
Infinitum Crystals [V] - The Champions of Chaos

This is the 5th and final book of The Infinitum Crystals series. New readers are recommended to at least start on Book 2 / The Snow Phoenix. After the events of the ending of Book 4 / The Conquest of Virtue, the main characters finally confronts the main organizations that have been stalking them since their appearance in Book 1 / The Magic Duel. It all comes full circle as old characters will finally interact with current ones as they all assemble together to fight against a common enemy that threatens the future of the land of Atia.

Cyclone_A · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 7.15 - Mei - The Calvary Arrives

As the demons were still raging about at the academy's campus, Yumiko, who has decided to switch sides have ordered her demonic force to fall back and return to their domain. And just like that, before we know it, the demon invasion was finally over. In a manner of hours later, we found out that the blockade made by the Military Forces have been lifted. We were still wondering why there wasn't a single Military Forces coming in to help us during the invasion. Fitz theorize that Nova has something to do with the government but we can't be so sure of that yet.

But leaving that behind, Sonozaki and the others had finally arrived bringing along dozens of help from all over the country. Well, to be precise, most of the help comes in the form of ex-students of Soul Power High School. They were supposed to come earlier but because of the blockade, they had to wait outside of it until it was over. Luckily enough, there were two like-minded folks who decides to sneak through the blockade and enter the area. And that was Rika Lightning and Fitz Triangulum.

We were able to fight against the demon thanks to the shared power of those two individual. But now that the demons matter was over, we have to look forward into what was coming next. And that was The Champions of Chaos. Yumiko told us that their current plan was to kidnap Zenith and I so that Nova could finally become what she thinks and assumes to have, god-like abilities.

"Sounds terrifying." I replied back to Yumiko's story.

She gently nodded, "It is indeed. And right now, we're out of luck if we want to defeat him. Even in his incomplete form, he is still a powerful foe."

Zenith added, "Let's not forget that he also has The Champions of Chaos alongside him."

"And there is a specific Champion who intends to hunt me down after I switched sides...Lord Kitsuneki, The Chaos Shogun. My former master..." Yumiko thinks for herself.

Zenith looked at her with a sad look but she quickly turned that frown upside down and tried to cheer Yumiko up, "Not to worry, Yumiko. We're all here for you!"

"Really? Because I don't think everyone else are with me..." Yumiko looked around the cafeteria that we were in.

Everyone's eye were on Yumiko. It was distrustful eyes. They knew what Yumiko had done and they know very well not to be tricked again. But then there's Zenith, she's the only one who was supporting her. I would join in as well but I still have my doubts about her for the time being. What she had done was a horrible thing. Unforgivable, maybe. But whatever happens after this, won't be something worse than what we've faced so far.

As the situation kept getting tense, Sonozaki walked towards our table.

"Don't mind them, Yumiko. Zenith did told us that you were forced into doing what you had to do." Sonozaki was being considerate. "It's terrible, yes. But you still have time to redeem yourself."

Yumiko then smirked and replied, "Oh please. Being public enemy number 1 is always one of my biggest dream. I don't really care about them." she chuckled. "And besides, we have important things at hand right now. We don't have time to dawdle on what I did."

"And you haven't changed much even after all of that..." Rika joined our table with her own meal. "I'm honestly surprised to find out that you can cry like a normal human being."

"And who are you again?" Yumiko mocked Rika.

Rika was not bugged by her words as she efficiently glossed over it, "Someone you shouldn't be messing with." she said that while having a very cheerful smile.

Yumiko expression turned to annoyed as soon as she realize that there was another 'Zenith Type' over here. The only thing she could do was to sigh in disbelief.

"Putting that aside..." Sonozaki continues, "If we don't want the enemy to come to this campus..."

Mei finishes it for him, "We have to bring the campus to them."

"What does that mean?" Zenith didn't quite get it.

Sonozaki explained to her, "What we mean is that we are the offensive now. We attack their fortress."

Rika added her insights, "It's better if we do it at a moments notice. The sooner we do this, the higher the chance that the enemy won't see us coming."

But then Yumiko advised, "Let's not do it like that, Miss Lightning. We have a lot of stomach to feed here and I think I'm the only one who knows about whatever the heck the enemy has on their side. We don't go straight head on like Zenith does."

"Uh...what?" Zenith was dumbfounded by Yumiko's joke.

Ignoring that, Rika complied, "What can you tell us, then?"

"Let's see...Is there anything I can draw on?" Yumiko asked.

"Hold up." I grabbed something from my Dimensional Inventory, "Here." I placed down an A2 sized parchment.

Yumiko was impressed, "Where the heck did you get this parchment? Haven't seen this kind of paper apart from those old books in the library."

I quickly explained to her, "We've hunt a number of animals during our quest at Zhongguo."

Yumiko nodded as she began to scribble down some dots and lines. She began to draw the supposedly layout of the surrounding mountains.

"The fortress is surrounded by hills and mountains." Yumiko began drawing some boxes and squiggly lines. There's only about a 10 kilometre in diameter of flat land with the fortress steadily stood in front of an impossible mountain. We can't climb that mountain from the other side and ambush it."

Yumiko then begins to draw something else on the other side of the map.

"With the entire area being surrounded by mountains and hills, we can't afford to immediately bring in all of our force at once. Doing that will only slow down our advancement and that means that the enemy will realize of our movement. I say we do this group by group or is their anything better?"

Rika asked, "Are the entry path that one hill only?"

Yumiko shakes her head, "Not necessarily. This is the shortest hill. There are several hills that can be used as well. This one, is the quickest one at least."

Rika replied, "Let's do it like you said, split up our forces into groups. But we won't going in one by one through that one hill." Rika began drawing something on the parchment, "Each group will come in from different hills. The timing of each appearance will vary but if we have a vanguard team that stayed firm and do this right, it won't be a problem for us."

Yumiko grinned, "Interesting. Any objections?" she looks at everyone else.

There was no objections.

Yumiko finishes, "Then I guess we can go with this." She then added, "And about the enemy, most of them will definitely be monsters controlled or ordered by the remaining Chaos Champions. There won't be other humans besides them."

"Then there won't be any problem about killing them, right?" Sonozaki wondered.

I slightly nodded, "I guess so..." After I said that I slightly turned around my head and saw Typhon Blanc who was apparently been hearing us discussing the plan.

I almost forgot that as much as eliminating those monsters won't be much of a problem for all of us. We haven't considered what Blanc was thinking considering that she's originally a monster that turned into a science experiment.

But then suddenly, Blanc marched towards our table and volunteered, "I'll be in the vanguard group. I'll push through the line with my chainsaw blade." Blanc was determined.

Zenith then asked her, "Are you sure about that, Blanc?"

"I'm definitely sure." She had a fierce facial expression. "So what if they are monsters? We thrived in a dog eat dog world. This is my calling. I was born for this."

She was serious. And I also think that sentimental also comes in the form of Zero Yohna's death. Zero was one of the lab representative that keeps an eye on Blanc's behaviour. He's been doing that since her capture. He knows all her life and she knows him for probably most of her 'human' life. To know that someone like that is long gone for good will definitely put a lot of darkness within oneself. And sometimes...we need some darkness in our lives...

Zenith then applied for herself, "Then I'll be joining as well."

Rika also steps in, "Then let me amplify that group too."

"Good." Sonozaki was happy. "Anyone else?"

Then, coming from the corner of the cafeteria, one guy volunteered. "Can I join in the front line as well?"

He had a blond hair with a short bangs on the front. He was wearing a combination of armor and clothing all over him. The clothing part was in blue while the armor was made out of steel. He had a pair of steel gauntlets as well as steel boots. He was armed and ready like a true knight but he doesn't have a helmet or a sword at all.

Sonozaki then replied, "Oh? You? Why of course you can."

"I'll do my best." He nodded.

This knight was one of The Top Seven Students of Soul Power High. His name is Luther Pendragon. There was a rumor that stated that he comes from a legendary bloodline but nobody can confirm. But what I can confirm however, was that he is a knight through and through.

Luther approached to our table and introduced himself, "Luther Pendragon at your service." He gently bowed to us.

Rika then smiled and said, "Welcome aboard, Luther. Looks like we're doing this together again, huh, Luther? It's almost like the time when White arranged our group. Too bad we can't do a complete Top Seven Students set with Sonozaki and Mei here on the sidelines."

"Let's not forget about Haze who is on the other side as well as Faith Rayna and Rin Zeelint." Sonozaki reminded them.

Rika remembered them, "Oh yeah? Where are those two girls?"

Then I told Rika, "Those two are looking around the campus. And I believe those two might have some interesting encounter with a particular type of person..."

Oh yeah, now I realize something interesting. Rin Zeelint, with the ability to summon all kinds of monster using cards sounds like she'll be fast friends with another card type wizard over here. Specifically Lin August from Zenith's class. Also, Faith used to be known as The King for her chess-like expertise in battle. Despite being stuck with a masculine name, I'm sure she didn't care about that at all. But it might be a cool interaction to see what Faith would think about The Queen of the campus, Sam Maximus.

"I guess we have our vanguard team now." Sonozaki finishes. "So who's exactly commanding this entire force?"

"It's decided already." Then suddenly out of the blue.

A girl with a striking long red and black hair enters the cafeteria. She was wearing sort of like a modification of a priestess robe. Behind her was Sam Maximus who seemed to not be in a good mood. I wonder what happened.

"I'll command the entire force, with Sam by my side." This was the Faith Rayna that I mentioned previously.

It looks she has already made her presence known by simply 'taking care' of whatever happened between her and Sam a couple of while ago. My best bet? She beat her in a duel.

"When are we doing this?" she asked.

Zenith nods and stood up, "We're doing this tomorrow at sundown." she was ready to give it all.

With all have been said, we started preparing for the next day. Everyone has their reasons to join the fight but in the end, we all have one thing in common. And that is we are determined for a better future.