
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Song lin's death

The vase is heavy and big, but it's a small thing for Sun Yu.

He gently put the vase down on the ground, knocked a hole in the bottom with his skill,

reached for it, with a slight oh la la sound ,

A secret book and a piece of paper appeared in his hands.

Sun Yu's face was filled with joy when he saw the thing with the moonlight coming in from the window.

One is the secret book of "Heavenly Martial Divine Art", as for the paper, it is a full one hundred taels of silver note!

"It's developed!"

Sun Yu put the secret book into his arms,

trying to recharge the banknote in his hand, but unfortunately the simulator did not react.

"It seems that I have to go to the bank to exchange it before I can use it."

He has collected the banknotes, and he has already taken what he should get.

There is no need to stay here for a long time, he turned around and left the room.

As soon as he appeared outside, the two brothers of the Song Family, who were hiding on the roof to monitor the entire mansion, found him.

Song Yu was so excited that he whispered:

"Cousin, the surnamed Sun is out!"

Song Lin also looked happy:

"Go, stop him!"

The two jumped down and blocked in front of Sun Yu,

Song Yu saw his calm expression, which he did not expect , I was a little disappointed for a while,

Then he said with a smile:

"Oh, fortune-teller, long time no see, ah, you are so Calm,

It must have been calculated by you that the two of us will come, right?"

Sun Yu nodded, with a serious look: "This is natural."

"Hahaha!" Song Yu seemed to hear a joke, pointed at him, and said:

"I just said it casually, didn't expect you brat, dared to agree,

If you really have the ability to figure things out, will you be blocked by my two brothers here?"

Sun Yu smiled slightly, without any excuse.

Song Lin on the side was more direct, both of his hands hugged his chest with an arrogant look, and said:

"Hand over "Heavenly Martial Divine Art", then I will let you go."

Sun Yu glanced at him and asked:

"Hand over the secrets and you will let me go?"

"hmph , what are you thinking! After handing in the secrets, give my twenty silver taels back!"

Song Yu coldly snorted, then arrogantly said:

"Then you kneel down and give Young Master a bow and apologize, maybe as soon as Young Master is in a good mood, he will let you go."

Sun Yu shook his head,

Just those twenty Silver tael he couldn't accept,

not to mention the latter demands.

"Why, do you dare not to agree?" Song Yu said with a grim expression:

"You don't think you have other options, do you?"

Song Lin showed a contemptuous smile at the same time, and moved towards Sun Yu's throat with a big hand.

Sun Yu's right hand pointed to form a sword, move True Qi up, tap on the opponent's palm,

Song Lin didn't expect the opponent really dared to resist, under the pressure his leg raised,


He didn't hold back the slightest effort, and directly knocked down the house in front of him.

Sun Yu had already used his previous strength to retreat to the side, unscathed.

And such a big movement also immediately attracted the guards in the house,

Lights appeared in the distance, and there were several voices:


"It's in the courtyard! Come and have a look!"

Remembering the previous reminder from the city gate guards,

Sun Yu didn't want to fight in Glory City either. raised his head and glanced twice, and then stepped on the high wall to leave this place.

"Where are you running!"

Song Lin, who had suffered a small loss just now, was unwilling to give up,

Actually rushed over like a bull.

Although he is burly, his speed is not slow at all.

With the blessing of True Qi, he is full of momentum.

As soon as Sun Yu stepped on the top of the wall, the guy banged and

knocked down the entire wall.

This house was originally facing the street.

The whole night market suffered because of his trouble.

Many people were beaten with gravel and covered in blood,

Cries sounded, and the good night market suddenly became chaotic.

Sun Yu took a look from a distance and saw several guards with imposing manners rushing over.

He didn't dare to stay for long, and hurriedly ran out of the city.


For The two brothers of Song Family it is impossible to let the cooked duck fly, and

hurriedly chased after him.

In the distance, the thief-eyed little servant and Zhou Zitian just arrived here,

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zitian with full beard immediately made a decision:

"Go, follow quietly and see what they're doing."


Out of Glory City, he ran to a forest,

Sun Yu's speed gradually slowed down.

"Hehe, run, why didn't you run?"

Song Lin, who caught up, smiled.

Sun Yu stopped, turned his head to look at each other, also said with a smile:

"Run? No, you're wrong, I'm not running, but want to find The right place…to solve you."

"Solve us? hahaha!" Song Yu laughed wildly:

"Cousin, this guy is crazy, Cousin please do me a favor, hurry up and send him on the road."

"Oh, that's exactly what I meant." Song Lin chased him all the way, and he was indeed impatient.

both of his hands clenched their fists and made a crisp sound,

then slammed on the ground, and the whole person rushed out like a cannonball.

Sun Yu didn't mean to dodge, just stood there, waiting for him to come.

Zhou Zitian, who had arrived at the scene, saw this scene and looked at it silently

"Tsk, you dare to stand on the spot and face the impact of the other side, this guy is dead. It's decided."

Song Lin he knew, but he was already a Grade 7 Martial Artist at the age of twenty-five.

And tall and strong, True Qi is strong and powerful.

This move is his famous stunt,

Ordinary Martial Artists of the same rank are fighting with him, and it is difficult to get benefits,

Not to mention the little-known, a nobody in front of me.

At this time, the servant next to him, after taking a close look at Sun Yu, suddenly exclaimed:

"It's him! Lord Zhou, that boy killed Wang qi !"

"What?" Zhou Zitian was surprised and immediately asked back:

"Are you sure? Then why did the Song Family attack him?"

"I'm sure, it's this kid, and I still have his portrait!" The boy immediately took out a creased drawing paper from his arms.

Zhou Zitian took a look at it and compared it to Sun Yu, who was standing in the same place with a peaceful face. It was indeed the same person!


He sneered and took a piece of cloth from the boy's clothes to cover his face.

"Master Zhou, what are you?" The little servant looked surprised.

Zhou Zitian said:

"The enemy of the enemy is the friend, you wait here, I will save that kid's life!"

He got up in a hurry, stepped forward, stood in place and ready to go.

Waiting for a opportunity to save Sun Yu's life,

saving the opponent's life and selling a great favor.

However, at this moment, the situation in the field changed again.

Song Lin's bull rush was actually blocked by Sun Yu with only one hand!

"You are also Grade 7!"

Song Lin was startled, and when he really fought at this moment,

he realized that the opponent's strength was no less than his own.

"Hehe, what do you think."

Sun Yu pushed and pulled the right hand that caught Song Lin's fist, breaking his center of gravity.

Song Lin was about to stand firm, but Sun Yu lowered his body, and

a quick sweep of his legs swept him down.

"Not good!"

The person was still in the air before falling to the ground, Song Lin had already realized that something was wrong.

Song Chengfeng said it well,

The other party really has something in his hand. If the two of them had a realm difference before,

He doesn't really care, he spends a lot of time. exhaust the opponents True Qi and beat him.

But under the same realm now, his True Qi can't take advantage of it in terms of quantity or quality.

"My life is over!"

Song Lin felt bitter in his mouth and despair in his heart,

but he didn't give up, although he couldn't move in the air ,

But after landing, it only takes a roll to pull the distance away, and then run away!

As for my cousin Song Yu…Bah! At this moment, with powerless to defend himself, who cares about him!

Song Lin just thought of a countermeasure, when he

suddenly met Sun Yu's eyes again.

"How come! How did he get up so fast?"

Song Lin was numb.

Sun Yu in front of him just lowered his body and gave him a swipe,

He hasn't fallen to the ground yet,

the other party is already standing in front , this speed…

Song Lin only knows that he is really finished this time…

Sun Yu right hand Palm Blade, slashing down with great power , cut Song Lin's throat fiercely before he landed.


Song Lin fell to the ground.


His hands, covered his throat, blood gushing frantically from his mouth…