
Infinity and Magic (Harry Potter Fanfic)

I had a shitty life, like the rest of the 7 Billion people on this miserable planet. But I was finally achieving my dreams, I was finally getting what I wanted. But what's that in the air? Now I'm in Harry Potter? Why the Hell are my eyes so attractive? Additional Tag: Male MC, AU, Genderbender [I'll also be publishing this on Royalroad] _________________________________________________ Author: This is my second book. The MC's personality will be similar to Gojo from JJK. I Do not own HP or JJK just my own characters. The world is heavily AU, I've a lot of plotlines that might seem a bit chaotic at first but there's a lot of lore that I've made for this AU and i hope the readers enjoy it. The update schedule for the novel is a bit hectic for the time being due to various reasons including me having a Broken hand and one of my relatives being in the Hospital, i hope the readers be a bit lenient considering the circumstances. If you wish to support my work, consider joining my Patreön to do so while receiving Early content. Patrèon.com/Ashara

ASHARA · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Author's Note

I'm really really sorry. Like really. I really wanted to get these chapters finished by Christmas but dear old Saint Nicholas gave me a lump of coal and fever as a gift.

Must've gotten diabetes from the cookies and milks.

Happy holidays everyone. Hope you all have an amazing and wonderful time. I'm really grateful to each and every one of you and I just want to say that writing for all of you has been one of the best decision I've ever made in my entire life.

Thanks and I wish that each and every one of you finds success and health.

PS: It's a 7 chapter mass release of Infinity and Magic. Also I've tried adding tags to all the new chapters so if they make the experience then tell me.