
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Grade 5 Martial Artist

Tianshui Tea House, top floor.

"Fifth Master, Qi Xiao is dead." His subordinate Qi Heng came to report the news in a white clothed suit.

Qi Xianyi took a long sip of tea, and then asked:

"How did he die?"

His voice was flat, as if asking "" Have you eaten yet?"

Qi Heng immediately replied:

"Heavenly Medicine Pavilion's invited person is not weak, also Grade 6, with a pair of fists, forcibly beat Qi Xiao to death,

According to my observation, the two of them seem to have learned the same fist art."

"tsk tsk, under Grade 6, unrivalled throughout the world!" Qi Xianyi put down his teacup and said with a blank face,

"That means, Heavenly Medicine Pavilion has got Dark River Crow now?"

Qi Heng didn't dare to look up:


"Okay, let Zhou Zitian come over,

Since that person came from the Glory City he is in charge of, let him handle it."

Qi Xianyi sat in front of him with his hands folded, rubbing the jade wrench on his hands.

Qi Heng nods and asked another question:

"However, Zhou Zitian said that there may be a background behind that person, do we need to investigate first?"

"Huh, background? You ask Zhou Zitian when the time comes, this is Pingle City."

Qi Xianyi looked out the window as if the full moon was in front of his eyes and replied:

"Go on, by the way, go to Azure jade sect to find Li He and ask about it."

Qi Heng left, and after a while, another person came in to report:

"Fifth Master, Song Family Song Chengyu, would like to invite you to have tea."

"Oh? Song Family Seventh asked me for tea?" Qi Xianyi turned his head and smiled.

"Hehe, this is interesting. I haven't moved for a long time, so I'll take a trip!"


Glory City, in the gloomy dungeon under the casino,

"Papa!" Echoes in the dungeon.

The thief-eyed little servant brought Qi Heng with a proud face and a white clothed body.

Quickly walked into the innermost room, opened the mouth and said:

"Master Zhou, Fifth Master has sent someone to look for you."

"en?" Zhou Zitian was stunned for a moment,

Immediately, he slapped On the half-dead old man fiercely that was hanging in the air..

A feeble scream followed.

Qi Heng did not enter, but just stood at the door,

as if he was afraid of getting his clothes dirty:

"Zhou Zitian, Fifth Master will let you go to deal with the surnamed Sun."

"The surnamed Sun?" Zhou Zitian handed the whip to the servant, continued, then turned his head and asked:?

"You mean Sun Yu?"


"He's not dead yet? Qi Xiao lost to the man behind him?" Zhou Zitian was a little surprised.

"Behind?" Qi Heng sneered and said "That kid named Sun Yu did it himself."

"What!" Zhou Zitian who was wiping the blood on his hands stopped abruptly, stared at the other party and asked:

"Are you sure?"

"Huh." Qi Heng laughed:

"Qi Xiao's body It's still in Pingle City, if you don't believe it, just ask him if you don't believe it?"

"How is this possible!"

Zhou Zitian really couldn't believe it.

He clearly remembers that Sun Yu only has Grade 7…

Did he break through to Grade 6 after killing Song Lin?

Hi, a Grade 6 under twenty years old…

Now, Zhou Zitian is more certain that Sun Yu is a junior from a Great Influence.

Because of a loose cultivator, it is impossible to reach this realm.

"Would you like to send someone to check first?"

Zhou Zitian thinks it is better to be careful.

Qi Heng glanced at him with some contempt, leaned against the door and said with a smile:

"Oh, Fifth Master knew you would say that,

He asked me to ask you, where is Pingle City."

What is Pingle City?

Zhou Zitian frowned, immediately understood the meaning of Fifth Master.

Pingle City is the Fifth Master's site and Qi Family's site! Nothing to be afraid of!

Having made up his mind, he immediately nods and said:

"I understand."

"Just understand."

After Qi Heng finished speaking, he had no interest in talking to him,

turned and left, just left a sentence:

"Fifth Master in the past few days went out, hope When he came back, you had already dealt with the brat."

Zhou Zitian nods and was about to pack up and go to Pingle City.

The boy next to him hurriedly stepped forward, pointing at the body hanging in the air,

The only person who had been beaten was the old man who was only breathing in but not out, and asked:

"Zhou Zitian, what should I do with this guy?"

"hmph, what should I do?" Zhou Zitian glanced at the other person in disgust: "Dare to make problem on my site? Chop it up and feed the dog!"

"Hey, Master Zhou, isn't that bad?"

The servant hurriedly advised:

"I heard that this guy's big brother is The Vice-Gang Leader of the Roewe gang it is not weak…"

"hmph, I'm afraid of the Roewe Gang?"

Zhou Zitian, who had just been educated by Fifth Master's words, directly interrupted When he spoke, he said proudly:

"let him come to Pingle City to find me if he had a kind!"

Zhou Zitian left Glory City.

According to his instructions, the servant cut down Lao Qian and fed it to the dog.

In the middle of the night, Zhou Zitian's casino is booming, in a frenzy.

At this moment,

With a bang, the door was kicked open by a bald burly man,

He swept away fiercely. Everyone glanced at them, stepped forward, grabbed the boy's throat and asked:

"Speak! Where is my brother?"

The boy recognized him as the one Vice-Gang Leader Li Donghao of the Roewe Gang, who dared to hide anything, immediately said:

"he was killed by Zhou Ye,and fed to the dog!"

"What!" Li Donghao was furious , his squeeze so hard that he almost strangled the little boy to death:

"He dared to kill my brother! What about the bastards?"

"He, he…he went Pingle City!"

After the boy finished saying this with difficulty, his neck was twisted.

"Go away for Lao Tzu!"

Li Donghao drove away the gamblers and set fire to the entire casino,

and then turned to go to Pingle City rushed over.


[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 6 Martial Artist, invited to be a guest at the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, and promised to teach Wang Ziru two tricks. ]

[After seven days, Wang Ziru, who has already recovered completely, has grown a lot under your training. ]

[On this day, with the introduction of Wang Zhonglin, you met Yu Xiu, the City Lord of Pingle City. The other party appreciated you very much and wanted to keep you working in the city. You agreed. ]

[You became the Captain of Pingle City. With Yu Xiu's help, the Qi Family didn't choose to trouble you again, and the harassment of Heavenly Medicine Pavilion was much less.]

[Twenty-two years old, you have performed well in recent years. Yu Xiu incorporated you into the personal soldier and promoted you to the Black Guard of Lingyu. ]

[At the age of 23, the Qi Family took over the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, and Yu Xiu sent you to protect Wang Zhonglin and the others. ]

[At the age of 34, the conflict between City Lord Yu Xiu and Qi Family became more and more intense, and even several assassinations occurred in City Lord's Mansion. In retaliation, Yu Xiu vigorously suppressed Qi Family. ]

[At the age of thirty-five, you have finally broken through to Grade 5 Martial Artist after years of hard work. ]

[At the age of thirty-six, Yu Xiu sent you to lead a team of personal soldiers on a mission. On the way, you were attacked by a Qi Family expert disguised as a mountain bandit, and the entire army was destroyed. ]

Finally Grade 5!

After two simulations, Sun Yu got his wish.

He rejoiced, hugging Imperial Court's thighs.

However, the final outcome made him grit his teeth,

Qi Family has enough vengeance…


From the point of view of the simulation process, Qi Family should not target him, but revenge against City Lord Yu Xiu, he was just lying under the City Lord's hands That's it…

It seems that the Imperial Court is not a invincible either.

[The simulation is over, please choose one of the following rewards:]

[Martial Arts Cultivation Base at the age of 1 and 36. ]

[Experience skills at the age of 2 and 36. ]

[Memories of death at the age of three or thirty-six. ]

From the prompt that popped out, Sun Yu chose one.

Immediately, True Qi in his body reached a new level.

The difference between Grade 5 and Grade 6 is the difference between the strength of True Qi.

He couldn't even break the opponent's Body Protection True Qi before,

But not now.

Sun Yu looked at the balance: 11,

There was one last chance, he didn't plan to save, and started the simulation directly:

[Eighteen years old] , you were invited to be a guest at the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion and promised Wang Ziru to teach her two tricks. ]

[After seven days, Wang Ziru, who has already recovered completely, has grown a lot under your training. ]

[On this day, Zhou Zitian came to challenge, Wang Ziru's skill was not as good as others, and Zhou Zitian's wild words were even more provocative to you. ]

[You decide to give the other person some color to see. ]

[You hid your strength and shot, Zhou Zitian was tricked by you, and when he was about to lose, the Qi Family who came with him was unruly, secretly shot a sneak attack, and finally outnumber you ]

[Wang Zhonglin stepped forward to stop it, and was severely injured, and you were beaten to the point of death. Fortunately, City Lord Yu Xiu happened to pass by, which prevented the opponent from continuing to attack. ]

[Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, everyone, rushed to treat the two of you, but you were seriously injured, powerless, and eventually died of serious injuries. ]

Sun Yu hurriedly checked the death memory,

and found that the Qi Family person was wearing a square hat and white clothed,

It was human-like. , didn't expect to be so ignorant of martial arts!

"Okay, since you broke the rules first, don't blame me!"

Isn't it just that more people beat less people?

Who wouldn't!

Sun Yu has already made up his mind. When Zhou Zitian arrives,

he will definitely keep the other party and Qi Heng here forever!