
Infinitum Crystals [V] - The Champions of Chaos

This is the 5th and final book of The Infinitum Crystals series. New readers are recommended to at least start on Book 2 / The Snow Phoenix. After the events of the ending of Book 4 / The Conquest of Virtue, the main characters finally confronts the main organizations that have been stalking them since their appearance in Book 1 / The Magic Duel. It all comes full circle as old characters will finally interact with current ones as they all assemble together to fight against a common enemy that threatens the future of the land of Atia.

Cyclone_A · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 7.13 - Zenith - Promises

I forcefully grabbed Yumiko's hand and dragged her away from the rooftop. While this rooftop may have its memories. Specifically unsettling ones. I decided that it was best we move on and bring Yumiko to a place where she should have visited. Violet doesn't seem to mind my assertiveness as she willfully followed me from behind.

While that were happening, Rika, Izzy, Mei and Fitz made sure there were no other wandering students who decides it was safe to walk around the campus especially when it has been filled ravenous hungry demons. They did beat up dozens of these demons while Yumiko and I were fighting so that's that. Putting that aside, I made sure to walk through a safer path instead of heading towards roads that has multiple demons on them.

"I don't wanna do this, Zen..." Yumiko was unsure.

I shake my head and told her, "No, you will do this. And you're going to appreciate it."

Yumiko was taken aback as she whispered to Violet, "Since when was she so spunky like this?"

Violet shrugs but there was a grin on her face as she observes the two of us interacting. She looked like a proud sister for some odd reason but I don't really mind much. I kinda felt bad when I shot out that cannon ball at her. I mean it was a cannon ball for goodness sake. I'm just glad it didn't hit her head or she loses her limb at all. What did happened back then was simply a misfire where I thankfully ended up shooting the cannon just right in front of Violet. It did mess up her dress thanks to the shock wave it created with the help of her own tsunami.

But putting that aside, we've finally reached the place where I wanted to bring Yumiko to. There was a garden just near a hill. I'm honestly glad to know that this garden was not touched by the demons at all so it ended being one of the many safe space just outside of the campus. Yeah, we kinda did got out of the campus but the blockade at the toll booth was still out there so we can't really run back home.

"Here we are...we promised to hang out here right, Yumiko?" I looked at her as I said that.

Yumiko looks around and wondered, "It's...the rose garden..."

Violet was hovering around with excitement, "Wow. This is wonderful, Yumiko!"

"It sure is..." Yumiko didn't deny the fact.

I walked around the garden as I admired the field, "I'm sure you know already, Yumiko...About this place." I kneel down and tried to smell one of the roses, "This place...Rose took care of it. She really does live up to her own name..." I laughed.

Yumiko admired the scenery as the wind begins to blow. Her face looked like there was some deep regrets within it. But she also seemed like she was trying her best not break her façade at all. Whatever was the case, I'm sure there was a reason as to why she did what she had done.

"Come on, we're not there yet." I told her.

Yumiko followed me for another brief walk until we have finally reached that place.

Yumiko heavily sighed as she saw what was in front of her. It was a makeshift gravestone. Cut and carved by my own equipment. The stone reads our dear friend's name, "Rose Lindow". Yumiko quickly turned away as soon as she recognize who's grave it was. Violet did not looked away but her expression tells me that she really was feeling bad about what had happened. She only wished for the best of Yumiko...but at what cost?

"Yumiko." I tried to call her but she didn't respond. "Yumiko!" I tried to turn her body to face me.

But she continues to deny herself as she forcefully turned her back against me. Violet had begun to feel concern for Yumiko. But she couldn't really do anything else but watch the scene unfolds itself. Having enough of Yumiko's denials. I forced upon myself to act accordingly. I turned Yumiko once again and hold her in place. I raised my hand. Smack! That's the sound that my hand makes as it quickly swooshed by Yumiko's cold cheeks.

"Enough, Yumiko...You don't have to look away, please. You can look at it..."

Yumiko was murmuring, "But..."

"You, did this!" I yelled. "But it's not my right to forbid you from seeing her off. That's not what Rose would want."

Yumiko's cheek had started to look reddish. Her façade slowly crumbled as teardrops started to travel down to her cheeks. I step back and let her see it for herself. Yumiko got closer to the grave. She kneels down towards it as she started sobbing.

"...Rose...I'm sorry..." Yumiko was forcing herself to speak, "...I had to...if I didn't...Violet would be gone for good...I don't want that...we don't want that..." She continues to sob, "...I'm really...really sorry...".

I knew it had something to do with Violet. It has always been about Violet most of the time when she was being serious. And this was one of those times where she had to do what needs to be done. I can't be the one to blame her but she did pulled the trigger. She did execute the plan. But she had made her decision. A very hard decision, I'm sure.

After letting Yumiko mourn at Rose's grave, I told her, "We made a promise..."

Yumiko slowly nodded, "We did..."

"Then let's do it..." I opened up my Dimensional Inventory.

Yumiko was surprised for a bit, "...what?"

I brought out a cake. While it wasn't the same one as what Rose had intended to give to us, it was however a chocolate cake.

"But I..." Yumiko could not believe what she was seeing. "I thought I crushed it..."

"You did." I told her so. "This one is new...Mei taught it for me. I made this for us...so we can fulfill the promise."

Yumiko was doing her best to stop her sobbing, "Zen..."

"I'm not sure if you're going to like it or not..." I smiled, "But at least we can finally do this, right?"

Violet who was right besides us also started to quietly cry as she watches over us.

After countless of tries, Yumiko finally mustered the strength to say, "Alright then...Let's eat that cake...just as we promised...together." She said that as she also looked at Rose's grave.

And so, we did what was promised. The 'three' of us enjoyed a quiet and serene moment as the soft breezing wind touched our skins. Some of the wilted rose was also carried by the wind as it landed someplace further than it was originally planted.

Several minutes had passed and the cake was finished. It wasn't a big cake. It was enough for the three of us including Violet. It was delicious. I'm glad Mei taught me properly. But that also means that it was time for us to go.

Yumiko puts down a red rose on top of Rose's grave. Violet followed suit by placing down a violet rose. And finally, I placed down a blue rose at her grave. We prayed to The Great Will for her life in the afterlife. We packed our bearings and leave the garden.

"You wanna know something that I always wanted to do ever since I was in high school, Zen?" she suddenly asked me.

"What is it?" I wondered.

She then told me, "I always wanted to be an idol. A real idol. One that sings and touches the souls of peoples."

I smiled and hug her for a moment. After everything was ready, we set our ourselves back to the campus.

As we were making our way back to the campus, I told Yumiko, "So, is Violet save for now?"

"The deal is over. I was supposed to kidnap all of the dragon inheritors." She told me.

"Including yourself?" I wondered.

"Technically, yeah." She sighed, "But it's getting harder to do this. I don't think I'm able to keep going. I know I love Violet, but I also love you guys. Even you, Zen. And I'm not lying."

"That's good. But that mean Violet is still in trouble, right?"

Yumiko nodded, "Yes. Much to our surprise, Nova had come into contact with Lord Kitsuneki. He is still alive. All of the other Champions of Chaos is still alive."

"Of course..." I shake my head.

Yumiko continued, "Through Nova, Lord Kitsuneki promised that he will take away Violet away from me if I ever dare to cross Nova. He said that he will personally do it. Lord Kitsuneki is capable of doing that with a certain artifact he has."

"So will he come to you?" I wondered.

Then suddenly, Yumiko started to sound determined, "I don't think so."


Yumiko proclaimed her resolution, "He won't be coming for us, Zen. We'll be coming for him. As well as the other Champions of Chaos. Let's end this...Together."

I happily nodded, "Yes...Together..."