
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Li Donghao

Wang Zhonglin pondered for a long time, then hesitantly stretched out two fingers,

glanced at Sun Yu, thought for a while, then withdrew one more, and then said with a smile:

"Little Friend Sun, a month, what do you think?"

One month, not long,

The other party is also considered to have Sincerity, barely acceptable.

And in the last simulation, this Heavenly Medicine Pavilion was not as ruthless as the Azure Jade Sect,

After he was injured, he was painstakingly healed for a long time. ,

And their Young Pavilion Lord is even more capable,

Although it is unclear whether She succeeded in revenge in the end, but the other party at least has this heart,

This made Sun Yu have a lot of good impression on the entire Heavenly Medicine Pavilion.

No matter what, he will be paid once, and the interest will be waived this month.

Sun Yu nodded in agreement.

Wang Zhonglin was overjoyed: "Okay, many thanks Little Friend Sun."

Immediately, he started to be sorry again,

After a while, Then he said:

"Ahem, Little Friend Sun, apart from this, I also hope that during this month,

you can stay in the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, help us, solve some troubles…"

Then, as if afraid of Sun Yu's rejection, he immediately added:

"Of course, I can pay you!"

This time, the word remuneration failed to hold Sun Yu down.

Let's not say that Heavenly Medicine Pavilion has not paid off a debt,

Sun Yu had already seen it while eating,

This Wang Zhonglin Although has always been polite to him, his strength is not weak,

even stronger than him, at least a Grade 5 expert.

If something really happened, wouldn't he just come forward directly?

Sun Yu wondered:

"Pavilion Lord Wang is joking, as far as I can see, you are at least a Grade 5 expert,

If someone bothers you, can't You settle it, what's the use of my trifling Grade 6?"

"Little Friend Sun, you don't know." Wang Zhonglin said bitterly:

"We Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, mainly cure diseases and save lives,

Although Martial Artist, we knows nothing about fighting,

Not to mention Grade 5 of the same level, it is a slightly stronger Grade 6 Martial Artist, I am not his opponent…"

Now Sun Yu feel even more strange:

"Then you can still survive under Qi Family until today?"

Wang Zhonglin sighed:

"Ai, don't mention it, if it wasn't for me and the City Lord Yu Xiu of Pingle City being a family friend,

He was the one who help us solved the Qi Family pressure, if not i am afraid my Heavenly Medicine Pavilion is long gone.

However, as a person who is involved in the Imperial Court, he should not interfere too much.

Although he can prevent Qi Family from swallowing us up by force,

But there is nothing he can do about it,

That's why I want to ask Little Friend Sun for help."

Sun Yu understood when he said that.

The Imperial Court is strong enough to compete with the Eight Great Families and had Great Influences.

With the City Lord Yu Xiu coming forward, the Qi Family does not dare to mess around.

He thought about it for a while, but did not rush to agree,

Now that I have money, I will simulate it and see the situation before agreeing

"Pavilion Lord Wang I understands your difficulty, but it's not a trivial matter,

The Qi Family is huge, I need to think about it."

"Yes, yes!"

Wang Zhonglin nodded, with a smile on his face:

"Then Little Friend Sun, think about it, these days, why don't you live in my Heavenly Medicine Pavilion first,

Let me show you the hospitality of the landlord?"

"Alright, let's trouble the Pavilion Lord Wang!"

That night, Sun Yu stayed at the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion,

Wang Zhonglin was really polite and prepared a big house for him.

The decoration is exquisite, the furniture is brand new, and it is quite comfortable to live in.

He sat on the bed and recharged the silver he had just received, then glanced at the balance:

[The recharge was successful,

The balance of simulated coins: 107, the simulated fee: 8 , start the simulation? ]

"Start the simulation."

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 6 Martial Artist and were invited to be a guest at the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion. ]

[That night, Wang Ziru, who was almost recovered, came to the door to express her gratitude to you, and at the same time wanted to take you as a teacher, but you refused. ]

[On the second day, you chose to leave the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion. Not long after you left, a beard man stopped you and said he wanted to chat with you. ]

[You didn't accept it, just left. ]

[After a while, you are stopped by a burly man who shouted and asked you where Zhou Zitian is. You don't know what he is talking about, so ignore it. ]

[The man is strong and powerful, he took action to capture you, took you to an abandoned residence and forced you and ask where Zhou Zitian is. ]

[It took you a long time to figure out what's going on. ]

[It turns out that the bearded man who wanted to chat with you at first was Zhou Zitian. The man in front of you, Li Donghao, misunderstood you because of that scene. ]

[You defended for a whole day before Li Donghao believed you. He was about to let you go when there was a gust of wind outside the house. He went out to check, but Zhou Zitian suddenly appeared in front of you and kill you .]

What is the origin of this Zhou Zitian?

Sun Yu didn't understand, he originally wanted to try to leave the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion to see if he could get out of this vortex, but didn't expect to die sooner.

He chose the memory of death and saw the face of the other party clearly.


Sun Yu remembered that in the previous simulation where he was severely injured,

The description of the person in the simulator also had a full beards!

The same person!

I just don't know why the other party came here…

There is also that Li Donghao, but looking at him, he should have a grudge against Zhou Zitian.

Maybe take advantage of it.

"Continue the simulation."

[Second day, not long after you chose to leave the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, a beard man stopped you and said he want to chat with you. ]

[You didn't accept it, just left. ]

[After a while, you were stopped by Li Donghao. He shouted and asked you where Zhou Zitian was. You tried to defend yourself, but Li Donghao, who was so angry, didn't listen. ]

[You were captured by Li Donghao, who took you to an abandoned residence for questioning. ]

[After a long time, Li Donghao, who had calmed down, believed you, and he was about to let you go when there was a gust of wind outside the house. ]

[When Li Donghao went out to check, Zhou Zitian suddenly appeared in front of you and killed you. ]

This Li Donghao is a bit reckless!

Sun Yu tried a few more times, all the same.

He can see it, there are only two possibilities to convince Li Donghao,

The first is to be taken away by him, until he calms down and can listen to others .

Alternatively, convince the other person directly.

But Li Donghao's strength is not weak. Like Zhou Zitian, he is also a Grade 5 expert, and True Qi is extremely strong.

It's not easy!

Try another way!

"Start the simulation."

[At eighteen, you became a Grade 6 Martial Artist and were invited to be a guest at the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion. ]

[Second day, you left the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, like the wind, hide your head all the way and left Glory City smoothly. ]

[You went all the way west, five days later, a man named Song Chengyu stopped you, and without a word, beheaded you on the spot. ]

Looking at Memories of Death,

Sun Yu has no doubts this time,

This guy must be from the Song Family,

The tyranny of his strength gave him no chance to resist at all.

"it's about a Grade 3, or a Grade 2 Martial Artist! It seems that this road will not work,

Continue to simulate."

Song Family is worthy of being one of the Eight Great Families,

Sun Yu has changed several directions, but has not been able to escape Song Chengyu's persuit.

The gap in strength is too large, and it is unlikely to turn around in a short time.

I glanced at the balance: 43, and there are 5 simulation opportunities.

And he has not been to the direction of Azure Heaven City,

Maybe there can be a glimmer of survival there?