
Infinitum Crystals [V] - The Champions of Chaos

This is the 5th and final book of The Infinitum Crystals series. New readers are recommended to at least start on Book 2 / The Snow Phoenix. After the events of the ending of Book 4 / The Conquest of Virtue, the main characters finally confronts the main organizations that have been stalking them since their appearance in Book 1 / The Magic Duel. It all comes full circle as old characters will finally interact with current ones as they all assemble together to fight against a common enemy that threatens the future of the land of Atia.

Cyclone_A · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 7.14 - Hosuke - Message For The Sea God

It has been several hours after we found out that Yumiko had decided to turn against Nova. I don't blame her. Nova is the enemy and had if White's body weren't used by him, we would have turned as well. And just like her, we were forced to do his bidding. Well, forced is a big word. It's more like keeping us in check. He knows that he is alone and he was still not in his full power, so the least thing he could do was reduce the amount of threat. Even after those two mysterious people from the Order had left him however, I still feel like Nova can still rip us to shreds.

Here we are still at Nova's fortress. Since we had nothing better to do, we ended up training ourselves. Making sure that we will be ready for the upcoming battle against Nova. As I walked through the training hallway, I saw Rider Blade and Lore Pidea.

Rider, with his insane armor changing ability was able to transform into a couple of brand new armors and weapons. He used to always use the Dragonscale Set whenever there was a fight but after all those years, he has a couple of other trick up his sleeve. For once, he can also bring along a pet that fits with his armor set. It can be a tiger or even a freaking dragon. I was surprised when a dragon suddenly appeared. I guess it had something to do with how much he have been utilizing his transformation skill.

As for Lore, he and his shield changing abilities continues to develop into the most intriguing way possible. Back when he joined us for the Magic Duel, he only had shields that defends himself. Later on he was able to defend even others. But now, he can even use against his enemy. I didn't know that a shielder like him could become so dangerous with how much variety of shields he can change into.

"You two are looking great!" I complimented them.

Rider replied, "Hmm...you look different Hosuke."

"Yeah. What's up with the getup?" Lore wondered.

"Oh this?" I looked at my outfit. "You know I'm kinda a blacksmith myself so I made this brand new armor for myself. It's not complete yet and it also has a helmet."

"Interesting." Rider was interested, "You should show it to us when you're finished with it later."

I nodded, "Yeah, sure thing."

I left the two to their own device and on the next room I saw, Rulend Soft, Blax Tank and Kaym Famine. It looks like Blax and Rulend were training Kaym who was a year younger than all of us here.

"Anything new?" I asked them.

Kaym then said, "Well nothing in particular..."

Blax then stopped him, "What are you talking about? Weren't you able to transform into different types of monsters now? What was it again? A werewolf? Or was it a vampire?"

"I'm sure you can even do more if you at least put more effort into it." suggests Rulend.

"You guys are just reprimanding me, huh?" Kaym was annoyed.

Blax however told him back, "Now that sounds a lot like an excuse. Don't you think so, Hosuke?"

"It is..." I gently nodded.

"Hey!" Kaym responded, "Why you guys keep attacking me? Rulend isn't even training. What good could come out from that?"

Rulend then corrected him, "I think you forgot the fact that my unique magic isn't physical related. It's more mental. Mirage-like."

"Ah, whatever fancy words you wanna use. In the end, you'll be the first to fall." said Kaym.

Blax stopped them, "Alright, you two. No need to get off tangent now. Let's talk about how we are going to handle the situation with Nova..."

I would join the discussion but I decided to left Blax to his own device for now as I continued to the next room. In the next room, I found Haze Kazama, still busy coming up with a new invention. That Mad Scientist. Wonder what he is up to now.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Making a new kind of robot. It's going to be really small. Small like a DNA."

I raised my eyebrows in confusion, "How does that going to work in combat?"

"It's not going to be one. It's going to be thousands of them." He explained. "This thing exist. You should look it up."

Hearing that confusing thing however, I decided to bail off, "Eh you know what. I don't really get what you're trying to say but good luck with whatever you are coming up with."

Haze however continued, "These things has a lot of potential, Hosuke. It may even heal people if used correctly."

"That's good and all but I gotta go now." I quickly made my exit.

Well then, I managed to get out of that just in time. If I stayed there longer, I would be sitting in a lecture. Moving on from that I noticed that Yukimura Airi, Zone Helmine and Yin Kirin was hanging out just near the stairs to Nova's tower.

"Hey, what's up, Hosuke. Where you going?" Airi greeted me.

"I wanna have a talk with Nova." I told them.

Yin then reminded, "Just make sure not to do anything stupid. I still haven't captured every possible clue in this fortress." Yin gestured his camera that was hanging with a strap on his shoulder.

I replied to him, "Oh don't you worry. I'm not going to do the same thing as the other day."

And then Zone told me, "You almost killed White, you know?"

I was slightly annoyed, "Don't you have anyone else to manipulate with your Lie, Cheat, Steal ability? Heck, you can even use that stupid shadow ability of yours with something."

Zone shrugged, "I don't know. It's always fun forcing people to become regret of their past. I mean it did work out for the better when I did it at White, remember?"

"That was a bit harsh but you technically helped despite your original plan being harming him..." I remembered what Zone tried to do to White way back during high school.

Airi steps in, "The gravity of the situation right now, seems to be unpredictable. In fact, even my own gravity-like ability seems to have become much more different than the last time I used."

"It probably has something to do with us being in contact with The Space-Time Dragon." theorized Yin.

"You guys can continue to talk." I decided to leave them for now. "I gotta talk to the big guy."

"Good luck!" Zone bids me farewell.

With all of that have come by, I finally stepped foot inside Nova's tower. I slowly walked into his tower and much to my surprise, I found out that it had a large meeting hall. There was also a desk at the corner of the meeting hall. I looked around and realize that Nova was nowhere to be seen. As curiosity strikes within me, I carefully made my way to the desk only to discover a book.

"What's this...?" It had no title or even a proper cover page.

While the content of the book seems to be covered with a hardcover, the brown cover itself was blank. I skimmed through the book and realize that I was reading something familiar. But as I skimmed through it, I found something suspicious.

"A note...? From White? How?"

There was a note. Not just any note from White. It was specifically for me. What it says was...

Note: Hosuke, I'm sure you would be the first one to notice this note considering how you always touch anything without permission. So here's something interesting for you, Hosuke. This book you've just skimmed across. I wrote it. With the help of Nova. Long story short, we came to an agreement to allow me to write this book. This book will be an important book if you realize what it was about.

In any case, I need your help on this. Nova doesn't know about this note because I wrote it using a magic ink that only appear after hours later. Since this book is done, he would want to send the book to the past on his own but that is not what I want. I want you, specifically you to handle this. You still have your pet bird, right? Well, I have a request...

I continued to read the content of the note and was a bit surprised by what he wanted. I'm not sure if this was really the only way but I continued to read.

Alright, make sure you volunteer to send the book. Just for assurance, bring along everyone else if you can. And here's the important part...don't come back. Only come back when Nova rises...That is all.

That last sentence was cryptic at best. I don't get what he meant. But what I do understand was that once I travelled back in time through Nova's magic, I should not come back to the present. I wonder what does that supposed to mean...But before I was able to think, I heard Nova's voice from behind.

"What are you doing here, Hosuke?" Nova suddenly appear from a door that I didn't saw before.

"Woah, didn't see you there." I was definitely surprised.

"I used my space ability...Of course I would appear in a blink of an eye...Now what are you doing with that book?" He wondered.

"I uhh..." I tried to think for an answer without raising suspicious. "This book looks interesting. It has no cover. I really wanted to read it but I don't think its my right to read it."

"Indeed it is. It is the collaborative effort between Cyclone White and I."

"What? That's...surprising." I faked my surprise.

He then explained, "It is more of a hobby to fill the time as the other Dragon Incarnations comes to us. Now that the book is done...I feel like travelling back in time and turn it into a legendary book."

It was at that moment where I strike where its hot, "You wanna send it back in time on your own? Wouldn't that be a problem if for whatever reason, we, Team Stardust decide to go against you while you are away?"

"What are you proposing, Haruhiko Hosuke?" He asked.

"This guys can be a bit righteous. So they might be still against you. I know I'm not that stupid. So how about this." I begin my proposal, "What if...you sent me as well as the others back in time so that we can deliver that book of yours somewhere where it can turn into a stuff of legends in the present."

"Where would you bring it? And why do you need all of your friend?" He wasn't convinced yet.

I pushed through and said, "Somewhere dangerous. Somewhere where it would definitely need some man power to live through it. It could even take a while before a change could happen but I assure you, it may also lead to an earlier revival of yours truly."

Nova was intrigue but, "Reviving early, huh. I like the sound of that...But that's why The Champions of Chaos exist. To revive me."

"Not to worry about them, my lord." I bowed down, "We won't be bothering them. This will only make their job easier with more manpower from the present."

He then suddenly laughed. "So this is what Cyclone White meant by giving him a chance? Looks like whatever he proposed to me only turn out to be beneficial for me. I guess he has already lost the bet." He laughed again. "Very well, Hosuke. You are definitely an evil friend. Deliver the book at once. On one condition, I need at least one of you to stay here."

I think for a moment and suggested, "I think Blax Tank would be perfect for you. He's the only one who will probably realize what we're conspiring. So he must stay."

"Very well." He then gestured his hand. "A portal has been opened in your quarters, Hosuke. Bring along the other members of Team Stardust excluding Blax Tank. Go through it and the portal will close. After that, it's up to you to make me even stronger than now."

"Yes, master."

I finally left the tower along with the book in my hand. I still remember what White had written in his note. I have to make sure that everything that White had told us will be fulfilled. I hope whatever White's planning will be beneficial for us because what I'm seeing right now does not seem to look like it at all.

And so, I told the others to get ready as we were about to venture into another adventure. I explained to Blax the situation and he gladly accepted it. He made sure that he will be taking care of White while we are away. With that being said, Team Stardust bids their farewell as they venture into the chaos to become champions of the past.