child. Now sleeping while being covered in a white cloth. Still hanging on to Severus's robes.

"I haven't decided," Severus replied with a calm voice.

"What do you mean you haven't decided. If the child isn't yours then it should be immediately handed to an orphanage. I reckon that you don't know a thing about taking care of yourself let alone a child." Madam Pumphrey spoke with a stern voice.

"I know enough," Severus replied trying to keep his composure.

"What would someone like you know...." Madam Pumphrey continued and something seemed to snap inside Severus as he stood up with the child still in his arms.

"I know enough of what not to do and as for everything else I would find out myself," Severus replied having memories of his own childhood in his head. His hadn't been a good one but he was sure that someone, as accomplished as him, could take care of a pair of limbs. How hard could it be?

His pride had been hurt and he wasn't going to take it lying down.

And with that Severus left the room the child still in his arms.

*After Severus had left the room*

"Was doing that really necessary Headmaster. Even Severus didn't deserve what I said just now." Madam Pumphrey asked in a low voice.

"Somethings are always necessary." Replied Dumbledore while rubbing his beard in a sagely manner.

*5 Hours later*

Severus Snape had been having a very weird day. He wouldn't call completing a Death Eater purge as a fun day but the child he had found after that had certainly made his day better.

Now here he was standing in the rain with the child in his arms. He had been but a bachelor a few hours before but now here he was. With Child.

What would his mother have said. She probably would've said nothing to him and that made him a little sour but the child kept his attention completely on himself.

While he had said that he could handle a child to Madam Pumphrey but he didn't quite know how to lactate and there hadn't been a potion for that in the 'Advance Potion Making' he had studied.

"*Sigh* if you hadn't made my day with Dumbledore child I wouldn't have let you where we're going now. But whatever." Severus sighed and went back inside the castle.

'Why do I feel like an Owl' Snape hissed which startled the child. All around Hogwarts every teacher could see "The Potion Master" trying to calm down a child in his arms While the child gave some giggles from time to time.

In less than a few days when the newspapers were running out of things to publish about the defeat of the Dark Lord, they latched onto the fact that a child had been spotted at Hogwarts.

Unknown to any of them they couldn't imagine the child's future even in their wildest dreams let alone on their papers.

You can read up to 8 chapters ahead on my ******* if you want.

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Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night

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