
Infinity - Marvel × HP

Reborn as a wizard in the world of gods and magic, a world on the verge of war and disaster, Jack Frost is confronted with the change of times and the beginning of a new era. What kind of path will he take? What impact will his choice have on the world? Will he be able to survive in this dangerous world?

Matthewsmith · Movies
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


The silver moon shone brightly through the clouds, illuminating the night sky. A red train could be seen coming to a stop in a forest-surrounded station.

Jack walked out of the train door, his trunk in hand and a scarf around his neck. He was dressed in the oversized black uniform that he disliked.

His eagle, Axel, was perched on his shoulders now, looking around with curiosity and a smidgeon of wisdom.

Tom trailed him, clutching a black trunk and a green snake that swirled around in his hands.

The silver moonlight shone on Jack, illuminating him and attracting the attention of many students among the crowds.

For Jack was truly remarkable, and his blue sapphire pupils were enough to keep everyone's attention on him.

Jack ignored the stares and proceeded to the station's exit with Tom and the other first-year students.

"First-year students! First-year students!"

"Come with me!" yelled a hoarse voice from the station's front door.

A middle-aged man, dressed in rather worn black robes and holding a lamp, yelled at them. He had a scar that ran from his brow to his chin, making him appear menacing and threatening to some small children who stood with trembling legs in front of him.

"Come with me, the boats are near." The ferocious-looking man gave the order, and he seemed unconcerned about the children's looks.

When they saw the man walk forward after instructing them, many students hesitated.

However, Jack walked ahead of the crowds, following the path of the forest. Tom quickly followed behind, and soon many students gathered courage and joined them.

During this time, Jack deduced, this man was most likely the Hogwarts keeper of keys and caretaker. Despite the fact that he appeared ferocious, the magic within him is quite low, even lower than the students he had seen on the train. So, appearances can really be deceiving sometimes.

Yes, he could see magic in others, just as he could with the wands in the Ollivandar's shops

They arrived at a lake after a slow walk through the forest, where various boats with lanterns were floating near the shore.

"Only four people per boat!" The keeper instructed in the same hoarse tone, and he didn't even bother to introduce himself before sitting in one of the boats and waving his wand at them to sit faster.

Tom took a seat on an empty boat, followed by Jack, who sat beside him and they waited for others to fill the remaining seats in the boat.

"May we take a seat here?" A boy with blond hair and red eyes asked with a smile, followed by another girl who appeared nervous, for she kept fiddling with her hands and looking around.

"Yes." Jack spoke up and motioned for them to take a seat.

"My name is Sean Miller." The young man introduced himself and turned to face his sister. "She is my twin sister, Alice Miller." After noticing her silence, he also introduced her.

"Tom Riddle" "Jack Frost."

They introduced themselves again, and silence fell on the boat; the twins did not speak further with them, unlike the other boats' excited children. They were deafeningly quiet and only spoke amongst themselves.

The boats soon began to move on their own as they made their way through the vast black lake. The lake was surrounded by high hills, and it was making a turn in the front.

At the very least, Jack felt fortunate that the person seated next to him was not one of the pure-blood kids whose arrogance really seems to know no bounds.

He also raised his brows at Sean for a brief moment. The boy was quietly observing them and others in the boat, lacking the naivety and curiosity that a child should have. However, he didn't make it obvious, but Jack still noticed.

Jack only gave him a sidelong glance before turning away. This kind of situation is common in this era; most likely, this kid is from the muggle world, like himself, and has been through very difficult times that have forced him to mature.

Soon after, the boat took a turn in the lake, revealing a scene behind the mountains that immediately drew everyone's attention.

'Wow!' Jack's eyes were wide open as he gazed at the magnificent scene in front of him.

A magnificent ancient castle perches atop a mountain; the castle appears to be very old but not dilapidated, with numerous turrets and towers.

The castle's interior is brightly lit, the lights are brilliant, and the long and narrow stained glass shines in the silver moonlight.

The magnificent castle was reflected in the mirror-like surface of the lake, with gleaming stars and the moon in the background.

The scene in front of them was mesmerizing and breathtaking.

Jack took a deep breath to calm down as he gazed at the gleaming stars and silver moon that illuminated the beautiful castle beneath it.

Even though he has seen the castle in movies before, seeing it with your own eyes is an entirely different experience.

Jack regretted, he didn't have his freaking phone to take pictures of this, he needs to buy a camera in the future, so he doesn't miss such beautiful scenes, so he doesn't regret.

He also noticed that almost everyone had the same reaction as himself, obviously the castle was a wonder to behold that drew everyone in.

The boats finally arrived on the calm black lake, and the students disembarked and made their way to the Hogwarts gate.

The gate was black and engraved with various esoteric symbols and patterns; most of the students came to a halt in front of it.

'Could it be Runes?,' Jack thought as he examined the symbols on the door and speculated on what they could be.

*Rumble* The door opened automatically when all of the students gathered, and the fierce-looking man also left after checking the number of students and their safety.

A middle-aged witch in silver robes appeared in their vision. She had long brown hair and gleaming green eyes, and her expression was stern when she looked at them.

"The sorting ceremony will begin in a few minutes in front of the great hall and tidy yourself up a little." The brown-haired witch spoke after seeing them disheveled, with their dress and shoes somewhat covered in mud and dust, but immediately after seeing some people making a mess while doing so, she waved her wand at them, and a gust of wind swept all the students, and with it, every student found themselves perfectly clean, and even their body and mind felt fresh and calm.

"In addition, before the sorting ceremony begins, here is some advice." The brown-haired witch spoke solemnly. "Regardless of what rumors' you've heard about the various colleges in the past, you must understand after storing that each house has its own distinct advantages for students. Any wizard from any house has the potential to become the most outstanding wizard and witch in the future. So please treasure your time at Hogwarts; you will soon become a student of Hogwarts, where you will study, live, and grow, and your entire life will be decided from these years. So treasure your opportunity to learn, your new friends, and everything you have here."

"Welcome to Hogwarts!"

When she finished, the children erupted in applause, and the atmosphere became raucous.

"Who is this professor?"

"She appears to be very strict."

"She is Olivia Green, the Dean of Ravenclaw and deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts."

Jack was listening in on the conversation to find out who she was because he witnessed something incredible. The woman in front of him possessed enormous amounts of magic, second only to Dumbledore among the wizards he had seen. She must be a formidable witch.

Jack actually looking forward to which house he would be sorted into.

"Come on, come on." Olivia gave them instructions and began leading them into the legendary castle. The students rushed through the door and began following her without hesitation, some of their faces flushed with excitement and others with concern.

They made their way to the Great Hall, seeing the wonders and uniqueness of Hogwarts along the way, from wandering ghosts to a moving staircase.

Olivia finally pushed the door to the great hall open, much to the nervousness of the little wizards and witches.

As soon as Jack walked into the hall, he was greeted by four long tables with many senior students sitting and staring at them with interest.

He immediately raised his head to inspect the ceiling, which revealed a starry sky with a gleaming silver moon and thousands of candles floating in the air, illuminating the hall as bright as day.

The silver moon in the sky gave the impression of serenity, causing Jack to relax and become more calm than before.

Another shot table was in front of the four long tables, with a dozen witches and wizards seated and looking at them with interest.

Olivia led them to the front, facing the seniors, and summoned a four-legged stool and an old pointed hat.

She then placed the old hat on the chair, and a tear formed in the middle of her mouth, forming a strange mouth, and the hat began singing the song.

The song was met with hushed applause from students and freshmen, while Jack gazed at his hat, his blue sapphire glinting from time to time. His abnormalities, however, went unnoticed.

"Please come forward as your name is called." Olivia's voice could be heard clearly throughout the hall. She took out a parchment and started to open it.

Then she read the first name in it aloud.

"Jack Frost!"

Jack walked out of the crowd of children when he heard his name called first, which he didn't expect, but he followed her instructions and sat on the stool.

Immediately, Jack became aware of hundreds of pairs of eyes on him from all over the hall, as everyone was focusing on him with various expressions and looks. Even so, Jack maintained his indifferent demeanor.

Also, he wasn't worried that the hat would read his memories, which it most likely could, but he was already prepared, just like when he met Dumbledore before.

Olivia placed the hat on his head and observed the student for a moment.

Jack attempted to communicate with the hat using his mind, but he was intercepted before he could even begin.

The sorting hat yelled loudly and boomingly.
