
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

way to break the game

[You left Glory City smoothly and went all the way east. After seven days, you arrived at Azure Heaven City. ]

It's done!

Song Chengyu did not show up!

Sun Yu's excitement just started to rise, and

suddenly the smile froze on his face.

[Outside Azure Heaven City, Azure Jade Sect sect master, Li He stopped you and asked where you learned Azure Jade Fist Art from. ]

[You can't answer, the Azure Jade Sect disciple swarmed you and beat you to death in front of the city gate. ]


Why did Li He know about it?

Did someone tell Qi Xiao's cause of death?

It should be like this,

Otherwise, how did Li He will know that he has learned Azure Jade Fist Art.

Sun Yu temporarily stopped the simulation, and now he has no clue.

After taking a deep breath, he calmed down and sorted out the results of these simulations a little.

He found that he had nowhere to go, and that he was dying every time. Come on,

The longest is to escape to Azure Heaven City and live for seven days…

"Huh, that's not right!"

Sun Yu thinks forward After a while, the longest time he lived should be the time he didn't choose to leave the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion!

I thought Heavenly Medicine Pavilion was the center of trouble and wanted to escape, but

didn't expect that the middle of vortex was the safest place.

Although Zhou Zitian also came to the door,

But looking at the attitude of the other party, it is obviously impossible to force it!

let's do!

He was about to continue the simulation,

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Sun Yu got out of bed and opened the door.

Then I saw a maid, supporting a woman with a beautiful face and a tall and slender figure.

After taking a look, Sun Yu knew who she is,

This person should be the Young Pavilion Lord of Heavenly Medicine Pavilion,

Wang Zhonglin's daughter, Wang Ziru.

Her thick black hair was slightly curved, just over her round chin.

A pair of phoenix eyes looked straight at Sun Yu.

Although the injury has not recovered, her face still looks pale,

But it does not show weakness at all, and there is a heroic spirit all over her body,

Obviously a Martial Artist with a high rank.

This made Sun Yu's mind involuntarily emerges a word from a previous life – "river and lake".

"many thanks Brother Sun for life-saving grace!"

Wang Ziru bowed her head, cup one fist in the other hand and salute.

The maid introduced:

"This is our Young Pavilion Lord, Wang Ziru."

"Oh, Young Pavilion Lord injury has not recovered, why Are you here to thank me?"

Sun Yu complied, laughed, raised his hand and let the two of them go into the room:

"Please come inside."

Waiting for the maid Supporting Wang Ziru to take the seat, she opened the mouth and said:

"I came here in a hurry, not mainly to thank you."

Sun Yu had expected it, said with a smile :

"It's not for thanks, it's for apprenticeship?"

Hearing this, Wang Ziru stared with a pair of phoenix eyes and said in surprise:

"You How would you know!"

Although Wang Ziru is the Young Pavilion Lord of the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, she is not interested in practicing medicine.

she prefer cultivation, and she is very competitive,

This time, she was injured by the same realm Qi Xiao and almost harmed the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion. She had already thought through the pain.

Because of her lack of strength,

I thought It's good to go to Azure Heaven City to find a teacher, and come back to take revenge.

But just now I heard the father say that Qi Xiao has been killed by Sun Yu who saved her life,

Also, Sun Yu is also a Grade 6 Martial Artist.

Wang Ziru can't help it now,

How can there be such a big gap when it's all Grade 6?

At the moment, she put her mind on Sun Yu,

But who knows, she just said a word, and the other party told her true thoughts.

Sun Yu leaned against the wall next to him and pointed to the bloodstained fortune-telling flag, saying with a smile:

"Naturally it is calculated."

Wang Ziru looked at the words "asking fortune-telling" on the banner, and she was a little suspicious.

But since she was told by the other party,

she no longer hesitated, and immediately said:

"Brother Sun, since you know it, I'll just say it straight, I want to worship you as my teacher!"

Sun Yu hasn't spoken yet,

Wang Zhonglin ran in from the door anxiously, and when he saw his daughter, he said nervously:

"My little ancestor! Why are you running around while your injury is not healed! Why don't you hurry back to the hospital bed? Stay here!"

After saying this, he turned around and forced a smile at Sun Yu:

"Little Friend Sun, let you laugh,

this It's the little queen who is self-willed, normally very sensible, she didn't disturb you to rest?"

Sun Yu waved his hand and smiled.

Wang Ziru said reluctantly:

"Father, I have my own measure!

Besides, what's the matter? I'm apprenticing to Brother Sun. Don't worry about it, just go back."

"Apprentice! What kind of Apprentice! You don't think you've caused enough trouble!"

Wang Zhonglin stared, scolded:

"If you didn't think about practicing martial arts every day, you often challenge others outside, and learn from others,

How could you have been beaten by Qi Xiao?

After the injury is healed, you are not allowed to leave the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion for one year,

obediently and honestly follow me to study medicine!"

"I don't!" Wang Ziru's voice also echoed it Gradually getting bigger:

"Dad, don't you understand? Studying medicine can't save Heavenly Medicine Pavilion!

We must grow stronger! If you and I are both Just like Yuxiu City Lord, a Grade 1 Martial Artist.

Do you think the Qi Family dares to come to us?"

"Dare to talk back!" Wang Zhonglin's forehead jumped, and shouted at his daughter

"You…you're getting more and more impudent!"


Wang Ziru coldly snorted Twist the head and no longer paid attention.

Wang Zhonglin's chest was up and down, and he seemed to be very angry.

He first looked towards Sun Yu, and said a little sorry:

"Little Friend Sun, I'm sorry. , the little girl doesn't know the importance,and let you laugh."

Then,he went over to grab Wang Ziru's arm and said:

"Go! What are you doing here, don't disturb Little Friend Sun's rest,

I will teach you a good lesson when I go back!"

Wang Ziru leaned sideways completely motionless.

Wang Zhonglin didn't dare to use force, he scolded and cursed,

he was very caring to this daughter,

dare not He hit hard, for fear of hurting her.

So, the two stood still.

Sun Yu watched the show for a long time and felt that it was almost the time.

Besides, he also felt that what Wang Ziru said has several points of truth.

Your strength is very important!

"Pavilion Lord Wang, Young Pavilion Lord still has several points of truth. Besides, she is also for Heavenly Medicine Pavilion!"

Sun Yu persuaded.


Wang Zhonglin sighed.

He did know that his daughter was right,

But Martial Arts Realm, how could it be so easy to improve?

even more how to become Martial Artist Grade 1?

there is Heaven beyond the Heaven there is Person beyond the Person.

Moreover, this Pingle City Qi Family is just a branch, with its own family on it,

There are also various messy forces,

If you want to rely on your strength to protect yourself, when will you be the best?

Seeing that his expression softened, Sun Yu said to Wang Ziru again:

"Young Pavilion Lord, you should go back and heal your injury first,

You In this state, let alone saving Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, I'm afraid it will be difficult for cultivation."

Wang Ziru turned her head and said excitedly:

"Then you agree to accept me. As your apprentice?"

Sun Yu said with a smile:

"You don't have to worry about accepting an apprentice, but it's fine to teach you two tricks first."

Although Wang Ziru made him quite fond of her

but Sun Yu is not so casual,

At least he has to see if the other party is worthy of his teaching.

Wang Ziru was a little disappointed at first, but thought it was not bad to learn two tricks,

she immediately became happy again:

"Hey, this is what you said. That's right! Xiao Cui, help me back!"

The maid Xiao Cui immediately stepped forward and took Wang Ziru away.

Wang Zhonglin moved towards Sun Yu with a grateful smile, turned around and chased after her,

while shouting:

"Ouch! little ancestor eh , walk slowly! Don't get hurt again!"

Sun Yu smiled and closed the door, only to find that the sky was already dark,

At this moment,The full moon is hanging in the air like a jade plate, looking at the back of the father and daughter in the moonlight, he suddenly remembered that it turned out to be the Mid-Autumn Festival tonight.

"I don't know if there is any chance to go back."

Sun Yu sighed in his heart, but for a moment, a smile appeared on his face:

"What are you thinking about! When I'm invincible in the whole world, I'm afraid I can't find a way back?"

Sun Yu returned to the house, recalling the thoughts that were interrupted before,

Ready to find a way out in the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion:

"Continue to simulate!"

[At eighteen, you became a Grade 6 Martial Artist and were invited to be a guest at the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion , and promised to teach Wang Ziru two tricks. ]

[Seven days later, Wang Ziru, who was healed, raised quite high under your guidance. ]

[On this day, Zhou Zitian came to challenge the War, and after the narrow victory, he even provoked you in every possible way. You turned a deaf ear, turned your head and left. ]

[Three days in a row, the opponent keeps coming to challenge you, and you refuse to fight. ]

[On the fifth day, Zhou Zitian put down the ring in the city and challenged you in public, but you still chose not to fight. ]

[There are more and more rumors about you in Pingle City. ]

[After a few months, the rumours have become more and more extreme. they can say anything. In Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, it is even spread that you are just a pretty boy who eats with your face. ]

[You don't take these rumors seriously at all, and only focus on cultivation. ]

[You can stand it, but Wang Ziru, who claims to be your Disciple, can't accept it. She left the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion in anger and took the initiative to challenge Zhou Zitian, only to be beaten to death in the ring by the opponent.]

[Wang Zhonglin, who was informed of this news, fell ill in bed because of his qi and blood. ]

[Three days later, Wang Zhonglin died of illness and the funeral was over. City Lord Yu Xiu completely abandoned the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, Heavenly Medicine Pavilion when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, and Qi Family came to receive it.]

[You are angry with yourself, don't want to leave, and want to fight to the death, Zhang Zhong, who has already joined Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, is with you. In the end, both of tyou died here. ]

This simulation lasted for several months, but Sun Yu was not very happy, but felt a little embarrassed.

He chose the first reward a little glumly, raising the cultivation base a little.

In my heart, I keep thinking about the method of cracking.

He watched the simulation process over and over again, thinking about the way to crack it.

"It seems that Heavenly Medicine Pavilion finally collapsed, not because of Wang Zhonglin's death, but because of the change in the attitude of City Lord Yu Xiu after his death…"

"That's right! The real reason why the Qi Family doesn't dare to fight the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion is the City Lord Yu Xiu, who represents the Imperial Court!"

"If I can hug his thigh, not only can I Avoid the Qi Family threat, even Song Family's,

And, this way, Heavenly Medicine Pavilion won't be swallowed up so soon!"

"There is a way Now!" Sun Yu felt that he had found a way to break the game, and immediately said excitedly:

"Start the simulation!"